How to download media from Kaltura

When new content is added to Kaltura, the download functionality is disabled by default. Once you enable the download feature, all users with access to the video will be able to download it.

To enable download:


  • Click on the video you wish to work on. 
  • Under the Actions dropdown, select Edit.

  • Select the Downloads tab.

  • Check Source File and one or more Available Formats. HD/1080P Recommended.
  • Click Save. A notification displays telling the user that the information was saved successfully.

To provide link to the video for a user to download, follow these directions.

  • Click Go To Media, copy link from the URL bar of your browser or select Share and copy link to send to user.

To download a media entry:

If you are not the media owner, but the media owner enabled downloading of this entry, you may download the media to your computer for future use.

  • Navigate to the link of the desired media entry.
  • Click the Download tab.
  • Under Actions, click Download (circled in red). The media is downloaded to your computer.