Tolley 204


Panoramic from front.JPG
Panoramic from back.JPG


Room Type: Technology Classroom-Registrar Scheduled

Seating Capacity: 23 (Floor Plan)

Room Features:

Teaching Station


Included on this teaching station:

Web Based Video Conferencing System


Located in this room is a front pan, tilt, zoom cameras. The camera and microphone are connected to the local windows computer for use with web-based video applications. (Camera Instructions)  

Some applications that can be used include:

Windows Computer


Located in the technology rack is a micro Windows Computer. It runs off of the most updated version of Windows.


Television Display and Inputs


Television Display System.

Display Sources:

  • Windows Computer

  • Selected Source on Controller

Playback and Public Address Speaker System


Located in the room are 2 Speakers on the front wall. These speakers project Playback and Public Address audio.

The following are included in the system:

  • Playback of audio from the selected source.

  • 1 Lavaliere Microphone (located in teaching station drawer) (Microphone Instructions)

Blu-Ray Player


Located in the technology rack or teaching station is a Blu-Ray player. When selected as a source this player can play the following:

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'ivy-ai' is unknown.