Faculty Commons Room 548C

Assisted listening device 

  • These devices receive all audio being projected in the room speakers and can be worn by users with hearing disabilities. Users have the ability to control volume and listen through an earpiece (3.5mm jack) that is connected to the body pack receiver. 
  • Located inside the cabinet (right door) in front of the room, the assisted listening device can be turned on by sliding the wheel to the left (out of the OFF position).  

assisted listening assisted listening on off

  • Use the Seek button or Channel Select buttons if you're unable to hear any sound, the device should be on channel C 

assisted listening seek buttons

  • Remember to switch the device off to preserve the battery.  

Blu-Ray player (plays DVDs) 

  • The Blu-Ray player is located inside the cabinet (right door) in front of the room, towards the top. The device also plays DVD discs.

blu-ray dvd player

  • Select Blu-ray from the Media Controller to activate on the HD Display Screen.  

blu-ray input

  • Remote control is located in the cabinet below the Blu-Ray player.  

blu-ray remote

Camera (video conference) 

  • A front camera is located on the front wall of the room. 

camera front

  • A rear camera is located on the opposite wall of the room. 

rear camera

  • The cameras can be accessed via the Media Controller's input selection under Camera Controls and will be available through videoconferencing software (Microsoft Teams, Zoom etc...) when using the Presenter PC.  

camera input camera controls

Computer speakers 

  • Speakers are mounted on the ceiling. 

computer speakers

  • They can be accessed via the Presenter PC (Settings->System->Sound) or HDMI input on your personal device. 

computer speakers device

  • Volume can be adjusted via the Media Controller under Main Volume 

computer speakers volume

Conference phone capable 

  • Located at the Circulation desk (Bird library, first floor), the conference phone can be checked out, along with your room key, at the time of the event.

conference phone bagconference phone

  • Locate an Ethernet cable in the room to connect the phone to (see Network).
  • Connect the USB-C-to-Ethernet adapter to the USB-C port on the back of the phone. Then, connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the adapter.

conference phone usb-cconference phone ethernet adapterconference phone ethernet connected

  • The screen may flash for a second, then you'll see the boot screen while the phone is starting (takes about a minute). Once finished booting, the main screen will show up displaying the conference phone's phone number.

conference phone boot screenconference phone main screen

  • Instructions on how to start a conference call is located here.
  • An overview of the phone schematics and instructions is located here.
  • Additional wired microphones (with Mute buttons) are available with the phone, they connect to the ports located on the left and right side of the phone. You can extend the microphones up to 7 feet (2.13m) from the phone. For best results, place the microphones between 3 feet (0.91 m) and 7 feet (2.1 m) away from the phone. 

conference phone additional wired microphonesconference phone wired microphone port

HD Display screen 

  • Two screens are located in the front of the room, mounted on the wall.  

hd display

  • The displays can be turned On and Off from the Media Controller under Displays. A Video Mute (stops displaying content on the screens) option is also available. Screens only have the capability to mirror each other's content (no extended display available).

hd display controls


  • Located on the cabinet in front of the room, an HDMI cable is available to connect personal devices to the HD Display Screen. 

hdmi cable

  • Select HDMI from the Media Controller to activate the input.  

hdmi input

Keyboard and mouse (wireless) 

  • A wireless keyboard and mouse are located in the room on the desk. 

keyboard mouse wireless

  • No setup is necessary. If either device does not respond, try replacing the battery (spare batteries are located in the cabinet drawer in front of the room).  

battery spares

Microphone (lapel, room) 

  • A lapel microphone is located in the drawer inside the cabinet in front of the room. 

mirophone lapel

  • Hold down the On-Off button for a few seconds to turn on and off.  

microphone on off

  • Lapel microphone should be on the 566.200 MHz frequency. 

microphone frequency

  • Remember to turn the lapel microphone off to preserve batteries.  
  • Replacement batteries are located in the cabinet drawer in front of the room.  
  • Microphone volume can be adjusted via the Media Controller panel under Mic Volume 

microphone volume

  • Room microphone is located on the ceiling of the room and available through videoconferencing software (Microsoft Teams, Zoom etc...) when using the Presenter PC. 

microphone ceiling

  • Additional/relevant information located here.

Media cabinet

  • Located in front of the room, the Media Cabinet contains the Media Controller, a ports hub with an HDMI, Ethernet and USB port cable, the Presenter PC, Blu-Ray player, Assisted Listening devices, lapel microphone, spare batteries, remote controls and an outlet port for power.  

media cabinet media cabinet ports hub

Media controller (touch panel) 

  • Located on top of the cabinet in front of the room, this is used to control the input and options of the devices available in the room via its touchscreen. 

media controller

Network (wired, wireless) 

  • An Ethernet cable is available on top of the cabinet in front of the room. 

ethernet cable

Presenter PC 

  • A Windows PC is available inside the cabinet in front of the room. Select PC from the Media Controller to access it.

presenter pc pc input button

Videoconferencing software settings  

  • When using videoconferencing software, the device settings should be set as followed: 
    • Camera – AV Bridge (front and rear camera options available through the Media Controller) 
    • Speaker – Extron HDMI 
    • Microphone – Microphone (AV Bridge)

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