Faculty Commons Room 548A

Camera (video conference)

  • A room-facing camera is located on top of the HD Display Screen. It can be accessed through videoconferencing software (Microsoft Teams, Zoom etc...) when using the Presenter PC.  


Computer speakers 

  • Speakers are built-in to the HD Display Screen.  
  • They can be accessed via the Presenter PC (Settings->System->Sound) or HDMI input on your personal device. 

computer speaker device

  • Volume can be adjusted via the Media Controller under Volume.  

computer speaker volume

HD display screen 

  • Located in the front of the room, mounted on the wall.  

hd display

  • The display can be turned On and Off from the Media Controller under Display.  

hd display on off


  • Located on the Media Controller, an HDMI input is available to connect personal devices to the HD Display Screen. 

hdmi port

  • Select LAPTOP from the Media Controller to activate the input.  

hdmi input

Keyboard and mouse (wireless) 

  • A wireless keyboard and mouse are located in the room on the desk. 

keyboard mouse wireless

  • No setup is necessary. If either device does not respond, try replacing the battery (spare batteries should be available in the room on the whiteboard tray. There are additional spare batteries in the media cabinet drawer in room 548C).  

Media controller (non-touch panel) 

  • Located on the wall (underneath the HD Display Screen), this is used to control the input of the devices available in the room.  

media controller

  • An HDMI and two USB ports are available. 

media controller ports

Microphone (room) 

  • Room microphone is located on the ceiling of the room and available through videoconferencing software (Microsoft Teams, Zoom etc...) when using the Presenter PC. 

microphone ceiling

Network (wireless) 

Presenter PC 

  • A Windows PC is available behind the HD Display Screen. Select PC from the Media Controller to access it.

presenter pcpresenter pc button

Videoconferencing software settings 

  • When using videoconferencing software, the device settings should be set as followed: 
    • Camera – Logitech Webcam C930e 
    • Speaker – SONY TV *00 
    • Microphone – Microphone (2- Logitech Webcam C930e)