Whitman Remote Desktop

When signing into Whitman Remote Desktop/RDS.syr.edu, after you enter your netid@syr.edu email address as your username, ensure you select 'Work or School account' - otherwise you will not be able to utilize Whitman Remote Desktop.

What is Remote Desktop?

Remote Desktop is a remote desktop session available to Whitman faculty, staff, and students by logging into https://rds.syr.edu. It provides a Computer Lab experience accessible over the internet and from any internet-connected device. Whitman Remote Desktop is the best way for students to use course-required software. 

How to access Remote Desktop?

How to access Virtual Machines from Remote Desktop Services? (Double Hop)

Why do we have it?

We have Remote Desktop for three reasons:

  • There are some software programs which due to licensing terms and restrictions, cannot be installed on personal computers.
  • It provides access to Windows-only programs for people who use Apple computers.
  • It guarantees an up-to-date and consistent experience when using Whitman software.

Who has access to Remote Desktop?

  • Whitman Active Faculty
  • Whitman Active Staff
  • Students enrolled in Whitman courses

What should you know about Remote Desktop?

  • Your G:  Network Drive and OneDrive are automatically mapped for you. 
  • All the software available in our labs is also available on Whitman Remote Desktop; it will look just like the labs

Please Note: Users logging into rds.syr.edu at times may experience a small delay during the login process. Please be patient.

What software is available on Whitman Remote Desktop?

Click here for the full list of software installed on Whitman Remote Desktop