2013-2014 CSWE Data

Table of Contents

Instructor Reports


Syracuse University
School of Social Work
Baccalaureate Social Work Program
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
As evaluated by field instructor
Last Completed December 2013

This form is used to assist the COA in the evaluation of the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards below:

4.0.2 The program provides summary data and outcomes for the assessment of each of its competencies, identifying the percentage of students achieving the benchmark. 

4.0.4 The program uses Form AS 4 (B) and/or AS4 (M) to report assessment outcomes to its constituents and the public on its website and routinely up-dates (minimally every 2 years) these postings.

All Council on Social Work Education programs measure and report student learning outcomes. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. A measurement benchmark is set by the social work programs for each competency. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Competency Benchmark
Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark

Identify as a Professional Social Worker

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Apply Ethical Principles

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Apply Critical Thinking

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Engage Diversity in Practice

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Advance Human Rights/Social and Economic Justice

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Engage Research Informed Practice/Practice Informed Research

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Apply Human Behavior Knowledge

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Engage Policy Practice to Advance Well-Being and Deliver Services

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Respond to Practice Contexts

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Practice Engagement

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Practice Assessment

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Practice Intervention

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Practice Evaluation

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Spring BSSW

Syracuse University
School of Social Work
Baccalaureate Social Work Program
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
As evaluated by field instructor
Last Completed May 2014

This form is used to assist the COA in the evaluation of the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards below:

4.0.2 The program provides summary data and outcomes for the assessment of each of its competencies, identifying the percentage of students achieving the benchmark. 

4.0.4 The program uses Form AS 4 (B) and/or AS4 (M) to report assessment outcomes to its constituents and the public on its website and routinely up-dates (minimally every 2 years) these postings.

All Council on Social Work Education programs measure and report student learning outcomes. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. A measurement benchmark is set by the social work programs for each competency. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Competency Benchmark
Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark

Identify as a Professional Social Worker

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Apply Ethical Principles

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Apply Critical Thinking

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Engage Diversity in Practice

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Advance Human Rights/Social and Economic Justice

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Engage Research Informed Practice/Practice Informed Research

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Apply Human Behavior Knowledge

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Engage Policy Practice to Advance Well-Being and Deliver Services

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Respond to Practice Contexts

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Practice Engagement

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Practice Assessment

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Practice Intervention

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Practice Evaluation

80% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor


Fall M.S.W.

Syracuse University
Syracuse University School of Social Work
Master of Social Work Program
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
As evaluated by field instructor
Last Completed December 2013

This form is used to assist the COA in the evaluation of the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards below:

4.0.2 The program provides summary data and outcomes for the assessment of each of its competencies, identifying the percentage of students achieving the benchmark. 

4.0.4 The program uses Form AS 4 (B) and/or AS4 (M) to report assessment outcomes to its constituents and the public on its website and routinely up-dates (minimally every 2 years) these postings.

All Council on Social Work Education programs measure and report student learning outcomes. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. A measurement benchmark is set by the social work programs for each competency. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Competency Benchmark
Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark
Community Organizing, Policy, Planning & Administration
Social Work with Individuals, Families and Groups

Identify as a Professional Social Worker

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Apply Ethical Principles

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Apply Critical Thinking

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Engage Diversity in Practice

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Advance Human Rights/ Social and Economic Justice

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Engage Research Informed Practice/Practice Informed Research

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Apply Human Behavior Knowledge

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Engage Policy Practice to Advance Well-Being and Deliver Services

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Respond to Practice Contexts

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Practice Engagement

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Practice Assessment

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Practice Intervention

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Practice Evaluation

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Spring M.S.W.

Syracuse University
Syracuse University School of Social Work
Master of Social Work Program
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
As evaluated by field instructor
Last Completed May 2013

This form is used to assist the COA in the evaluation of the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards below:

4.0.2 The program provides summary data and outcomes for the assessment of each of its competencies, identifying the percentage of students achieving the benchmark. 

4.0.4 The program uses Form AS 4 (B) and/or AS4 (M) to report assessment outcomes to its constituents and the public on its website and routinely up-dates (minimally every 2 years) these postings.

All Council on Social Work Education programs measure and report student learning outcomes. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. A measurement benchmark is set by the social work programs for each competency. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Competency Benchmark
Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark
Community Organizing, Policy, Planning & Administration
Social Work with Individuals, Families and Groups

Identify as a Professional Social Worker

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Apply Ethical Principles

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Apply Critical Thinking

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Engage Diversity in Practice

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Advance Human Rights/ Social and Economic Justice

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Engage Research Informed Practice/Practice Informed Research

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Apply Human Behavior Knowledge

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Engage Policy Practice to Advance Well-Being and Deliver Services

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Respond to Practice Contexts

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Practice Engagement

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Practice Assessment

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Practice Intervention

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Practice Evaluation

90% of students earning a “consistently demonstrates” or “generally demonstrates” rating as evaluated by field instructor



Student Reports

Spring BSSW

Syracuse University
School of Social Work
Baccalaureate Social Work Program
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
Student self efficacy assessment
Last Completed May 2014

This form is used to assist the COA in the evaluation of the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards below:

4.0.2 The program provides summary data and outcomes for the assessment of each of its competencies, identifying the percentage of students achieving the benchmark. 

4.0.4 The program uses Form AS 4 (B) and/or AS4 (M) to report assessment outcomes to its constituents and the public on its website and routinely up-dates (minimally every 2 years) these postings.

All Council on Social Work Education programs measure and report student learning outcomes. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. A measurement benchmark is set by the social work programs for each competency. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Competency Benchmark
Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark

Identify as a Professional Social Worker

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Apply Ethical Principles

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”



Apply Critical Thinking

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Engage Diversity in Practice

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Advance Human Rights/Social and Economic Justice

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Engage Research Informed Practice/Practice Informed Research

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Apply Human Behavior Knowledge

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Engage Policy Practice to Advance Well-Being and Deliver Services

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Respond to Practice Contexts

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Practice Engagement, Assessment, Intervention and Evaluation ***

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”

Breakout % below

Practice Engagement

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Practice Assessment

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Practice Intervention

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


Practice Evaluation

80% of percentage of students selecting a confidence rating of “strongly agree” or “agree”


*** Data not tabulated for expanded report categories at time of original reporting. 

Spring M.S.W.

Syracuse University
Syracuse University School of Social Work
Master of Social Work Program
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
Student self efficacy assessment
Last Completed May 2014

This form is used to assist the COA in the evaluation of the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards below:

4.0.2 The program provides summary data and outcomes for the assessment of each of its competencies, identifying the percentage of students achieving the benchmark. 

4.0.4 The program uses Form AS 4 (B) and/or AS4 (M) to report assessment outcomes to its constituents and the public on its website and routinely up-dates (minimally every 2 years) these postings.

All Council on Social Work Education programs measure and report student learning outcomes. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. A measurement benchmark is set by the social work programs for each competency. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Competency Benchmark
Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark
Community Organizing, Policy, Planning & Administration
Social Work with Individuals, Families and Groups

Identify as a Professional Social Worker

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Apply Ethical Principles

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Apply Critical Thinking

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Engage Diversity in Practice

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Advance Human Rights/ Social and Economic Justice

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Engage Research Informed Practice/Practice Informed Research

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Apply Human Behavior Knowledge

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Engage Policy Practice to Advance Well-Being and Deliver Services

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Respond to Practice Contexts

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Practice Engagement, Assessment, Intervention and Evaluation ***

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”

See % below

See % below

Practice Engagement

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Practice Assessment

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Practice Intervention

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



Practice Evaluation

90% of students reporting a high confidence level “strongly agree” or “agree”



*** Data not tabulated for expanded report categories at time of original reporting.