Student Research Resources

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Thinking about pursuing student research opportunities?

As a student in Falk College, you will have opportunities to work with researchers, professors, and fellow students (both graduate and undergraduate) exploring a variety of fields and approaches in each of the Falk disciplines. Research experience allows students to better understand published works, balance collaborative and individual effort, grow interest in graduate studies and influence career trajectories.

Development of research opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students is an important part of the Falk educational experience.

Selecting a Research Question

  • What was your favorite course? Why?

  • Are there questions in your academic field that are intriguing to you?

  • What are you curious about?

  • Do you have summer job or part-time job that has cultivated an interest in research? Why?

  • Is there a special population/issue in the field that interests you?

  • I want my life’s goal to help reduce/improve?

Getting Started

Finding a Faculty Research Mentor

  • Contact your academic advisor to discuss your interests in research and what Falk faculty might match your areas of interest. Remember you may not find a perfect match but participating in research develops many transferable skills, so even if the faculty is studying children and mindfulness and your focus area is play therapy – the common theme is research with children/development.

  • Identify three to five potential mentors with your advisor. Speak to faculty members after class or during office hours to request an appointment to discuss research. Bring your resume, transcripts, relevant work products, and ideas to share with potential research mentors.

  • If you find yourself unsuccessful in gaining a research position with a faculty member, please contact Katie Gratien in the Falk College Office of Research Development,

Opportunities for Support

Syracuse University’s Graduate School supports students working toward an advanced degree or credential with support, research and professional development programs at the certificate, master and doctoral level.

The Syracuse University Young Research Fellows Program for first and second year undergraduate students provides research funding of up to $4,000 over two years.

The Syracuse Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Engagement (The SOURCE) provides expanded funding opportunities and serves as a hub to foster and support diverse undergraduate engagement in faculty-guided scholarly research and creative inquiry across all disciplines and programs at Syracuse University. Student participants progress through initial training in research or other creative skills, to designing and revising the structure of their projects, and culminating in research, creative and professional contributions that are original and timely. Below are SOURCE funding opportunities:

  • The Undergraduate Research and Creative Works (URCW) Grant Program for undergraduate students provides research funding of up to $2,800 for summer grants and $5,000 for academic year grants.

  • The SOURCE Student Expansion Grants: Apply for SOURCE Expansion Grants (up to $1000) with application and review on a rolling basis. Allow up to 4 weeks for decision.

SOURCE Expansion Grants are available for students outside the twice-yearly application process. Students may apply at any time and will be notified of the status of their application within 4 weeks. The funds are intended for supplies/materials, conference or publication fees, and travel (when the University policy permits) only. A faculty mentor’s endorsement is required.

The Undergraduate Research Trauma Training Program is recruiting Veterans (and a limited number of non-Veterans) who are undergraduates to participate in this program sponsored by the National Science Foundation; participating students will earn a $3,370 stipend. Learn more about other NSF REU programs.

Falk Student Research Celebration

The Falk Student Research Celebration is an annual event that takes place to highlight undergraduate and graduate student research projects mentored by Falk Faculty. This event allows students to exercise what they have learned in the classroom, laboratory, through mentoring, and through peer-to-peer exchanges. Students submit posters for display and are judged by a committee of faculty, staff, and peers.

Participants compete for educational funds to present their posters on a larger stage, to attend a conference to gain further insights into their respective fields, or for other educational endeavors.

The Falk Student Research Celebration inspires students to get involved in a wide variety of academic research. This helps students discover new interests, opportunities, and new applications; building critical skills necessary for future careers.

For more information contact Katie Gratien, at the Falk College Office of Research Development.

View student research winners by celebration year: