Digital Sign Content Management


The iSchool has installed Content Manager Desktop on a server running Terminal Services so many users can access it.

I suggest that you prepare your content files using your own computer and place the files in shared folders for your department's digital sign. Those files live at


When the files are in the shared folders you can use CMD to create content that you can add to your signs.

Here is a link to ITS' support page for Four Winds

Connecting to

These instructions are for Windows computers only. You would have to be on campus or, if off campus, connected to SU's VPN. If you use the MacOS please send an email to and let me know. There's a solution for Macs and I can get you the details.

Launch Remote Desktop Connection

Press the Windows button

Type Remote Desktop Connection

Choose Remote Desktop Connection from the top of the start menu

Picture of Remote Desktop Connection icon in Start menu

Enter in the Computer field

Press Connect

If prompted "Do you trust this connection" press connect again

When prompted for credentials choose More choices and Use a different account

Remote desktop connection login window with Use a different account selected

Enter your department's m-4winds-as-xxx username and password. 

Remote Desktop Connection login window with userid entered

Now you're connected to a Windows desktop environment that has the CMD installed/

Launch Content Manager Desktop

There is an icon for CMD on the desktop. Double click it to launch CMD

Picture of Content Manager Desktop icon on desktop


Now you are able to use the CMD to manage content on your signs



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