Moderated Calendars in Outlook 365

When we make resource mailboxes (calendars) using the tools SU provides they are created with 3 groups that grant users with different rights. We (A&S computing) will populate these groups as you direct us. 

Group type


Mailbox Full Access (RW)

Grants members FULL mailbox access to all content within this mailbox, including the ability to manage all calendar content (delete, edit, create).

Calendar Read only (Reviewer)

Grants members of this group the ability to view details of the calendar items only. No ability is granted to book this resource nor to edit any existing content.

Calendar Direct booking (Booking)

Grants members the booking policy permission, which allows them to send calendar requests that will get auto-accepted so long as it doesn't conflict with other meetings on that calendar. Also allows members to do availability lookups against the calendar.

If you do not want your booking group's members calendar requests to be auto-accepted members of your RW groups are able to make these changes.

This will turn off auto-processing and you will define delegates who receive  meeting invitations that they may accept or decline. The tools to make these changes are available to you via the SUMail web interface as a member of the RW group.

Use your account in SUMail, open another mailbox. Connecting to a Shared Account in SUMail. Open the mailbox you want to modify. Select the settings gear in the upper-right  corner, select View all outlook settings from the bottom.

From Calendar > Resource Scheduling > Change the settings, turn off Automatically process event invitations and cancellations > save.

Back on the shared account select the calendar tab > ellipsis next to calendar > Sharing and permissions

Add a delegate

Assign delegate rights

Select Send invitations and responses to: Delegate and send me a copy.

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