Digital Signs

The iSchool digital signs are a way for the iSchool community to advertise what's happening around the school. Digital signs can be seen on the monitors in the first floor, in the ICE Box, and on the lab computer monitors when computers are not in use.

iSchool Student Groups / Organizations: iSchool student groups must have their event approved by iSchool Student Services before submitting digital signs.

Requesting a Digital Sign Design

*Note: we don't yet offer design services for iSchool student organizations. Student organizations should follow the directions under "Designing Your Own Digital Sign" below. 

Need help designing a digital sign? We have you covered. Ask using our Project Request form.

In your request, be sure to include:

  • Event name
  • Copy describing and promoting your event
  • Date
  • Time
  • Location
  • Contact/organizer name and email
  • Any additional graphics, logos, and photos you want incorporated in your design.

Designing Your Own Digital Sign

If you want to design your own digital sign, you can! Just be sure to follow the best practices listed below. When you're done, submit your sign to our team using the Project Request form.

You can also use a template provided by Syracuse University Marketing & Communications: Digital Signage Templates

  • You can submit your digital sign in two different formats:

    • Submit as a graphic (recommended): you can submit your digital sign as a 19:6 ratio graphic (JPG or PNG). It should be at least 1920 x 1080 px.

    • Submit as a PowerPoint slide: alternatively, you can submit your digital sign as a PowerPoint slide (.pptx) using the 16:9 aspect ratio. For best results, use system fonts that are readily available on a Mac or PC. Specialty fonts downloaded from the internet may not display correctly.
  • All events must have the following details:

    • Event name
    • Copy describing and promoting your event
    • Date
    • Time
    • Location
    • Contact/organizer name and email
  • Edit for clarity, spelling, and grammar before submitting your digital sign.
  • Use the current iSchool logo. You can find all current iSchool logos on MarComm's Answers page.  Submitted signs that use a retired logo will get kicked back.

Syracuse University Digital Signs

If you want to submit your event for Syracuse University monitors, the event organizer is responsible for creating and submitting signs. Requests to submit signs for the Syracuse University digital signs can be submitted to Orange Tracker as a Helpdesk Ticket. Please use "Syracuse University Digital Sign Request" in your ticket.

You must submit Powerpoint and JPG versions, RGB, as five (5) separate files:

  1. JPG - 4:3 aspect ratio (1440 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high x 150 pixels per inch)

  2. JPG - 16:9 aspect ratio (1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high x 150 pixels per inch)

  3. JPG - 8.5” x 11” x 200ppi for the vertical sign in the Schine Center main lobby

  4. Powerpoint - 4:3 aspect ratio (Standard: 1440 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high x 150 pixels per inch)

  5. Powerpoint - 16:9 aspect ratio (Widescreen: 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high x 150 pixels per inch)

Use filenames which indicate topic, date, and format (i.e., CBT F17 widescreen, SUAbroad 10-17 standard). Please don’t use generic filenames (i.e., digitalsign, promo, or other non-descriptive names).

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