Sample 50-Minute Class Session - Hy-Flex Delivery

CC Kevin Kelly SFSU

NB: This shows a hy-flex course with a fully asynchronous component. At SU, we are not including a fully asynchronous component requirement in our course design.



Time estimate

Synchronous in person

Synchronous online

Asynchronous online

Activity 0


All students complete an activity (e.g., background knowledge probe, self-assessment survey, low-stakes quiz to demonstrate understanding of reading material, muddiest point forum) before the class session meeting time



3 min

Instructor greets everyone and summarizes results of Activity 0

Mini- lecture 1

12 min

Students watch mini-lecture in classroom

Students watch mini-lecture via videoconf

Students watch recorded mini-lecture

Instructor prompt


Move to breakouts while students “Think

1 min

4 min

No matter where you are in time and space, I want you to think about [topic X] or answer the following [question Y]. Write down your ideas for one minute only.

  • If you’re in the room, turn to a (distant) neighbor and share what you wrote.

  • If you’re on the videoconference, I’ll put you in breakout groups of 2 or 3.

  • If you’re watching the recording, press pause and participate in the Think-Pair-Share discussion forum. Then come back and press play. I’ll summarize the ideas of the people who are live.

Activity 1 - Pair 

Bring students back


5 min

2 min

3 min

Students work in small groups (may require tech to keep distance)

Students work in breakout groups via videoconf

Students work in discussion forum

Mini- lecture 2

12 min

Students watch mini-lecture in classroom

Students watch mini-lecture via videoconf

Students watch recorded mini-lecture

Instructor prompt

2 min

We’re going to take a quick poll!

  • If you’re in the room or if you’re on the videoconference, use your computer or mobile device to take a quick poll using our platform (Zoom or Collaborate). Then answer these question(s) based on Mini-lecture 2:

    • What?

    • Why? 

    • How?

  • If you’re watching the recording, press pause and answer the same questions. Your answers will be added to the answers from the students who are with us live today.

Activity 2


2 min

Students submit poll answers

Students submit poll answers 

Students submit poll answers (asynchronously)

Instructor transition

1 min

Instructor describes poll results from students who are live. 



3 min 

Instructor summarizes key points from mini-lectures, assigns activities for all students to complete before next class session 

NOTE: To provide an equivalent learning experience for asynchronous learners, the instructor should create calendar entries/reminders to check the Think-Pair-Share forum and send out a quick announcement with updated poll results acknowledging changes due to asynchronous submissions.