Student Support Resource Toolkit
Resources for Academic and Student Support Personnel
These resources have been collated to provide academic advising and student services personnel with quick access to what students can expect in the online environment.
These resources are created and maintained by the Office of Online Student Success, which is available for support and guidance to staff working directly with students in the online environment.
Online Student Success:
Join us for a session(s) to learn more about the basics of the online environment...
These sessions provide introductory information to best equip advisors and student-facing staff to support students through their virtual experience.
Missed one of our training sessions and/or need a refresher? Please reach out to us via our email address above. We would be more than happy to assist you.
Content within these Resources:
Syracuse University Online Quick Reference Guide.pdf
Introduction to the SU Online Campus.pdf
Asynchronous Coursework Overview.pdf
Synchronous (Live Session) Overview.pdf
Success in the Online Environment.pdf
Blackboard Collaborate Session Checklist.pdf