Small Teaching Online-Bite Size Tip 1

By Dr. Jeanine Irons

Using Media and Technology Tools

Media and technology tools are, of course, an integral part of teaching online. In Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes, the author, Flower Darby, suggests the following:

  • Choose technology tools purposefully. When considering a new tool or app, even one from Blackboard, ask yourself the purpose for using it. If you don’t have a good pedagogical reason to use it, leave it out.
  • Choose technology tools that don’t obstruct learning. Avoid: difficult log-in processes, high costs, things that only work with a keyboard.
  • Have a good understanding of the problem you want to solve before you search for a technology solution.
  • Hold students accountable by including assessments such as a short quiz or reflection to ensure students watch video content attentively.

The CTLE ( is one choice for discussing pedagogical decision-making with regard to media and technology tools.  

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