Online Learning Resources Updates for Students (Archive)
We will update this page with new communications throughout the semester.
Past Updates
JANUARY 5, 2021
Happy New Year! The “Orange Online” team is excited to help you succeed in 2021. Each week, we will send you timely updates and helpful tips for learning in online, in-person and hybrid environments. You also can find helpful resources in the Online Success Toolkit.
As you likely know, Syracuse University will begin the Spring 2021 semester and residential instruction on Monday, Feb. 8, and conclude on Friday, May 21. Check the academic calendarfor updates to help you plan your semester.
IT Help Resources
The University’s IT community is ready to help with any technology-related issues you might have. In addition to school and college support staff, ITS offers support ranging from self-service on Answers to full-service assistance from the ITS Help Desk. Learn more about available resources.
Connect with ITS
You can follow ITS on Instagram for tips and tricks throughout the semester. You also can check out “Behind the Monitor,” the official ITS podcast, on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Best wishes for a great 2021—and go Orange!
DECEMBER 15, 2020
Thank you for reading “Orange Online”! This will be our final message for 2020. We have all come a long way since this email series began nine months ago. We hope our communications have strengthened your online learning and enriched your student experience.
We will return to your inbox on Jan. 5, 2021. In the meantime, we hope you are able to enjoy some rest, to devote some attention to recovering your energy and to find some relaxation.
ITS Help Desk Hours
For any tech-related questions you might have as you plan for next semester (or take advantage of Winterlude), you can visit the Online Success Toolkit or contact the ITS Help Desk at or 315.443.2677. Learn about our winter break support hours. The ITS Help Desk will resume regular business hours on Saturday, Jan. 2.
Winterlude and Spring Courses
Winterlude courses begin next week! Registration is open to full- and part-time students. Main campus students should consult with their home college academic advisor prior to enrolling in a Winterlude class. Learn more.
With spring registration open, be sure to run a degree audit through Degree Works and meet with an advisor in order to select the appropriate classes needed to stay on track for degree completion. You also can use Schedule Builder, a new online application that interfaces with the PeopleSoft course catalog, to display possible schedules side by side in a calendar format.
As you register, be sure to consider your hopes and expectations for the courses you consider and select. Your best experience will be with those courses that match your expectations.
Extended Reality
On the latest episode of “Behind the Monitor,” the official podcast from ITS, we talk with Online Learning Services instructional analyst Jason Webb about the growth of extended reality at Syracuse University. Extended reality, or XR, is an umbrella term that encompasses three main subcategories: virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality. Webb describes several unique projects happening across campus, including in the School of Architecture, the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and the College of Visual and Performing Arts. Listen on Apple Podcasts.
Thank you—and see you in 2021!
DECEMBER 8, 2020
Congratulations on wrapping up the fall semester! Orange students have shown remarkable dedication to their studies this fall. For any tech-related questions as you complete your remaining coursework or plan for next semester, you can visit the Online Success Toolkit or contact the ITS Help Desk at or 315.443.2677.
Spring Registration
With spring registration beginning this week, be sure to run a degree audit through Degree Works and meet with an advisor in order to select the appropriate classes needed to stay on track for degree completion. You also can use Schedule Builder, a new online application that interfaces with the PeopleSoft course catalog, to display possible schedules side by side in a calendar format. Schedule Builder’s search functionality allows you to search with multiple filters, including modality (in-person or online).
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication is an added security feature that helps protect your accounts and confidential information by strengthening the sign-in process with an extra verification of identity, in addition to your username and password. Configuring your two-factor authentication ensures you retain access to your University accounts (email, Microsoft applications, etc.) wherever you go. If you have not already done so, you can manage your two-factor authentication at
This winter break, you can earn one to four credits in four weeks or less, boost your GPA or prepare for study abroad (when programs resume). All Winterlude classes will be held online and are open to Syracuse University students, both full and part time. Students should meet with their home college academic advisor prior to enrolling. Learn more.
For more information on how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram and listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts.
Thank you—and go Orange!
DECEMBER 1, 2020
We hope you enjoyed a safe, restorative Thanksgiving break. As you complete your coursework for the semester online, be sure to bookmark the Online Success Toolkit if you haven’t already. The toolkit features online learning recommendations, campus resources, helpful links and login locations. The toolkit also features tips for safe computing, which are especially helpful given recent phishing attempts.
Schedule Builder
Did you know that you have a new tool to help plan your spring semester? Schedule Builder, an online application that interfaces with the PeopleSoft course catalog, makes the self-service course selection process easier to navigate and helps maintain progress toward your goals. Schedule Builder can display possible schedules side by side in a calendar format, and its search functionality allows you to search with multiple filters, including modality (in-person or online). Learn more.
The Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS) provides academic support services for students, including one-on-one tutoring, small-group tutoring and academic coaching. You can sign up for a virtual meeting with a trained academic learning specialist or peer coach, who will help you construct a concrete plan based on your needs. You might make a calendar to plan your study time, develop test-taking strategies or brainstorm the most effective approach to homework and writing assignments.
Writing Center
Each year, thousands of students from various academic and cultural backgrounds engage the Writing Center for help with a wide range of writing projects, including academic assignments, internship applications and professional portfolios. Writing consultants will work with you at any stage of your writing process. The Writing Center will offer synchronous and asynchronous online appointments through Dec. 6. Make an appointment.
Course Feedback
As a reminder, the window for providing feedback for semester-long courses closes tomorrow, Dec. 2. You can access your course forms in Blackboard or by visiting and logging in with your NetID and password. Your responses are confidential, and aggregate results are released after grades are due. We appreciate your time and effort.
Registration is open for Winterlude, Syracuse University’s winter session. Winterlude classes are open to full- and part-time students. Main campus students should meet with their home college academic advisor prior to enrolling in a Winterlude class. Learn more.
For more information on how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram and listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts. If you have a technology-related question or problem, you can call the ITS Service Center at 315.443.2677. If you call after hours, you will have the option to leave a message with support staff. You also are welcome to email at any time.
Thank you—and go Orange!
NOVEMBER 24, 2020
As we head into the Thanksgiving break, we are thankful for the many students who did their part to make residential learning possible this semester. Thank you also for reading our “Orange Online” emails. We will continue to send updates and helpful tips for online learning as this semester winds down and as the spring semester ramps up.
Learning Remotely
If you haven’t already, be sure to bookmark the Online Success Toolkit, which features online learning recommendations, campus resources, helpful links and login locations. The toolkit also features tips for safe computing, which are especially helpful given recent phishing attempts. If possible, we also recommend designating some space at home for studying and talking with your family or roommates about expectations regarding study times, computer usage/bandwidth needs, etc. If you anticipate challenges at home, let your instructors know in advance of a final or other activity so that you can make appropriate arrangements to complete courses.
Course Feedback
An important part of the academic experience is providing feedback on your courses. This opportunity allows you to think about your progress in the course, helps your instructors know what worked and what didn’t, and is useful to departments as they develop course offerings. The window for providing feedback for semester-long courses is open through Dec. 2. You can access your course forms in Blackboard or by visiting and logging in with your NetID and password. Your responses are confidential, and aggregate results are released after grades are due. We appreciate your time and effort.
Registration is open for Winterlude, Syracuse University’s winter session. Winterlude classes are open to full- and part-time students. Main campus students should meet with their home college academic advisor prior to enrolling in a Winterlude class. Learn more.
Phishing Alert
It’s essential to protect yourself against phishing attempts and other cybersecurity threats, including those disguised as unexpected job offers or reminders to reset your NetID password. Be wary of any email that asks you to provide personal information or “click here now” to avoid getting locked out of your account. Regardless of the bait, these emails are designed to get you to provide personal information, including information that could enable an attacker to access your bank account. If you receive a suspicious email, please forward it to
ITS Support Hours
If you have a technology-related question or problem, you can call the ITS Service Center at 315.443.2677. If you call after hours, you will have the option to leave a message with support staff. You also are welcome to email at any time.
For more information on how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram and listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts.
We wish you a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
NOVEMBER 17, 2020
Watch Out for Phishing Scams
We hope your transition to online learning is going smoothly. If you haven’t already, be sure to bookmark the Online Success Toolkit, which features online learning recommendations, campus resources, helpful links and login locations. The toolkit also features tips for safe computing, which are especially helpful given recent phishing attempts that have circulated throughout the Syracuse University community.
It’s essential to protect yourself against phishing attempts and other cybersecurity threats, including those disguised as unexpected job offers or “helpful” reminders to reset your NetID password. Be wary of any email that asks you to make a donation, provide personal information or “click here now” to avoid getting locked out of your account. We also have seen phishing emails that attempt to take advantage of the current pandemic by promising immunity, cures or treatments for COVID-19. Regardless of the bait, these emails are designed to get you to provide personal information, including information that could enable an attacker to access your bank account. If you receive a suspicious email, please forward it
For more information on how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram and listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts. If you have tech-related questions, you can contact the ITS Help Desk at 315.443.2677 or
We look forward to helping you finish this semester strong. Thank you—and go Orange!
NOVEMBER 12, 2020
Tips for Shifting to Online Learning
As announced yesterday, Syracuse University will shift to online learning for the remainder of the semester effective today. With this update in mind, we wanted to remind you of some available resources to ensure you remain connected to your instructors and classmates.
The “Working, Teaching and Learning Remotely” page on Answers includes tips to help you get your technology ready. Some things to consider:
Laptop or desktop computer—A working laptop or desktop computer will be required for most routine academic functions. Please follow safe computing principles available in detail on the “Safe Computing” page.
Microphone and webcam—Many collaboration and remote meeting tools require the use of a microphone and have the option of using a webcam. Many, but not all, personal computers have a built-in microphone and webcam. Users with computers that do not have them, or who are simply looking for an improved experience, might consider external solutions such as USB microphones and webcams.
Internet access—An internet connection is required to access web-based applications and resources, as well as for remote access to University resources.
Also, be sure to maintain regular contact with your instructors, including checking your email and Blackboard often. The best way to clear up questions or concerns regarding deadlines or assignments is to ask. You also might partner with a classmate (or a group of classmates) to confirm information about deadlines, clarify notes and share tips for navigating the Blackboard course site.
Please remember ITS is available year-round to help you with any technology-related issues. You can contact the ITS Service Center at 315.443.2677 or For more information on how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram and explore the Online Success Toolkit on Answers.
Thank you—and travel safely.
NOVEMBER 3, 2020
Have You Configured Your Multi-Factor Authentication?
As you make your to-do list before leaving campus this semester, we have a suggestion: Configure your two-factor authentication. Doing so will ensure you retain access to your University accounts (email, Microsoft applications, etc.) wherever you go.
Two-factor authentication is an added security feature that helps protect your accounts and confidential information by strengthening the sign-in process with an extra verification of identity, in addition to your username and password. If you have not already done so, you can manage your two-factor authentication at
ITS recommends you download and configure the Microsoft Authenticator app on the mobile device you will take with you. The mobile application does not require an internet connection once configured. Call or text authentication will require your mobile device to have service at your destination.
You can find more information about two-factor authentication on Answers. For additional assistance, you can contact the ITS Help Desk by calling 315.443.2677, emailing or visiting 1-227 in the Center for Science and Technology (by appointment only).
For more information on how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base. Please stay safe, stay healthy and take care of yourself, including taking advantage of the resources available through the Barnes Center.
Thank you—and go Orange!
OCTOBER 27, 2020
Planning for the End of the Semester
Believe it or not, Thanksgiving break is just four weeks away. The in-person portion of the semester concludes Tuesday, Nov. 24. This semester’s review sessions, reading days and final exams will take place virtually.
It’s a good time to start game-planning for the end of your courses if you haven’t already, including where you will study and what technology you will have available. The “Working, Teaching and Learning Remotely” page on Answers includes tips to help you get your technology ready. Some things to consider:
Laptop or desktop computer—A working laptop or desktop computer will be required for most routine academic functions. Please follow safe computing principles available in detail on the “Safe Computing” home page.
Microphone and webcam—Many collaboration and remote meeting tools require the use of a microphone and have the option of using a webcam. Many, but not all, personal computers have a built-in microphone and webcam. Users with computers that do not have them, or who are simply looking for an improved experience, might consider external solutions such as USB microphones and webcams.
Internet access—An internet connection is required to access web-based applications and resources, as well as for remote access to University resources.
For more information on how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base. If you have tech-related questions, you also can contact the ITS Help Desk at 315.443.2677 or
The Syracuse University community has done a great job of navigating this challenging semester together. Please continue to stay safe and stay healthy, including taking advantage of the resources available through the Barnes Center.
Thank you—and go Orange!
OCTOBER 20, 2020
Securing Your Zoom Meetings
When your friends and classmates are across campus (or across the world), Zoom is a great option to use for academic collaboration, student activities or informal hangouts. Here are some tips to ensure you do so safely.
While Zoom has updated what features are turned on or off by default to help combat “Zoombombing,” it’s important to review your settings prior to your meetings. Specific meeting settings to protect against malicious activity include:
- Automatically generate a Meeting ID
- Require a meeting password
- Enable the waiting room feature
- Disable “Join Before Host”
- Limit screen sharing to the host
- Lock the meeting
You can learn more about these and other recommendations on the “Securing Zoom Meetings” page on Answers.
Please also remember that Zoom meetings are only as secure as the email or text used to send the invitation. Ask your invitees not to forward links to your meetings. You also might choose to verify (by voice or video) that attendees are who you expect them to be before allowing them to join your meeting.
The Know-How to Know Now
For more information on how to make the best use of technology, be sure to listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts. On our latest episode, we speak with Ghufran Salih ’20 about the unexpected growth of her TikTok account and how her experience with making videos about data security-related topics has helped her cope with the stress and uncertainty of the pandemic. You also can follow ITS on Instagram and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Go Orange!
OCTOBER 13, 2020
Health and Wellness Resources
The Barnes Center at The Arch features programs, services and offerings that promote health and well-being. Please care for yourself and the University community by taking advantage of the following health and wellness resources.
- COVID-19 Testing Site—Last week, the permanent COVID-19 testing site opened at the University’s stadium. We encourage all members of our community to take advantage of this on-campus testing opportunity, which is available at your convenience Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Flu Shot Clinics—Free flu shots are available for all students at the University’s on-site clinics at the stadium (North Campus) and Skybarn (South Campus). Appointments are available from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. To support social distancing and reduced density, appointments are required. Learn more about how to register for an appointment.
- Virtual Barnes Center at The Arch Activities—Until further notice, all in-person student activities, with the exception of classes, associated coursework and intercollegiate athletics, are paused. Many of these activities will transition online for the time being. Be sure to visit the University’s events calendar to identify virtual health and wellness activities. You also can visit the Barnes Center at The Arch Fall 2020 webpage to learn how to access services and resources.
The Know-How to Know Now
For information on how to make the best use of technology, be sure to listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts. On our latest episode, we speak with Ghufran Salih ’20 about the unexpected growth of her TikTok account and how her experience with making videos about data security-related topics has helped her cope with the stress and uncertainty of the pandemic. You also can follow ITS on Instagram and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Go Orange!
OCTOBER 6, 2020
ITS Service Center
Do you need help with a tech-related issue or a campus account? Located at 1-227 CST in the Life Sciences Complex, the ITS Service Center is here to help. Services offered include:
- Diagnostic service
- Software installation
- Virus removal
- Device configuration and restoration
- Syracuse University NetID, password and email account support
- VPN device configuration
Phone and Email Support—You can email the ITS Service Center at or call 315.443.2677. The ITS Service Center offers phone and email support from 8 a.m. to midnight Sunday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.
In-Person Support—The ITS Service Center offers in-person support seven days a week by appointment only. To make an appointment, visit or call 315.443.2677 during our phone support hours for more details.
For more information on how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Also, be sure to listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts. The latest episode features a discussion with Cayla Dorsey ’20, who discusses graduating during a pandemic and how her time at Syracuse University prepared her for her job at Microsoft.
Go Orange!
SEPTEMBER 29, 2020
Resources for Mid-Terms
Midterms are just around the corner. A number of services across campus are available to help you succeed in your upcoming assignments and assessments.
- Syracuse University Libraries buildings have reopened for the fall semester through Nov. 24 for people with a valid University I.D. You also can explore Resources for Online and Distance Students so you can access the Libraries away from campus.
- Available online this semester, the Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS) facilitates academic support services, including one-on-one tutoring, small-group tutoring and workshops, academic coaching, and academic integrity education and training. You can contact CLASS at 315.443.2005 or for additional information.
- Each year, thousands of students from various academic and cultural backgrounds engage the Writing Center for help with a wide range of writing projects, including academic assignments, internship applications and professional portfolios. Writing consultants will work with you at any stage of your writing process. Please note the Writing Center has moved online this fall.
- This semester, the Math Clinic features asynchronous help in a Q&A format. There also is a synchronous Evening Math Clinic and a Calculus Help Center.
Be sure to listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts. The latest episode features a discussion with Cayla Dorsey ’20, who discusses graduating during a pandemic and how her time at Syracuse University prepared her for her job at Microsoft.
For more information on how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Go Orange!
SEPTEMBER 22, 2020
Accessible Learning Technology
As you might know, the Disability External Review Committee recently presented Phase One Recommendations after an extensive review of the University. The campus teaching and technology community is committed to supporting our disability community, as shown by our focus on providing accessible technology that enables participation by the greatest number of students possible, including those with disabilities.
Here are three key accessibility resources that can help all students:
• Blackboard Ally enhances the usability and accessibility of course documents uploaded to Blackboard. While Ally was designed to improve access to course materials for students with disabilities, many students prefer the audio format (MP3) for longer documents.
• Read&Write helps all individuals succeed regardless of ability or learning style. Users can access reading, writing, studying and research tools at school, home or work. Read&Write is especially helpful for those who have difficulty reading and writing, international students, first-generation college students and student-athletes trying to balance the demands of sports with their course work. Learn more.
• EquatIO helps make equations, formulas and graphs accessible. Users can type, write, dictate or copy any expression and convert it to an accessible format suitable for use in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. EquatIO includes handwriting recognition and integrates seamlessly with Read&Write.
To learn more about diversity and inclusion, visit the Office of Diversity and Inclusion home page. To inquire about assistance with an accommodation, visit the Center for Disability Resources home page.
For more information on how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram, listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Go Orange!
SEPTEMBER 15, 2020
Backing Up Your Schoolwork
As we begin the fourth week of fall classes, we would like to thank you for doing your part to make on-campus instruction possible. Orange students have done a tremendous job of following the Stay Safe Pledge! Keep up the outstanding work—for your health and for the health of the Syracuse University community.
Midterms are just a few weeks away, and your workload likely is increasing in terms of assignments and projects. If you haven’t already done so, it’s a good time to learn about your file management and sharing options. Available solutions include campus G: and H: drives, as well as cloud storage using Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive. These tools will ensure you still have access to your work if your computer’s hard drive stops working.
To learn more about how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram, listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Go Orange!
Getting Connected in Campus Study Spaces
To provide students with more spaces for studying, participating in classes via Zoom and working on assignments between classes, the University has identified more than 50 classrooms, as well as other campus locations, that are available for students to use throughout the day. You can access the full list of locations and hours information on the Campus Study Spaces webpage.
Wherever you study on campus, the wireless AirOrangeX network provides fast, secure connection for computers, smartphones and tablets. For best results, proper configuration is highly recommended. Follow these instructions to make sure you stay connected anywhere on campus.
To learn more about how to make the best use of technology, you can follow ITS on Instagram, listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Go Orange!
Zoom FAQ
Congratulations on completing the first week of the semester! We know things feel different this year, so we hope you have been able to connect with friends and make new ones either on campus or online. Thank you for your continued effort to stay safe while participating in our Orange community.
With a number of classes taking place on Zoom this semester, we wanted to share some FAQ that might prove helpful. As a reminder, please log in to Zoom using your Syracuse University account before joining a class meeting in Blackboard. If you attempt to enter with a personal account, you might not be able to join.
Some other tips:
What are the credentials to log in?
Syracuse University Zoom uses your NetID and password for login. To manage your account, including NetID lookup and managing your password, visitNetID Self-Serv.
How do I change my default name to my preferred name in Zoom?
Users who have a preferred name defined on MySlice will see it in their Zoom profiles.
Can I change my profile picture in my University Zoom account?
Yes, if you are a standard Syracuse University Zoom user. To add or change your profile picture, log in to and select “Profile” from the left-hand side of the screen. Under your current photo, click “Change,” then adjust the crop area on your current picture or upload a new one. You also can delete your profile picture by clicking “Delete.”
To learn more about how to make the best use of technology, you can follow us on Instagram, listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Go Orange!
AUGUST 25, 2020
Resources for Student Success
Welcome to the fall semester! We enjoyed the opportunity to talk to so many Orange students as they arrived on campus last week. With classes under way, ITS is here to help you whether you’re studying on campus or remotely.
Please remember these tips:
- Be sure to check Blackboard, Orange SUccess and your Syracuse University email to receive communications from your instructors and advisors.
- Personal hotspot technology on smartphones disrupts the University networks with negative impacts on other users in the area, including in classrooms and residence halls. If you have this technology enabled on any devices, please disable it immediately. Learn more about your technology options on campus.
- When using Zoom for your class sessions, please log in using your Syracuse University Zoom account before joining the meeting. If you attempt to enter with another account, you might not be able to join.
- We have posted helpful tech information at, including links to the Online Success Toolkit and Remote Desktop Services.
- The ITS Service Center is available to answer your tech-related questions seven days a week. You can call the ITS Service Center at 315.443.2677 or send an email to For information about in-person support, visit
- ITS publishes notifications of scheduled downtimes and alerts regarding unscheduled downtimes or outages on our System Status page.
- Please make sure your contact information (including your current address for this semester) is accurate and up to date in MySlice. You can update your contact details and address information using the “My Profile” section of MySlice.
To learn more about how to make the best use of technology, you can follow us on Instagram, listen to “ITS Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Wherever you are, you are a student at Syracuse University. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Do your part—and go Orange!
AUGUST 18, 2020
Welcome, Students!
We have enjoyed getting to meet so many new students at Syracuse Welcome! If you will be on campus later this week, we’ll have a handout ready for you at the welcome tents with information to help you get connected.
As a reminder, here are some key tips to get your semester off to a good start.
- Be sure to configure and verify you’ll have access to your multi-factor authentication methods prior to traveling to campus. You can manage or update your security verification methods at
- Check your Syracuse University email and log in to Blackboard often to receive communications from your instructors.
- Prepare for your online academic experience, including ensuring you have the technology you’ll need (e.g., headset, webcam, etc.).
- Once you arrive, step-by-step instructions for connecting your laptop or cell phone to the University wireless network, AirOrangeX, can be found at To connect to the wired residential network (ResNet), plug an Ethernet cable into your computer and the wall jack labeled “RN.”
- If you are a new student, please visit to learn about starting your computing experience at Syracuse University. We also have an IT refresher for returning students.
- The ITS Service Center is available to answer your tech-related questions. You can call the ITS Service Center at 315.443.2677 or send an email to For information about in-person support, visit
- Visit the Online Success Toolkit throughout the semester. This toolkit features online learning recommendations, campus resources, helpful links and login locations.
- Please make sure your contact information (including your current address for this semester) is accurate and up-to-date in MySlice. You can update your contact details and address information in the “My Profile” section.
- There is one additional piece of technology you’ll need every day: your mask! Stay safe. Stay healthy. Do your part.
To learn more about how to make the best use of technology, you can follow us on Instagram and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Wherever you are, you are a student at Syracuse University. Go Orange!
AUGUST 11, 2020
Tech Tips for Returning to Campus
It’s hard to believe we are just 13 days away from the start of classes! We are looking forward to helping you succeed this semester. Please remember that the ITS Service Center is available to answer your tech-related questions. You can call the ITS Service Center at 315.443.2677 or send an email to For information about in-person support, visit
We also would like to remind you of these key tips to getting your semester off to a good start.
- Be sure to configure and verify you’ll have access to your multi-factor authentication methods prior to traveling to campus. You can manage or update your security verification methods at
- Review these student computer recommendations by school or college and prepare for your online academic experience, including ensuring you have the technology you’ll need (e.g., headset, webcam, etc.).
- Once you arrive, step-by-step instructions for connecting your laptop or cell phone to the University wireless network, AirOrangeX, can be found at To connect to the wired residential network (ResNet), plug an Ethernet cable into your computer and the wall jack labeled “RN.”
- If you are a new student on campus, please visit to learn about starting your computing experience at Syracuse University. We also have an IT refresher for returning students.
- Visit the Online Success Toolkit throughout the semester. This toolkit features online learning recommendations, campus resources, helpful links and login locations.
- There is one additional piece of technology you’ll need every day: your mask! Stay safe. Stay healthy. Do your part.
To learn more about how to make the best use of technology, you can follow us on Instagram and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Go Orange!
AUGUST 4, 2020
Tech Tips for Returning to Campus
The Information Technology Services (ITS) team is happy to begin welcoming our Orange students to campus for the fall semester! If you are a new student on campus, please visit to learn about starting your computing experience at Syracuse University. We also have an IT refresher for returning students.
If you are preparing to return to campus over the next couple of weeks, here are some tips to remember:
- Be sure to configure and verify you’ll have access to your multi-factor authentication methods prior to traveling to campus. You can manage or update your security verification methods at
- Review these student computer recommendations by school or college and prepare for your online academic experience, including ensuring you have the technology you’ll need (e.g., headset, webcam, etc.).
- Once you arrive, step-by-step instructions for connecting your laptop or cell phone to the University wireless network, AirOrangeX, can be found at To connect to the wired residential network (ResNet), plug an Ethernet cable into your computer and the wall jack labeled “RN.”
- Technical assistance is available from the ITS Service Center by calling 315.443.2677 or by emailing Go to for hours of operation or to request help.
- Visit the Online Success Toolkit throughout the semester. This toolkit features online learning recommendations, campus resources, helpful links and login locations.
- There is one additional piece of technology you’ll need every day: your mask! Stay safe. Stay healthy. Do your part.
To learn more about how to make the best use of technology, you can follow us on Instagram and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Go Orange!
JULY 28, 2020
Tech Tips for Returning to Campus
We look forward to helping you succeed during the Fall 2020 semester. As you prepare to return to campus, we have highlighted five tips to remember.
- Be sure to configure and verify you’ll have access to your multi-factor authentication methods prior to traveling to campus. You can manage or update your security verification methods at
- Step-by-step instructions for connecting your laptop or cell phone to the University wireless network, AirOrangeX, can be found at To connect to the wired residential network (ResNet), plug an Ethernet cable into your computer and the wall jack labeled “RN.”
- Technical assistance is available from the ITS Service Center by calling 315.443.2677 or by emailing Go to for hours of operation or to request help.
- New students can visit to learn about starting their computing experience at Syracuse University. We also have an IT refresher for returning students.
- Visit the Online Success Toolkit throughout the semester. This toolkit features online learning recommendations, campus resources, helpful links and login locations.
To learn more about how to make the best use of technology, you can follow us on Instagram and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base.
Go Orange!
JULY 21, 2020
Phishing Scam Alert
Is that unexpected part-time job offer real? Does someone you’ve never met really need you to make purchases on his behalf?
Now more than ever, it’s essential to protect yourself against phishing attempts and other cybersecurity threats, including those disguised as job offers. The goal of these attacks is to get you to provide personal information, including information that would enable an attacker to gain access to your bank account. If you receive a suspicious email, please forward it to To learn more about keeping your personal information safe, check out these tips.
As the semester approaches, be sure to visit the Online Success Toolkit, which features online learning recommendations, campus resources, helpful links and login locations. You also can follow us on Instagram for tech tips and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base. Please continue to visit the Fall 2020 Open home page for the latest news, updates and guidance.
Go Orange!
JULY 14, 2020
Online Success Toolkit
With Syracuse Welcome a little more than a month away, it’s a good time to start thinking about your technology needs for the upcoming semester. New students can visit to learn about starting their computing experience at Syracuse University. We also have an IT refresher for returning students.
Another important resource to consult throughout the semester is the Online Success Toolkit. This collection of resources promotes successful online learning for new and returning students alike. The toolkit includes online learning recommendations, campus resources, helpful links and login locations.
You can learn more about how ITS is helping students prepare for the fall semester by listening to the new episode of “Behind the Monitor,” the official ITS podcast. You also can follow us on Instagram for tech tips and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base. Please continue to visit the Fall 2020 Open home page for the latest news, updates and guidance.
Go Orange!
JULY 7, 2020
Office of Online Student Success
While ITS provides a number of services for students, we also partner with groups throughout the University to strengthen online learning. The Office of Online Student Success (OSS) is one such partner.
OSS exists to create an environment where students feel supported as members of the Syracuse University community, whether on campus or online. To help students become familiar with the online environment, OSS provides a variety of resources related to your online academic experience.
You can learn more about how ITS is helping students prepare for the fall semester by listening to the new episode of Behind the Monitor, the official ITS podcast. You also can follow us on Instagram for tech tips and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base. Please continue to visit the Fall 2020 Open home page for the latest news, updates and guidance.
Go Orange!
JUNE 30, 2020
Here to Help: ITS Service Center
With the Summer II session kicking off yesterday, we wanted to remind you that the ITS Service Center is available year-round for your technology-related needs. From log-in issues to Blackboard questions and more, you can email the ITS Service Center at or call 315.443.2677. The ITS Service Center offers phone and email support from 8 a.m. to midnight Sunday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.
You also can follow us on Instagram for tech tips and explore Answers, Syracuse University’s technical knowledge base. Please continue to visit the Fall 2020 Open home page for the latest news, updates and guidance.
Go Orange!
JUNE 23, 2020
Computer Recommendations by School and College
Are you thinking about buying a new computer for next semester? There are a number of factors to consider—including what will work best for your coursework. Before you make a purchase, consult our list of computer recommendations for each school and college.
Regardless of your major, all students are encouraged to have a computer running Microsoft Office 365, which is free for active students. For details, please visit the Office 365 at Syracuse University home page.
As always, you can contact the ITS Service Center for technology-related questions. You also can follow ITS on Instagram for tech tips and tricks. Please continue to visit the Fall 2020 Open home page for the latest news, updates and guidance.
Go Orange!
JUNE 16, 2020
Password Management
As a Syracuse University student, you have access to a host of online resources and services—as long as your NetID password remains current. Fortunately, managing your password is an easy, self-service process.
You can change your NetID password at any time before it expires. To do so, go to and select “Change Your Password.” (There also is an option if your password already has expired.) If you need assistance with this process, you can contact the ITS Service Center by emailing or by calling 315.443.2677.
You will start to receive emails reminding you to change your password one month from its expiration date. When you change your password, you won’t receive any further reminders.
Remember: If lost or stolen, your password gives hackers a world of opportunity to access your personal and financial information. Make strong passwords for your accounts to keep your personal information safe.
As always, you can contact the ITS Service Center for technology-related questions. You also can follow ITS on Instagram for tech tips and trips. Please continue to visit the Fall 2020 Open home page for the latest news, updates and guidance.
Go Orange!
JUNE 9, 2020
We look forward to seeing you on campus in August. As the semester approaches, we will update you on new and existing resources available to all students. You also can follow ITS on Instagram for tech tips and tricks.
Today’s online learning topics: