How to Conduct a Zoom Synchronous Classroom Lecture

See the area pertaining to the application you are sharing with the online and in-person class

Note: It is best practice to add a Personal Meeting Room password to protect against zoom bombers.

Note: Remember to pre-share the meeting password with class.

All Applications

  1. Power on Extron Touch Screen OR tap System Off > System Reset

  3. Log on Teaching Station PC using your NetID and Password

  4. Log on Blackboard using Chrome
  5. Go to your Blackboard Class/Section
  6. Click the Zoom Online Class tab
  7. Open Zoom Meetings
  8. Sign in, sign in with SSO
  9. Enter syracuseuniversity, Continue
  10. Join with Computer Audio
  11. Turn on Mic and Camera
  12. Click Record, Record to Cloud

    1. Note, if your settings are automatically set to Record to the Cloud, the record button will look like this
  13. Share Screen
  14. Share Screen 1, check off Share computer sound and Optimize Screen Sharing for Video Clip

  15. Share


  1. Open PowerPoint
  2. Start Slideshow
  3. Under Display Settings, Swap Presenter View and Slide Show

ELMO Document Camera

  1. Turn on the ELMO Document Camera by pressing the power button on the device, blue lights mean it's on
  2. Double click on the ImageMate icon on the teaching station desktop
  3. The application will open and looks like this

    Note: The ELMO application must be the active application visible on the teacher station desktop for the online Zoom class to see your notes

Special Cases and Notes

In Lender Auditorium, use a lavalier clip-on microphone for the best audio clarity.

It is not recommended to use a laptop or device other than the teaching station computer to share your lecture.

Remain in front of the teaching station computer to provide the best experience for your online audience.

Advise students to keep their microphones muted unless they have a question.

For assistance contact IT at, call 315-443-2342, or double click on the Remote Support Button

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