Setnor Faculty & Staff Resources


Forms for Faculty Funding

Faculty Travel

Guest Artists

  • Guest Artist Request Form (current year)
    All guest artist requests must go through the Artistic Planning Committee regardless of annual proposal deadlines. This form is used for scheduling all events and paying the performers. Guest visits cannot be scheduled without approval of this form. A “guest artist” is a featured artist (or their collaborators) visiting the school to provide programming, performance, or a featured activity for a class, masterclass, performance, etc. This would NOT include accompanists for an existing class or recital or additional musicians for a performance. Please submit the Pay Request Form for those types of requests. The request allows for reserving space and resources in the building, and addressing student schedules, so a form must be submitted whether funds are requested or not. The form cannot be saved as you complete it, so it will help if you prepare the information to transfer over to the form for your convenience.
  • Guest Artist Budget Worksheet
    Please download and save the worksheet to your own computer before filling it out. Complete the worksheet, then attach it in the space provided on the Guest Artist Request Form. Please do not submit the Guest Artist Request Form unless you have completed the Budget Worksheet.

**All guest artists must complete an IRS form W-9 if they are being compensated for their appearance.

  • Parking Request for Guests Form
    For guests who need parking during non-event hours, please use this form – do not send e-mails or call-in requests. Last minute requests cannot be accommodated. Requests MUST be received at least ONE WEEK in advance to request parking in Irving Garage.  All guest parking is in Irving Garage. The QUAD (Q1) LOT is not available unless there is a mobility issue or special circumstance.

Forms for Concerts and Recitals, Recordings, and Special Projects

  • Faculty Concert/Ensemble Services Request Form This form is required for all events, in order to be sure the event can be properly supported.
    Please note: use of any space requires all applicable PPE at all times and strict adherence to room capacities, which may not allow for a number of activities at this time. Use of rooms also require the 30 minutes of activity followed by 30 minutes of completely empty time for the room air circulation to take place
  • Minors on Campus Program Registration – any program in which minors are involved, including education programs, visits from school groups, clinics, etc requires this form.
  • Use of facilities for activities outside of university assignments: Current faculty, staff, or students (Party) using campus spaces for programs that are not part of the academic program need to register the program and enter into a short-term license for use of the facilities. If the use involves minors, you may be required to have a background check and to take training. If faculty, staff or students are earning money outside of campus earnings while on university owned, operated or controlled property, there may also be tax implications.  It is the Party’s responsibility to comply with all campus policies. Due to limited space and availability, the School of Music is generally able to permit use of facilities only by current faculty, staff, and students. For more information or an agreement for usage, please contact Michelle Taylor (
  • Setnor Seating Plans
    Capacity total, 660 (392 on the main floor, 268 in the balcony)
  • CD Duplication Form (for events recorded in Setnor Auditorium)
  • Recording Project Request Form
  • Convo Audio Request Form
  • Room-availability
  • Crouse room use agreement
  • Live Stream

Faculty Resources

Technical Assistance in Classrooms: call the help desk at 443-2677 for a faster response time.
Support hours are Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., and Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The Learning Environments staff is also happy to meet with individual faculty in their teaching location to assist with use of technology at learning environment resources.

Audition Information

  • Audition Requirements (includes classical and JCM audition requirements, and also notes which majors can audition in JCM area)

Forms for Students

Campus Services

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