Room Availability and Access Google Calendar

Printable Room Usage PDF 78KB

How to Use the Google Calendar

The calendar is available here.

In order to add or remove rooms from the view:

  1. Go up to the right-hand corner of the calendar and click on the little down arrow next to “AGENDA.” 
    1. A drop-down menu with room options should appear. 
    2. You can put a check mark next to a calendar to add the calendar, and remove it to delete from your view.

Reserving a Room

If you decide to reserve a room, you must contact Bryan Watson in room 301 either in person or via email. Work-study students cannot book rooms or sign out keys; this can only be arranged with Bryan, and the office hour schedule will be noted on the door of 301 after the first week of classes. If you would like to request a space, please email the request to; emails take priority over walk-ins to the office. If a room is reserved for you, please be sure you arrange to pick up keys in advance at a time when Bryan is in the office. Please do not use classrooms or teaching studios unless you have signed them out.

Please help by closing windows and shades in rooms when you leave; the windows must be closed in the evenings to keep areas and pianos safe from weather. Please restore rooms back to standard set up for the next group. This is very important, so please be sure to follow these rules. Any group not complying with the room usage rules may be suspended from booking for a period of time or may lose the opportunity to book rooms.

When using the auditorium, please be sure to plug pianos back in!

Practice Room Sign Outs

There is a ten-minute grace period for reserved practice time; if you do not arrive within ten minutes of your requested time, the reservation is forfeited. In general, please remember that practice rooms are shared spaces, so please also avoid “camping out” in the rooms. If you are planning to take a break and won’t need the room for a while, please release it to your colleagues. Your fellow students understand the need to take a quick break, retrieve items from lockers, etc., but if you leave a room and are gone for a period of time, please do not expect the room to remain unoccupied.

Security Guidelines

  • Lock rooms when you leave, even if you plan to return shortly.
  • Do not leave valuables unattended or store instruments or other personal items in practice rooms.

Please contact the University’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) immediately if you are concerned about safety.

To call DPS, dial 315.443.2224 or #78 from a cell or 711 from a campus phone. If you need to contact DPS in an emergency situation, but are unable to make a phone call, email or text the Communications Center at