Saving an Expense Report for Later

During the JPMC credit card reconciliation process, many times employees will need to save their report to be able to access it later.

After creating your expense report by filling in the necessary information and attaching receipts via the “Attachments” link - Click on the “Save of Later” link (1).

You will notice right away that a report ID number has been created and has been placed into a pending status.

How to Reopen the Expense Report

Start by going back into the “Travel & Expense Center” 

You are now back at the “Expense Report – Create/Modify” screen with your SUID filled in.

Click on the “Find an Existing Value” tab (7) to locate the expense report.

Then, click the search button (8), or can use the search fields to pull up the report.

The report will reopen on your screen.