Equipment and Loaning

Technology Services maintains a pool of equipment available for short-term loan to faculty, staff and students (restrictions apply; partial list available below). For students, a valid SU ID card is required and the asset will be checked out to you. All item(s) should be returned to the Technology Services Helpdesk (Hinds Hall 002M) by 5:30PM on the same day. Contact to make a reservation or inquire about any specific items.

Equipment available to full-time faculty and staff (or students working on a faculty/staff-sponsored project)

  • Windows and MacOS laptops
  • Computer peripherals (keyboards, mice, adapters, cables, USB drives)
  • Laptop chargers (including USB-C)
  • Mobile device chargers
  • Presentation clickers/laser pointer
  • Computer webcams & microphones
  • Cameras (DSLR and video) ***note: you must provide your own SD card
  • Virtual machines*

Equipment available to instructors and students

  • Computer peripherals (keyboards, mice, adapters, cables, USB drives)
  • Laptop chargers (including USB-C)
  • Mobile device chargers
  • Presentation clickers/laser pointer
  • Computer webcams & microphones
  • Virtual machines*

*Computer and virtual machine policy

Long-term loans (of more than one day) of laptop computers or virtual machines will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and will only be provided in extenuating circumstances (i.e. if the intended use case is not covered by any other method already provided by the iSchool or University.)