Quick Assist

Quick Assist is a built-in tool for Windows 10 that allows Faculty, Teaching Assistants, or Students to share screen and if needed, take control of each other computer and help solve a problem.

To get started, you need to launch the Quick Assist app, get a 6-digit code, and share that with your student. 

Table of Contents

Give assistance

    • Select StartStart button > Windows Accessories > Quick Assist (or select the Start  button, type Quick Assist in the search box, then select it in the results). 
    • Select Assist another person, then send the 6-digit code to the person you're helping.
    • When they've entered it, select either Take full control or View screen.
    • Select Continue and wait for the person you're helping to allow the connection. 

Get assistance

    • Select StartStart button > Windows Accessories Quick Assist (or select the Start  button, type Quick Assist in the search box, then select it in the results). 
    • In the Code from assistant box, enter the 6-digit code you were given, and select Share sceen.
    • Wait for your helper, then select Allow in the window that displays.

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