Website Hosting

Below is an outline of the web hosting options offered by iSchool Technology Services and Syracuse University.

The "" website, including faculty & staff profiles, is managed by the Marketing and Communications team. They have an e-mail queue for change requests:  MarCom website update form

Basic - Static Website with CMS Capability

Basic website hosting is available through Expressions hosted by the Syracuse University Online Platform group. Expression is powered by Wordpress.

  • Pro Site - Student Groups, Research Centers, or other University affiliated groups may request an Expressions Pro site. A pro site features enhanced functionality, a Syracuse University Brand compliant theme and a customizable URL.  Pro Sites are created by request only. Simply email your requirements to to begin the process.
  • Expressions websites must meet WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standards and comply with the iSchool and Syracuse University brand standards. Meeting these criteria is the responsibility of the site owner.  

Advanced - Full Virtual Server

For users who need complete control of their hosting environment and have extensive experience managing a web server, this option is for you.

  • Technology Services will provide a virtual server built to your specifications and provide you with admin-level access.
  • In the typical configuration, your server will be on an internal, private network and we will expose a port for you via Nginx reverse proxy. We will manage your domain using SSL via Letsencrypt. If you have specific requirements, please include details in the request form.
  • Sites and applications will be routinely scanned for known security vulnerabilities which will need to be addressed in a timely manner as per ITS security policy. Servers or applications that remain non-compliant with no response from the owners may be disconnected from the network.
  • All websites must meet WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standards and comply with the iSchool and Syracuse University brand standards. Meeting these criteria is the responsibility of the site owner.  
  • Request a virtual server by filling out the IST Research Computing request form