Quick Guide - SOE Logos and Branded Materials

This page contains useful materials to help you present the School of Education and Syracuse University brand in a cohesive, consistent, compelling, and correct way.

Please email mwalls@syr.edu or asdevoe@syr.edu with any questions.

SOE Lockups/Logos

Please refer to the School of Education Brand Identity Reference for how to use the SOE visual identity.

These lockups are .jpg/white background only. For other uses/types please email mwalls@syr.edu or asdevoe@syr.edu.

School of Education

SOE Centers

SOE Branded Templates

For Events

Stationary, Business Cards, Fliers, & More

  • A guide to Syracuse University stationary options and the stationary Print-on-Demand store.

  • Syracuse University partners with Dupli for easy and cost-efficient printing of University stock materials, custom print jobs like posters, and small quantities of specialty materials.

  • Many of these items can be ordered directly through Dupli's Print-On-Demand Store—visit Dupli's Syracuse University website for more information, instructions, and contact information.

  • eProcurement access on MySlice is required to use the Dupli store. You can access the store by choosing Create a Requisition and then choosing Dupli as the vendor. MCE staff can help with ordering for those without ePro access.

The following standard School of Education materials are available to customize and order from Dupli:

  • Business cards

  • Physical letterhead, second sheets, and envelopes

  • Mail labels

  • Notecards and envelopes

  • Certificates

Promotional items for external uses, such as recruitment brochures or advertising posters, should be created in consultation with SOE Marketing and Communications to ensure brand, editorial, and accessibility standards are followed. However, once designed these items can be ordered through Dupli:

  • Posters and fliers

  • Brochures

  • Booklets

  • Postcards

Dupli can service a variety of custom print projects not otherwise listed. Request a quote and follow-up in the Dupli store on MySlice using the Print Project Instructions from Dupli. Dupli staff will then be in contact for more information and to complete your project. You can also work with SOE Marketing to plan and coordinate your project.

Syracuse University Brand


  • Syracuse University Orange

    • RGB (digital use including Office) - R:247 G:105 B:0

    • Hex (HTML/CSS) - #F76900

    • CMYK (print): C:0 M:62 Y:25 K:0

    • PMS 158C

  • Syracuse University Blue

    • RGB (digital use including Office) - R:0 G:14 B:84

    • Hex (HTML/CSS) - #000E54

    • CMYK (print): C:100 M:85 Y:5 K:36

    • PMS 281C