Student Academic Advising Manual

Table of Contents

Academic Advising is an area of strength and great importance within the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, as well as the University. All Falk College students are assigned an academic advisor and must be advised before they are permitted to register.

Advisors can be faculty involved in students’ major and area of interest. Other advisors are professional advisors who also help students learn about their academic and personal fit on campus and in the world. The advising role encompasses discussions of goals, career, study abroad, internships, personal issues, and overall student satisfaction in the College and University.

HOLDS that may prevent students from registering:

  1. Advising Hold – All students in the Falk College have an advising hold that prohibits registration on MySlice. Students MUST meet with their advisor to have their hold released. Advisors can release advising holds by submitting an advising form. An advising hold can take up to 24 hours to release.

  2. Student Support Hold – If a student is on academic probation, they may have a student support hold. It is applied to students who have not met the requirements for probation; in particular they have not met regularly with their Student Support Counselors during probationary semesters. Students, department chairs, and academic advisors receive information about these standards (and outcomes) each semester through emails and, this website.

  3. Students may have other types of holds preventing them from registering for classes; for example, a Bursar hold, Library hold, Health Center hold, Bookstore hold, or Parking hold.

Note: Occasionally a student’s schedule is cancelled because the Bursar bill was not paid by the end of the grace period. Students whose schedules are canceled may not register until after classes begin. They may be closed out of classes they were originally registered for, and they will be charged a late registration fee.

Typically, graduate students, seniors, honors students, and athletes register first, and are then followed by juniors. Sophomores and first year students then have a randomized lottery for registration dates. Students should refer to their Degree Works to plan their courses.

For more information, contact the Office of Student Services, 330 Barclay Hall, (315) 443-3144,

Students can identify their advisor by going into MySlice.

Declaring a Major

Students Within Falk

For students who are already within Falk College, the procedures to declare a major are listed under each department below.

Signature process for Major Declaration Form:

  1. Student

  2. Department approval

  3. Student or department submits signed form to

Procedures by Department:

3.2 cumulative GPA required; Interested undergraduate students must meet the following criteria- Completed a minimum of 15 credit hours at SU, completed EXE 195 with a B or better, provide a resume, and meet with HES Undergraduate Program Director, Dr. Tiago Barreira, by emailing him at

Students who meet the criteria listed above will only be accepted into the Health and Exercise Science BS program on a space available basis, based on current program enrollment.

If approved after their appointment, students should complete the Declaration of Major form , obtain HES department signature, and email it to

Students who meet the following criteria will be considered for Intra-University Transfer and/or Declaration of Major in Human Development and Family Science (HDFS) on a rolling basis. Students currently enrolled in Falk College interested in declaring HDFS as a major or those currently enrolled in other programs who are interested in declaring HDFS as a second major must meet the following requirements:

  1. cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above;

  2. completed a minimum of 12 credit hours of academic coursework at Syracuse University;

  3. satisfactory academic progress; and

  4. expressed academic and career interests related to human development and family science.

Interested undergraduate students should contact the HDFS Department to schedule an appointment with the Department Chair or the Director of Undergraduate Studies by emailing Kathy Rainone, The HDFS Director of Undergraduate Program will approve or deny the student’s request.

Upon approval, students should complete the Declaration of Major form , obtain HDFS department signature, and email it to

Students who are not accepted into the major may appeal the decision to the HDFS Undergraduate Committee. The decision of the HDFS Undergraduate Committee is final.

3.0 cumulative GPA required; Interested undergraduate students must schedule an appointment by emailing NUT/NSD Undergraduate Program Director, Dr. Margaret Voss at If approved after their appointment, students should complete the Declarati