Student Policies Manual

Table of Contents:

Academic Probation, Suspension, and Readmission

Academic Probation

The purpose of academic probation is to provide a consistent and fair method of academic sanction for undergraduate students that not only supports the academic rigor of the College and Syracuse University programs, but also provides direction and a system of intervention for students.

Students in the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics who have been placed on Academic Warning or One Term Trial will have the availability of a number of resources within the College and University including access to an Academic Counselor who will work with them to develop and implement a plan that will lead to future academic success.

Students will receive e-mails notifying them of their probationary status after grades are posted. This email will include information about the reason for the academic probation along with an explanation of how they can restore their good academic status and details on how to set up appointments with their assigned Academic Counselor.

Academic Warning

Occurs the first time (and can only be designated once in a student’s academic career in the Falk College) a student meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • Lower than a 2.0 semester grade point average, but higher than a 1.0 semester grade point average after a regular semester.

  • Excessive number of incompletes, NA’s and/or missing grades.

  • Lack of progress towards degree (especially in major requirements).

Students on Academic Warning can be removed from this status and moved to good academic standing by achieving all of the following in the Academic Warning Semester:

  • Earn 12 or more credit hours of advised and completed course work. 

  • Earn a minimum of both a 2.0 semester and a 2.0 cumulative grade point average.

  • Make adequate progress towards degree requirements.

  • Attend a minimum of 3 Student Support meetings with their appointed Academic Counselor. The Student Support hold for registration will not be removed until all meeting attendance is fulfilled.

One Term Trial

Occurs when a student meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • Lower than a 2.0 semester and/or 2.0 cumulative grade point average after a regular semester, unless a student is eligible for Academic Warning.

  • A semester grade point average of 1.0 or below after a regular semester.

  • The student is returning from an academic suspension.

  • Excessive number of incompletes, NA’s and/or missing grades.

  • Lack of progress towards degree (especially in major requirements).

  • No declared major upon achieving 54 credits.

Students on One Term Trial must achieve all of the following during the One Term Trial semester, in order to be removed from this status and moved to good academic standing:

  • Attend a minimum of 3 Student Support meetings with their appointed Academic Counselor. The Student Support hold for registration will not be removed until all meeting attendance is fulfilled.

  • Earn 12 or more credit hours of advised and completed course work.

  • Earn a minimum of both a 2.0 semester and 2.0 cumulative grade point average.

  • Make adequate progress towards degree requirements.

  • Declare a major (if applicable).

If these requirements are not met, students may be suspended.

Progress Monitoring

When a student goes below twelve credits in a regular semester, they will be placed on Progress Monitoring status.  Progress Monitoring status is not an official academic probation status and can only be designated once in a student's academic career in Falk college. Progress Monitoring includes:

  • Attending an assessment meeting with an assigned Academic Counselor who will determine appropriate interventions for the under twelve situations, that could include moving to an academic probation status.

Academic Suspension and Appeal Procedures

Students are suspended from the Falk College if they fail to meet the requirements stipulated during their one term trial semester. Students do have the option of appealing their suspension if there are substantial reasons for doing so (see Appealing a Suspension below). Student appeals (along with transcripts and attendance at student support meetings) are reviewed by the Falk College Academic Review Committee which consists of faculty and staff within the college along with counselors from the Office of Student Services and is chaired by the Associate Dean.

Students who accept their suspension have the option of applying for future readmission provided they meet the requirements for readmission set forth by the Falk College.

Appealing a Suspension (Immediately After Suspension)

If a student chooses to appeal an academic suspension from the Falk College, s/he must submit an email of appeal to the Office of Student Services by the deadline (pay attention to the date and time) stated on the suspension letter.

The email or letter should address the points below and should only be 2 – 3 pages in length (please note that what you write is considered confidential information and will only be shared with the Academic Review Committee and your appeal will not be placed in your academic file). Non-written supplemental materials such as video, photographs, or recordings should not be Included In an appeal and will not be shared with the Academic Review Committeee. It is highly recommended that you follow the Suspension Appeal Outline below to write your letter to make sure you address all the important points.

  • The reasons for your academic problems. Be honest, forthright, and frank when describing what happened. Please include any health, mental health and/or substance abuse issues, learning disabilities, family/personal issues or other situations that compromised your ability to succeed academically.

  • Whether or not you met with an Academic Counselor and/or received other supportive services (tutoring, therapy, medical treatment, and etc. while on probation). If you did not use these or other supportive services please explain why not. If you did receive these services, written documentation from your provider will strengthen your appeal.

  • Explain what you plan to do differently to become a successful student. Be honest and realistic when explaining to the Committee why you believe your new strategies will work. Include specific behaviors that will help you recover from your poor academic performance. This may include whether and how your employment status, living arrangements and environment, study skills, and lifestyle or habits will change to increase our academic success.

The email should be sent to: or
Faxed to: 315-443-2562 (Attn: Associate Dean Chandice Haste-Jackson)

Notification of Appeal Decision and Follow up Actions

Students will be notified by email of the Academic Review Committee decision. Please note that it is extremely improbable that an appeal will be honored after a previous suspension and appeal.

If the appeal is granted, the student will be on One Term Trial and will receive an email describing the conditions of this probation during the semester s/he returns including how often they will need to see their academic support counselor.

Please Note: The Decision of the Academic Review Committee Is Final 

Outline for Appeal Letter

Please address the points in the outline below. Your appeal letter should be 2-3 pages in length.

Please note that what you write is considered CONFIDENTIAL information and be shared with the Academic Review Committee. Your appeal letter will NOT be placed in your academic file.

Overview of Appeal Letter
  • Introduce yourself

  • Thank the Academic Review Committee for taking time to review your letter

  • Explain why you are writing the letter

  • Brief reason for suspension

Reason for Suspension
  • Give specific and honest details of why you had academic problems

  • Include information regarding any health, mental health and/or substance abuse issues, learning disabilities, family/personal issues or situations that compromised your ability to succeed academically

Supportive Services
  • Share if you did or did not meet with your Academic Support Counselor

  • Share if you received any other supportive services like tutoring, therapy, medical treatment, working with CDR, etc.

  • If you did not use these services, or if you did not use these supportive services as much as you should have, explain why not

  • If you did receive supportive services, written documentation from your provider(s) will strengthen your appeal

Your Plan to Be a More Successful Student
  • Explain what you plan to do differently to be a more successful student next semester

  • Explain how your work habits, employment status, living arrangement and environment, study skills, lifestyle and/or habits will change to improve your academic success

  • Be honest and realistic as to why you feel these new strategies will work Include specific behaviors that will help you recover from your poor academic performance

  • Include supportive services that you plan on using

  • Explain why your education and being here at Syracuse is important to you

  • Ask the Academic Review Committee to please take your letter into consideration and accept your request for an appeal

  • Thank the Academic Review Committee for taking time to consider your appeal


There are two ways that students who have been academically suspended can be readmitted to the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics – Fast Track or Standard Readmission, as described below. In the event of a suspension by Community Standards, the student must ALSO contact Community Standards (315-443-3728), located at 804 University Avenue, Suite 106, for the appropriate procedure. Please note: All required readmission documentation (see below) must be received at least four full weeks prior to the beginning of the academic semester (and preferably sooner) in which the applicant wishes to enroll.

Fast Track Readmission

Fast Track Readmission can occur after a student has been suspended from the Falk College for one regular (fall or spring) semester. Students with a 1.5 cumulative grade point average or higher at the time of suspension from the Falk College are eligible to apply for the Fast Track to return to their declared major or undeclared status provided they meet the following conditions:

  • Students must pass a minimum of 9 credit hours of course work from an accredited institution in one regular semester (fall or spring).

  • All courses must be pre-approved by the student’s academic advisor in the Falk College and be applicable/transferable to the student’s existing program at Syracuse University.

Students must achieve a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average for the 9 (or more) credit hours and must achieve a minimum grade of “C” in a course (in order for it to transfer to SU).

Standard Readmission

Standard Readmission can occur after the student has been suspended from the Falk College for an academic year and the following requirements are met. Students must:

  • Take a minimum of 12 credit hours of course work from an accredited institution during fall and/or spring semesters.

  • Achieve a minimum grade of “C” in each course in order to transfer credits back to SU.

  • Achieve a minimum gpa of 2.5 for all credits taken.

Have all courses pre-approved by their academic advisor and be applicable/transferable to the student’s existing program at Syracuse University.

Readmission Materials and Procedure

The following materials must be submitted in order for a student to be considered for readmission:

  • An email or letter to the Associate Dean requesting readmission and explaining the reasons that led to suspension and how these issues have been handled. This correspondence should include:

    • Current Email address, current residential address and a telephone number.

    • How you have occupied your time during your suspension.

    • Any health, mental health and/or substance abuse issues, learning disabilities, family/personal issues or other situations that compromised your ability to succeed academically.

    • If you have received supportive services (tutoring, therapy, medical treatment, and etc. while on suspension). If you did receive these services, written documentation from your provider will strengthen your readmission request.

    • Explain what you plan to do differently to become a successful student. Be honest and realistic when explaining why you believe your new strategies will work. Include specific behaviors that will help you recover from your poor academic performance. This may include whether and how your employment status, living arrangements and environment, study skills, and lifestyle or habits will change to increase your academic success.

  • An official transcript from the institution where the external course work occurred.

Letters and official transcripts should be emailed to Chandice Haste-Jackson, Associate Dean, at

If you need to/choose to send your letter and transcript through the mail, please mail to:

Syracuse University
Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
Attention: Chandice Haste-Jackson/Associate Dean
Office of Student Services
330 Barclay Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244

Letters may also be faxed to 315-443-2562 to Chandice Haste-Jackson’s attention.

All materials will be reviewed by the Associate Dean who will consult with the Chair of the Department where the students’ major is situated. Consideration will be on an individual basis and are especially rigorous for those students who have already experienced more than one academic suspension at the College and/or University. Students will be notified by the Associate Dean when a decision has been made.

All readmitted students will be placed on One Term Trial probationary status (see information under Academic Probation tab) and will be required to see an Academic Counselor in the Office of Student Services during the first week they return to school to review the terms of their readmission.

Once readmitted, students will be cleared to register for their first semester back and should contact their academic advisor to determine their course schedule.

Leave of Absence, Withdrawal, and Readmission

If you leave the University before completing your degree requirements, you must file for an official leave of absence, whether or not you intend to return to SU. If you register but then leave without notifying the University, you will continue to incur tuition, room, board, and other charges. On your transcript, course registrations will remain and any grades or grading symbols submitted by your instructors will appear. If you don’t register at all, the notation “Discontinuation – non-attendance” will appear on your transcript. Discontinued students must follow formal readmission procedures.

View Leave of Absence, Withdrawal and Readmission Policies

A student who is completing a Leave of Absence for medical reasons must work with Student Outreach and Support (SOS, formerly SOAR) to request their LOA.  If a student is unsure if their LOA is medical or personal in nature, they can email and request to speak with an Academic Counselor about taking a Leave of Absence to discuss their situation further.  See this link for further information on how the student may connect with SOS for a Medical LOA- Medical LOA .

A student who is completing a Leave of Absence for any non-medical reason must work with Falk College Office of Student Services to request their LOA.  They should email and request to speak with an Academic Counselor about taking a Leave of Absence. 

Important to Note: The date that a student makes the request to the University for a LOA will be the effective date of the LOA. Any request for LOA made after the withdraw deadline will result in the student receiving failing grades (i.e., a letter grade of “F”.)

Student Rights, Academic Integrity, and Grievance Policies

Academic Integrity Guidance

Students can view Syracuse University’s Academic Integrity Policies for information on the Academic Integrity Process.

If students have questions or need direction regarding the Academic Integrity process they should contact Chandice Haste-Jackson, Associate Dean for Student Services.

In the event of a suspension by Community Standards, the student must ALSO contact Community Standards (315-443-3728), located at 804 University Avenue, Suite 106, for the appropriate procedure.

Syracuse University Community Standards

Every community has rules and policies that foster safety, security and wellness and it is the goal of the Community Standards to accomplish this while promoting learning, awareness, accountability, and service to others. The student conduct process at Syracuse University is designed to provide a fair and engaging process for the resolution of alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct. It is the hope that students who participate in the student conduct process learn about their own decision-making, how their decisions impact both themselves as well as the broader Syracuse University community and that they use the conduct process as a stepping stone for their own engagement as community members. Community Standards wishes each Syracuse University student a positive experience and encourage all University members to support and guide our students as they begin to learn more about themselves and their role in a community. Visit Community Standards Website for more information.

Falk College Grievance Committee Policies and Procedures

The faculty, staff, and students of the Falk College recognize that academic integrity, honesty and respect for others are fundamental expectations in all academic and public communities. All Falk College faculty, administrators, staff and students are expected to contribute to creating an environment that is directed toward those characteristics. For more information on the formal filing of grievances, please refer to the Falk College Grievance Policies and Procedures Manual. Also review Syracuse University’s Academic Rules for more information.

Syracuse University Student Handbook

The Student Handbook will guide you in learning Syracuse University’s codes of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct, locating SU’s policies, understanding your rights and responsibilities, and accessing campus resources. It’s critical right from the start of your college experience to become familiar with this information in order to be able to take advantage of all that Syracuse has to offer. View the Syracuse University Student Handbook.

Academic Rules, Student Responsibilities & Services

Syracuse University policies are intended to support a safe, respectful, and ethical living, learning and work environment in compliance with the University’s mission and values and applicable state, local, and federal law. All Syracuse University faculty, staff and students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the University’s policies; and should be aware that there may be consequences associated with violation of policy. Visit Syracuse University Policies Website for more information.

The Syracuse University Course Catalog contains the complete and official version of the Academic Rules governing undergraduate and graduate students. View Syracuse University Academic Rules for undergraduate and graduate students in the Course Catalog.