Locating Courses
Locating Blackboard Courses
There are three primary reasons that instructors may have difficulty locating a course in the Blackboard course list. This page details all three with solutions for each.Â
Long Course Lists
For instructors with many courses, it can be difficult to find a course in the course list. The best solution is to use the search function to shorten the list.Â
The following searches are the most effective for locating a course.
Three-letter department code
Three-number course code
Semester name, i.e. "Fall23" or "Spring23" — enter it exactly in this format and do not include a space between the letters and numbers
Term or Semester code from the Course ID, i.e. "1231" for Fall 2022 courses
Once you've located your course, clicking the star button will set it to the top of your courses list as a "Favorite." Clicking the purple star will remove the designation and remove it from your "favorites" list.
Edited Course Dates
Courses in Blackboard are located under term labels based on a duration set within the course. The duration is automatically populated upon creation with a default start date four weeks before the start of main campus classes and a default end date of the final day of the month following the term. If an instructor has adjusted these dates, the course will move to a new area within the system.
To quickly find your course move to the "Terms" area and select "All Terms", and enter a search term in the "Search your courses" search box. Doing this should return the course such as its course code since you are searching across all the terms.Â
For further information on how to edit your course dates visit Course Settings - Blackboard Anthology
Hidden Courses
Instructors are able to hide courses from their own view. This does not impact the view for other instructors or for students. Students are not allowed to hide courses they are enrolled in.
To locate a hidden course:
Change the "Filter" setting by clicking the dropdown menu and selecting "Hidden from me."
In the "Terms" box you can select which Term of hidden courses you would like to see, or select "All Terms".Â
The results you see is a list of courses. These results change when you select different tabs in "Terms".Â
To show a hidden course:
Identify the course and select the ellipsison the far right of the course card. In the drop-down menu select "Show course". The course should then appear in the appropriate area under "Terms".Â