Poll Everywhere - Export Activity Results to Blackboard
To export Gradebook results from audience/student responses to Poll Everywhere activities you must have done the following:
Completed an activity with graded results from students' participation
Created a report on student results/activity
Sync your Blackboard roster (for a given course) in Poll Everywhere
Step 1
Access Poll Everywhere from your course in Blackboard.
Step 2
Select the Continue to developer blackboard blue button.
Step 3
Select the Gradebook item you wish to export.
Step 4
Review the Gradebook report, then select Export in the lower right-side of the right panel. Additionally, you have the options to download or print the report.
Step 5
On the Export report pop up, select what you would like to export: grades, participation, or attendance. Grade is selected by default. Click Next.
The Export complete pop-up dialogue box will note that your export is completed. Select Close.
Step 6
Once the export is complete, you can go to your Blackboard course and access the Gradebook. You will see the gradable Item is now in your list.