Graduate Awards

Award/Honor Name

Who Is Eligible?

Process and Dates

SOE Oversight


Award/Honor Name

Who Is Eligible?

Process and Dates

SOE Oversight


One University Awards

Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence in Student Research

The award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions in student research.

Undergraduate and graduate students

  • Nominated by SU community (requires Dean or Administrative Leader’s concurrence)

  • Selection Committee make recommendations to Chancellor in February

Deadline: early December

Notification: early April

Announcement: mid-late April

Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

Graduate School

Graduate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Work Competition

Recognizes up to eight graduate students annually for their overall academic record and the outstanding quality of their research or creative activity.

Doctoral and master’s students in good academic standing.

Two primary criteria are used to judge applicants:

  • Overall strength and impact of the applicant’s achievements in research or creative work

  • Strength and impact of the applicant’s proposed presentation of research or a creative work



Announcement: late March

Office of the Dean

Graduate School (Spring Ceremony)

SU News/SOE News

Doctoral Research Prize

Prize for the best doctoral dissertations

Graduating doctoral students

  • Graduate School process and decision


Notification: late April

Announcement: N/A currently

Office of the Dean

Graduate School

SOE Convocation

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

Recognizes TAs who have made distinguished contributions by demonstrating excellence in significant instructional capacities

Graduate Teaching Assistants in good standing

  • Nominated by department/school

  • Present a teaching portfolio



Announcement: late April

Office of the Dean

Graduate School (Spring Ceremony)

SU News/SOE News

Summer Dissertation Fellowship

Provides up to 30 dissertation fellowships to advanced doctoral students.

Doctoral students in good standing

(ABD status or have completed all coursework)

Committed to making significant progress during following summer.

  • Direct Application

  • Award will serve as the primary source of summer funding

Deadline: early April


Announcement: late April

Office of the Dean

Graduate School

SU News/SOE News

Teaching Mentors

Selected for their excellence in teaching and overall graduate study, and representing colleges and disciplines from across the university, the teaching mentors comprise the “core faculty” during the Teaching Assistant Orientation Program.

Graduate Students who are Teaching Assistants

In good academic standing

  • Direct Application

  • Must attend TA Orientation

  • Must attend a Teaching Mentor information sessions

Deadline: early February


Announcement: late April

Office of the Dean

Graduate School


Three Minute Thesis Competition

Challenges graduate students to present a compelling oration on their thesis and its significance in just three minutes, in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.

Advanced doctoral students and candidates

  • Direct Application



Announcement: mid-April


Graduate School (Spring competition)

SU News/SOE News

School of Education

SOE Convocation Graduate Speaker

Graduating graduate students.

Strong academic and service record who are interested in leadership and public speaking role.

  • Nominations solicited from faculty; nominated students confirm interest and submit a short speech

  • Chosen by committee arranged by ACS

Deadline: March 1

Notification: mid April

Announcement: N/A currently

Office of Academic and Student Services

SOE Convocation

Joan N. Burstyn Endowed Fund for Collaborative Research in Education

Supports research and/or creative projects by SOE graduate students working collaboratively with faculty.

SOE graduate student(s)

AND faculty member(s) or alumni

  • Direct Application opens in March

Deadline: early March

Notification: early April

Announcement: N/A currently

Office of the Dean

SU News/SOE News

Graduate Student Research and Creative Grants

This grant supports School of Education graduate student research and/or creative projects. This work does not have to be done in collaboration with a faculty member. Student awards will be $250-$1000, depending on the quality of the proposal and available funding.

All graduate students

  • Narratives should be limited to 2,000 words, not including appendices

  • Appendices should include one page each for a) references, b) timeline, c) budget, and d) researcher qualifications

  • Proposals should include a one-page letter of support from a faculty member

  • Each proposal will be reviewed independently by at least two SOE faculty members






Orange Holmes Scholars

Supports students who self-identify as racially and ethnically diverse and are pursuing graduate degrees in education at AACTE member institutions.

First- or second- year doctoral students interested in teacher, leader, or counselor education.


  • Direct Application with program chair endorsement

  • Info sent to eligible students directly

Deadline: January


Announcement: April (after AACTE)

Office of the Dean

AACTE Recognition and Benefits

SOE News

Orange Circle Award

Recognizes altruistic members of the Syracuse University community who have done extraordinary things in the service of others.

Faculty, staff, alumni, or student organizations

Deadline: August

Notification: June-July

Announcement: ~1 month before Orange Central

Office of the Dean

Orange Central Alumni Awards (April)


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