Undergraduate Awards

Award/Honor Name

Who Is Eligible?

Process and Dates

SOE Oversight

Ceremony and/or Announcement

Award/Honor Name

Who Is Eligible?

Process and Dates

SOE Oversight

Ceremony and/or Announcement

One University Awards

Remembrance Scholar

Remembrance Scholars are selected according to four criteria: community impact, leadership, creativity, and thoughtful academic inquiry.

Rising seniors for next academic year

  • Direct Application

  • University selection committee: five faculty, five staff, and five current Scholars

Deadline: January


Announcement: late April

Office of Academic and Student Services

One University Awards

SU Commencement

SOE Convocation

SU News/SOE News

Syracuse University Scholar

The Syracuse University Scholars are a group of eight to twelve academically outstanding graduating seniors. 

Graduating seniors

  • Each school nominates at least two students

  • Chosen by Scholars Selection Committee

Deadline: mid January


Announcement: mid April

Office of Academic and Student Services

One University Awards

SU Commencement

SOE Convocation

SU News/SOE News

Seinfeld Scholarship

Outstanding contributions to the beauty of the world, to have added to human values and to ending human abuse anywhere in the world, or have demonstrated passion for excellence, creativity and originality in academic or artistic fields.

Three-year cycle:

·   First and second years: faculty member

·   Third year: two graduating seniors

Deadline: mid January


Announcement: mid-late April

Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence in Student Research

Outstanding contributions in student research.

Undergraduates and graduate students

  • Nominated by SU community (requires Dean or Administrative Leader’s concurrence)

Deadline: early December

Notification: early April

Announcement: mid-late April

Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

School of Education

SOE Leadership Scholar

Recognized for their leadership, extra-curricular involvement, interest in education, and passion for making communities more inclusive and welcoming to all.

Accepted First Year (and Transfer?) Undergraduate Students

All applicants are considered

  • Selected by Admissions Committee

Deadline: January 1 (with admissions application)

Notification: with admission?

Announcement: N/A currently

Office of Academic and Student Services

SOE Convocation

SOE Convocation Undergraduate Speaker

Graduating seniors.

Strong academic and service record who are interested in leadership and public speaking role.

  • Nominations solicited from faculty; nominated students confirm interest and submit a short speech

  • Chosen by committee arranged by ACS

Deadline: March 1; speeches due by  

Notification: mid April

Announcement: N/A currently

Office of Academic and Student Services

SOE Convocation

Senior Class Marshals

Senior Class Marshals exemplify the spirit of the senior class, embody One University, exhibit academic excellence, and have excelled during their time at Syracuse. 

Rising seniors for next academic year

  • Direct application or faculty/staff nomination

Deadline: early February


Announcement: early April

Office of Academic and Student Services

One University Awards

SU Commencement

SU News/SOE News

Student Marshals

Marshals represent schools and colleges. They are selected for their distinguished achievement in scholarship, academic honors, student organization involvement, leadership, and collegiality, as well as campus and community engagement and service.

Rising seniors for next academic year

  • Office of Student Experience sends applicants not selected for Senior Class Marshal for consideration.

  • Plus, nominations can come from faculty within a school/college. 

Deadline: early February


Announcement: early April

Office of Academic and Student Services

One University Awards

SU Commencement

SU News/SOE News

Undergraduate Peer Advisors

Undergraduate peer advisors are volunteer School of Education students who assist with Orientation and recruitment, mentor other students, and are involved with other events and tasks.

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors

Must have a 3.0 GPA and be in good academic standing.

  • Direct Application



Announcement: N/A currently

Office of Academic and Student Services

SOE Convocation

Kappa Delta Pi

Student-led Alpha Delta Iota chapter of Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), the international honor society in education.

Undergraduates in education related programs

Nomination process organized via Instagram page

Office of Academic and Student Services

KDP Communications

SOE Convocation

SU News/SOE News

Other Syracuse University

Renee Crown Honors Program

Honors students complete rigorous academic program requirements and a multi-semester capstone.

Pre-freshman applicants onward

Cum laude level GPA

Academic and professional interest that fit the program

  • Direct application



Announcement: N/A currently

Office of Academic and Student Services

SU Commencement

SOE Convocation

Meeting of the Minds Conference

Hosted each spring (usually in April) by one of the ACC member schools. An opportunity for outstanding undergraduate students to present research and creative projects


  • Information released in December

  • Each of ACC university selects approximately six students



Announcement: N/A currently

Office of the Dean

SU Office of Research/SOURCE

Young Research Fellows Program

The CFSA-SOURCE Young Research Fellows Program supports student discovery, innovation, and success.

First year students in any discipline

Minimum 3.75 GPA

Demonstrated commitment to research/creative inquiry

  • Must have endorsement of a faculty member willing to serve as Faculty Mentor



Announcement: N/A currently

Office of the Dean

SU Center for Fellowship and Scholarship Advising


SOE Convocation

SU News/SOE News

44 Stars of Excellence Awards

The 44 Stars of Excellence Awards acknowledge those who demonstrate outstanding dedication and commitment to their organization and its mission.

Student organizations, students, and advisors

  • Awards for students, advisors, organizations, events, community service, etc.

Deadline: late April


Announcement: N/A currently

Office of Academic and Student Services

Division of Student Experience 44 Stars Gala

SU News/SOE News

'Cuse Awards

Celebrate the success of all SU student-athletes and Orange teams.

All student-athletes

  • Nominated by SU Athletics or teams


SU Athletics ’Cuse Awards Gala

Orange Circle Award

Recognizes altruistic members of the Syracuse University community who have done extraordinary things in the service of others.

Faculty, staff, alumni, or student organizations

Deadline: August

Notification: June-July

Announcement: ~1 month before Orange Central

Office of the Dean

Orange Central Alumni Awards (April)

Syracuse Alumni Club of Rochester Scholarship

Scholarships for Rochester-area undergraduates

Rochester-area seniors

  • ACS office prompted each spring

Deadline: Mid-April



Office of Academic and Student Services