Faculty/Staff Awards

Award/Honor Name

Who Is Eligible?

Process and Dates

SOE Oversight

Ceremony and/or Announcement

Award/Honor Name

Who Is Eligible?

Process and Dates

SOE Oversight

Ceremony and/or Announcement

One University Awards

Meredith Professorships

Recognize and reward outstanding teaching at Syracuse University.

Any tenured faculty member in any SU school or college.

Interested in additional research and professional development projects.

  • Stage 1 nominated by Dean

  • Selected nominees invited to Stage 2 application

Deadline: Stage 1 materials due November 1; Stage 2 materials due mid February


Announcement: early May

Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

Meredith Professor Teaching Recognition Award for Early Performance

Sponsored by the Meredith Professors to benefit non-tenured faculty members.

Non-tenured, tenure-track faculty; teaching professors; professors of practice; adjuncts; part-time instructors.

2-5 years of teaching at SU (not in tenure review year).

  • Nominated by any faculty member, with Dean’s concurrence

Deadline: mid February


Announcement: early May

Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

Meredith Professor Teaching Recognition Award for Continuing Excellence

Sponsored by the Meredith Professors to benefit non-tenured faculty members.

Non-tenured, tenure-track faculty; teaching professors; professors of practice; adjuncts; part-time instructors.

At least 5 years of teaching at SU.

  • Nominated by any faculty member, with Dean’s concurrence

Deadline: mid February


Announcement: early May

Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence Award for Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction

For work of intellectual richness that has the potential for future impact.


  • Nominated by SU community (including alumni) with Dean’s concurrence

Deadline: early December

Notification: early April

Announcement: mid-late April

Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Student Experience and University Initiatives

For work that has enhanced the undergraduate experience for students or made invaluable contributions to supporting and advancing the University’s mission and goals.

Faculty members, management and professional staff, or administrative and support staff.

  • Nominated by SU community (including alumni) with Dean’s concurrence

Deadline: early December

Notification: early April

Announcement: mid-late April

Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence Lifetime Achievement Award

Honors those who have made extraordinary contributions toward advancing all four pillars of excellence over the arc of their careers while at the University and beyond.

Tenured faculty

  • Nominated by SU community (including alumni) with Dean’s concurrence

Deadline: early December

Notification: early April

Announcement: mid-late April

Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

Seinfeld Scholarship

Outstanding contributions to the beauty of the world, to have added to human values and to ending human abuse anywhere in the world, or have demonstrated passion for excellence, creativity and originality in academic or artistic fields.

Three-year cycle:

·   First and second years: faculty member

·   Third year: two graduating seniors

  • Faculty nominated by their Dean

  • Not intended as a prize for past accomplishments

Deadline: late January


Announcement: mid-late April

Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

Emeriti Faculty Status

Retiring tenured faculty

  • Recommended by anyone to program director

  • Considered by colleagues, Dean

  • Approved by BoT, Senate, Provost, and Chancellor




Office of the Dean

One University Awards

SU News/SOE News

School of Education

Distinguished Professor

Members of the professorate who have achieved exceptionally distinguished stature in their respective academic specialties.

Tenured faculty

Deadline: December

Notification: May

Announcement: May

Office of the Dean

Office of Academic Affairs

SU News/SOE News

Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award

This award honors faculty who have a significant, positive influence on graduate education through their commitment to superior graduate teaching, dedication to departmental and community presence and research initiatives.

Any faculty member who has demonstrated excellence and lasting impact in: mentoring of graduate students; graduate instructional performance; special advising efforts and/or advocacy.

Deadline: early February


Announcement: mid April

Office of the Dean

SU Graduate School (April/May ceremony)

Orange Circle Award

Recognizes altruistic members of the Syracuse University community who have done extraordinary things in the service of others.

Faculty, staff, alumni, or student organizations

Deadline: August

Notification: June-July

Announcement: ~1 month before Orange Central

Office of the Dean

Orange Central Alumni Awards (April)

Joan N. Burstyn Endowed Fund for Collaborative Research in Education

Supports research and/or creative projects by SOE graduate students working collaboratively with faculty.

SOE graduate student(s)

AND faculty member(s) or alumni

  • Direct Application opens in March

Deadline: early March

Notification: early April

Announcement: N/A currently

Office of the Dean

SU News/SOE News