Teaching and Technology Tuesdays

This monthly "Lunch and Learn" session is an informal gathering designed to provide information to faculty about best practices and approaches to teaching and instructional technology. The session provides an opportunity for faculty members to ask questions and participate in discussion with Martha Diede from the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) and Michael Morrison from the Online Learning Services (OLS) unit of Information Technology Services as well as invited guests.


First Tuesdays from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM via web conferencing link.

Weekly Topics

Next Session

May 4, 2021 - Blackboard Ultra Navigation - LIVE SESSION

In May 2021, Syracuse will update Blackboard to the new Ultra Navigation. Join this sessions to see an overview of this new navigation for the Blackboard Learn system.

Next Month

May 4, 2021 - Blackboard Ultra Navigation - New Blackboard Interface - LIVE SESSION

Join us to hear about the new Blackboard interface that will be implemented in July 2021.

Previous Sessions

June 16, 2020 - Evaluating your Learning Objectives in Light of Fall 2020 Course Delivery Models

We discussed the different announced teaching modes for Fall 2020 courses. For those teaching mixed mode classes, we shared a planning checklist and a sample schedule of a 50-minute mixed mode class.

Session Transcript (no recording available)

June 23, 2020 - Rethinking your Assessments and Technology

As you plan your course for the Fall 2020 semester, will you need to redesign, restructure or rethink your evaluations based upon the teaching modality of your class? Will your assignments still succeed if students are online? What are the challenges if you have to split your class in mixed mode? What changes will you need to make to deliver an online final exam? Join us for a discussion of the challenges and opportunities around designing and delivering assignments and assessments for your Fall 2020 course.

Recording of This Session (59:04 minutes; includes transcript and chat session)

June 30, 2020 - Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate: Which one Should I use for my class?

Syracuse University offers two supported web conferencing solutions to support teaching and learning - Zoom and Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Join us during this session for a comparison of the features available in each of these solutions. Find out the information that you need in order to make a selection for your Fall 2020 courses.

Recording of this Session (61:42 minutes; includes transcript and chat session)

Blackboard Collaborate vs. Zoom side-by-Side Comparison (PDF Document)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blackboard Collaborate and Zoom (PDF Document)

July 7, 2020 - Student Engagement: Best Practices and Tools

Come discuss best practices around student engagement. Share ways that you plan to engage your student during full-online or mixed mode classes in the Fall 2020 semester. We will also review some tools that may be useful in your efforts.

Recording of this Session (60:07 Minutes, Includes transcript and chat session)

July 14, 2020 - Preview of Kaltura Streaming Video Service

On July 15, 2020, Syracuse University will debut their new streaming video service, Kaltura. This system will allow faculty members to easily create or upload video content for their Fall 2020 course development. Come see a preview of this new system and hear about how it can enhance your course delivery options.

Recording of this Session (60:21 minutes, Includes transcript and chat session)

July 21, 2020 - Student Assignments, Scaffolding and Digital Feedback

This session will focus on how to scaffold your student assignments and provide digital feedback using the new Blackboard Annotate tool.

Recording of this Session (59:24 minutes, includes transcript and chat session)

Blackboard Annotate Quick Start Guide

Blackboard Assignments - Best Practices

July 28, 2020 - SU Libraries and Fall 2020 Classes

Join our special guest, Kelly Delevan, Information Literacy Librarian for the SU Libraries, for a discussion of digital resources provided by the SU Libraries and how they can enhance your Fall 2020 courses.

Recording of this Session(58:14, including transcript and chat)

August 4, 2020 - Center for Disability Resources

Join our special guests from the Center for Disability Resources as they discuss their planning and options for Fall 2020 courses, including full online courses and hybrid classes.

Recording of this Session (58:27, including transcript and chat)

August 11, 2020 - What to expect the First Day of Classes

Come discuss what to expect that first day of class in the new paradigm. We will be discussing both teaching and technology related topics. Come share your concerns, questions and solutions.

Recording of this Session (1:00:42, including transcript and chat)

August 18, 2020 - Technology in the Classroom: Issues around a Hybrid Class

We will be discussing the challenges and opportunities of classroom technologies in the hybrid model of teaching for Fall 2020. Bring your questions and concerns as we talk about technical issues and best practices for managing the classroom, as well as remote students.

Recording of this Session (52:47 , including transcript and chat)

September 1, 2020 - Discussion about the Good and the Bad of the first Week of Classes

Join us for a discussion of the good and bad things that happened during the first week of classes.

Recording of this Session (56:02, including transcript and Chat)

September 8, 2020 - Discouraging Cheating in Online Exams using Tools in Blackboard

This session will explore options for configuring online test in Blackboard to discourage cheating. This will include both demonstrations of technical configurations and discussion of best practices of instructional technology around exams.

Recording of this Session (1:00, including transcript and chat)

PDF Version of PowerPoint Presentation

September 15, 2020 - Online Discussions - Tools and Techniques to Increase Participation and Enthusiasm

Are your online discussions lacking in student participation and thoughtful responses? Join us for a discussion of tools and techniques that you can use to increase participation and improve the quality of student responses in the online discussions or your course.

Recording of this Session (54:16, including transcript and chat)

September 22, 2020 - Technology Efficiencies

Come hear about ways to improve your efficiency with academic technologies including email, Blackboard, Zoom and Kaltura. Bring your favorite tips and tricks to share with others.

September 29, 2020 - No Meeting this Week

We will be taking a week off and will be be back on October 6, 2020!

October 6, 2020 - Teaching and Technology resources to get you through!

Turnitin Overview - Resources and overview of the Turnitin system to assist in preventing plagiarism. More information Here.

Student Self-Assessment Checklist. Create a checklist similar to this one to encourage your students to reflect on what they have learned so far. Introductory video and video transcript. Checklist sample.

October 13, 2020- No Live Session today but Technology and Teaching Tips to get you through!

Finding New Energy Mid-Course. Ways to give yourself energy as you race for the end-of-semester tape.

October 20, 2020- Live session with Question and Answer session. 

Bring your teaching and technology questions as you prepare for the end of the semester.

October 27, 2020-Teaching and Technology Tips for Spring 2021 Teaching - NO LIVE SESSION

Best practices and new technology techniques to enhance your Spring 2021 course and your teaching.

November 3, 2020-Teaching and Technology Tips for Spring 2021 Teaching - NO LIVE SESSION

Best practices and new technology techniques to enhance your Spring 2021 course and your teaching.

November 10, 2020-Teaching and Technology Tips for Spring 2021 Teaching - NO LIVE SESSION

Best practices and new technology techniques to enhance your Spring 2021 course and your teaching.

Feburary 9, 2021-Teaching and Technology Tips for Spring 2021 Teaching - LIVE SESSION

Simone Adams from the Barnes Center will discuss student mental health and Barnes Center resources.

Recording of this Session (51:18, including transcript)

March 2, 2021-Class for Zoom- LIVE SESSION

Class for Zoom is an add-on tool for Zoom that adds features and tools to better support the use of Zoom in an educational setting. These include administrative tools like attendance tracking and a grade book, along with instructional tools like assignments and assessments. Improved Zoom tools include different seating charts and a class roster. Join us to see a live demonstration of this new tool. For more on the features of Class for zoom, visit https://www.class.com/getting-started/features-overview/.

April 6, 2021 - Traditional Assessments–Avoid Them Entirely or Revise Them to Make Them Work - LIVE SESSION

Join us to hear about some ways to avoid traditional assessments such as tests and research papers and ways to set up traditional assessments that might work a little better for you and your students.

Recording of this Session (53:14, includes transcript)


Please register for this seminar by completing the registration form. Registrants will receive an email containing a link that will be used to host the sessions in Zoom.  The same link will provide access to all of the monthly sessions.

To request accommodations, please contact Michael Morrison at memorr02@syr.ed at least two days before the session that you wish to attend.