Student Self-Assessment: Introductory Video Transcript

October 6, 2020

Good afternoon, and thank you for joining in our virtual Teaching and Technology Tuesday. We know that we are at the middle of the semester. Now is a great time to give ourselves and our students a moment to pause and to reflect on what is working so far, to look at how far we have come and what we have learned throughout the journey. One way to support our students in taking stock of their own learning and encouraging them to recognize their own growth and development is a self-assessment checklist.

Developed by Dr. Jeanine Irons in the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence here at SU, the self-assessment checklist supports students in reviewing their commitment to their own learning. Instructors can use this checklist to give students the opportunity to pause and to reflect on what works for them in the way that they approach their courses, what hasn’t worked so far for them in the way they choose to learn and to study, and what small steps they might take to improving their own performance as the semester moves into its second half.

As you think through encouraging your students to consider how they contribute to their own leaning and to the learning of students around them, the faculty support team stands ready and willing to offer ideas, a sounding board, listening ears, and evidence-based techniques. As always, you can reach the faculty support team at If you would like a consultation with an educational developer, focused on teaching, we can be reached at

Thank you again for choosing to spend your valuable time with us, thinking about teaching.