2021-2022 "Tech Tips" Email Archives

JUNE  7, 2022

We hope your summer is off to a great start! We are here to help with your technology questions all year long. In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677). Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

This month’s topics:

  • Registration Deadline: Summer Institute for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning
  • Ensemble Videos in Blackboard Courses
  • Update Regarding Multi-Factor Authentication Methods
  • ITS Phish Bowl
  • New Libraries Website
  • Faculty Resources from SU Libraries

Registration Deadline: Summer Institute for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning

Since 2012, the Summer Institute for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning (SITETL) has offered faculty members an opportunity to intentionally and judiciously use technology to support academic success. SITETL relies on small groups of faculty members joining from the 11 schools and colleges to engage with various topics and technologies over five full days of sessions. The summer 2022 SITETL session is scheduled for Aug. 1-5. The application deadline is July 15. Visit sitetl.syr.edu to learn more.

Ensemble Videos in Blackboard Courses

Blackboard courses using Ensemble video require updates in the form of new links to videos hosted in Kaltura. The Blackboard course copy function will copy Ensemble video links without displaying an error, but those videos will no longer play. Users can log in to Ensemble to transfer videos using instructions on Answers until July 15, 2022. After that date, Ensemble will be wholly decommissioned, making content stored there permanently inaccessible.

Update Regarding Multi-Factor Authentication Methods

ITS has postponed the removal of the option to approve a multi-factor authentication (MFA) request by receiving a telephone call. This decision was made to allow more time to prepare for the change after the discovery of additional impact to the University community. ITS will communicate the updated timeline when the impact assessment is complete. In the interim, please configure your MFA using the app or text options if you have not already done so. To learn more, you can visit the Multi-Factor Authentication page on Answers. If you have accessibility concerns related to this change, please contact ADA@syr.edu. For any other questions, please contact your academic or administrative IT support personnel.

ITS Phish Bowl

Criminals use malicious email to try to trick you into revealing your password or other sensitive information or to infect your computer with malware. These phishers sometimes try to make their emails look real by using companies’ or institutions’ logos, fonts and colors. Urgent demands also are common (for example, “Reply with your password within 24 hours or your account will be closed!”). You can visit the ITS Phish Bowl to review a collection of recent phishing emails. You also can follow ITS on Instagram for phishing scam alerts.

New Libraries Website

SU Libraries has redesigned the libraries.syracuse.edu website to remain current, improve the user experience and align with University branding. The new site has improved navigation, functionality, responsive design, content and access to collections. You can find several video tutorials to acclimate to the new website on the website blog.

Faculty Resources from SU Libraries

Whether you are teaching a summer course, working on research and scholarship, or updating your CV or syllabus for the fall, the Libraries can help! Check out this list of faculty resources to see how the Libraries can support your success this summer.

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

MAY 4, 2022

We hope you are feeling strong as the semester draws to a close! In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also will continue to communicate with students. You can find a collection of student communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This month’s topics:

  • Registration Deadline: Summer Institute for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning
  • Ensemble Decommissioning on June 15
  • Upcoming Change to Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Changes to Zoom Sign-On Options
  • Alternatives to Traditional Final Exams
  • Accommodations for Final Exams
  • Phishing Scam Advisory
  • Tech Spotlight: Google Workspace
  • Course Feedback Window

Registration Deadline: Summer Institute for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning

Since 2012, the Summer Institute for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning (SITETL) has helped more than 200 faculty members enhance teaching and learning through the intentional and judicious use of technology. SITETL is focused on small groups of faculty members engaging with a wide variety of topics and technologies over five full days of sessions. There will be two SITETL sessions this year: one from May 23-27 and the other from June 6-10. Visit sitetl.syr.edu to learn more. The application deadline is Thursday, May 5. Selected applicants will be notified by May 11.

Ensemble Decommissioning on June 15

ITS will turn off Ensemble streaming as of May 16, followed by the complete decommissioning of Ensemble on June 15. Any content stored in Ensemble will be inaccessible as of that date. If your Blackboard course directs to Ensemble content, please update it with links to the Kaltura video platform as needed. You can learn more about transferring Ensemble media to Kaltura on Answers.

Upcoming Change to Multi-Factor Authentication

As of May 24, the option to approve a multi-factor authentication (MFA) request by receiving a telephone call will be discontinued. Users who only have the telephone call MFA method configured must select a new MFA method before May 24 to ensure their account remains active. This change will help protect against fraudulent MFA requests. You can learn more about multi-factor authentication methods on Answers. If you have accessibility concerns related to this change, please contact ADA@syr.edu.

Changes to Zoom Sign-On Options

As of May 24, users will only be able to sign in to Zoom using the Single Sign-On (SSO) method. Note: The Google option will still be available with the HIPAA-compliant Zoom system. You can learn more about using Single Sign-On to access Zoom on Answers.

Alternatives to Traditional Final Exams

As we approach finals week, keep in mind that instructors do not necessarily need to have a final exam if students can demonstrate they have met the course outcomes in other ways. Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Director Martha Diede has compiled some ideas for assessments to replace a final exam while encouraging academic integrity.

Accommodations for Final Exams

If your class was conducted in person this semester and you plan to have a final exam, you may choose to administer it online. If your class was conducted online and you plan to have a final exam, it should be administered online. If you have one or more students with disability-related accommodationsin your class and you plan to hold an in-person final exam, here are some things you can do to ensure a smooth experience for your student(s):

  • Approve (or decline) exam sign-ups in the Accommodate portal at least 24 hours before the exam.
  • The Center for Disability Resources (CDR) is temporarily short-staffed due to unexpected circumstances. If you or your department have the ability to proctor exams for your students with accommodations, please consider doing so.
  • Upload your exam to the portal as early as you possibly can. If you can give CDR two business days to work with your exam, they would be very grateful. Also, be sure to include any guidance on proctoring the exam (open book, “cheat sheet,” calculator use, etc.) and contact information for questions asked by students taking your exam.

If you have any questions, please email CDR at disabilityresources@syr.edu.

Phishing Scam Advisory

A phishing scam posing as an account termination warning is circulating among the University community. If you received that email, please delete it. Universities never ask for personal account information via email. In addition, ITS will never ask for your password via email. Any email communication or unsolicited web form asking for this type of information should be deleted. You can learn more at its.syr.edu. You also can follow ITS on Instagram for phishing scam alerts.

Tech Spotlight: Google Workspace

Google Workspace provides all faculty and staff a wide array of cloud-based services and provides new tools for collaboration, teaching and learning. These tools include Google Drive, Calendar, Hangouts and more. You can find a full list of available services on Answers.

Course Feedback Window

The window for collecting course feedback this semester is now open. Two important practices for increasing student response include sharing what you find helpful about course feedback with your students and dedicating time during a class session for them to complete the forms. The University’s online course feedback platform, accessible via Blackboard, allows you to monitor your real-time response rates and access results a few days after the grade submission deadline. If you have any questions, please email coursefeedback@syr.edu.

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

APRIL 13, 2022

We hope you are having a great semester. We’re here to help you finish strong! In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can listen to our podcast or contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also will continue to communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of student communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This month’s topics:

  • Summer Institute for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning
  • Alternatives to Traditional Final Exams
  • LinkedIn Learning: Microsoft Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word
  • Creating Accessible Content
  • Faculty Needs Assessment Survey
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: Stay Vigilant
  • Phishing Awareness

Summer Institute for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning

Since 2012, the Summer Institute for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning (SITETL) has helped more than 200 faculty members enhance teaching and learning through the intentional and judicious use of technology. SITETL is focused on small groups of faculty members engaging with a wide variety of topics and technologies over five full days of sessions. There will be two weeklong SITETL sessions this year: one from May 23-27 and the other from June 6-10. Visit sitetl.syr.edu to learn more. The application deadline is Thursday, May 5. Selected applicants will be notified by May 11.

Alternatives to Traditional Final Exams

As we approach finals week, keep in mind that instructors do not necessarily need to have a final exam if students can demonstrate they have met the course outcomes in other ways. Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Director Martha Diede has compiled some ideas for assessments to replace a final exam while encouraging academic integrity.

LinkedIn Learning: Microsoft Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word

Available to all University students, instructors and staff, LinkedIn Learning provides access to thousands of high-quality, on-demand courses. Some good options include:

  • Excel Essential Training
  • Outlook Essential Training
  • PowerPoint Essential Training
  • Word Essential Training

Creating Accessible Content

Accessibility enables full participation by all people regardless of their individual learning styles and abilities. While most tools (Adobe, Qualtrics, etc.) feature accessibility checks, the content creator ultimately is responsible for creating fully accessible content. To learn how to create inclusive online content, review the Accessible Technology Toolkit on Answers. The toolkit features workshops, resources for event planners and more.

Faculty Needs Assessment Survey

The last few years have been challenging for faculty and students alike. For this reason, the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) is giving faculty the opportunity to complete a brief, anonymous survey that will shape the center’s services and offerings for the next three years. You also are welcome to contact the CTLE (ctle@syr.edu or 315.443.1208) at any time to discuss tailored faculty professional development.

Multi-Factor Authentication: Stay Vigilant

Cyber-attackers have shifted their strategy since the University adopted multi-factor authentication to access key resources. Once an attacker compromises a Syracuse University NetID/password combination through phishing or other attacks, the attacker repeatedly attempts to log in to University resources, generating multiple MFA requests on the compromised user’s phone or mobile device. This is done in an attempt to “wear out” their victims and cause them to approve the MFA request to silence their phone or device. This, in turn, allows the attacker access. If you have not explicitly attempted to log in to a system, do not accept an MFA request from your phone or device. Contact your local IT support staff or the ITS Service Center to report fraudulent MFA requests.

Phishing Awareness

Criminals use malicious email to try to trick you into revealing your password or other sensitive information or to infect your computer with malware. These phishers sometimes try to make their emails look real by using companies’ or institutions’ logos, fonts and colors. Urgent demands also are common (for example, “Reply with your password within 24 hours or your account will be closed!”). You can learn more about identifying phishing emails on Answers. You also can follow ITS on Instagram for phishing scam alerts.

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

MARCH 9, 2022

We hope your semester is going well. In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can listen to our podcast or contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also will continue to communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of student communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This month’s topics:

  • Required Information Security Training
  • Resisting MFA Fatigue
  • Job Offer or Phishing Scam?
  • Disconnecting Wireless Hot Spots
  • Training for Supported Technologies
  • Shared Competencies Professional Development Series

Required Information Security Training

All faculty and staff must complete mandatory information security training in accordance with New York State requirements. You can complete your annual training at any time. To do so:

  • Go to MySlice
  • From the Employee Home page, click the Employee Resources tile
  • Click the Security Awareness tile to access the training

To receive credit for completing the training, you will need to enter a code provided at the end of the video, as well as take a brief quiz. The deadline to complete this training is March 31.

Resisting MFA Fatigue

Cyberattackers have shifted their strategy since the University adopted multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access key resources. Once an attacker compromises a Syracuse University NetID/password combination through phishing or other attacks, the attacker repeatedly attempts to log in to University resources, generating multiple MFA requests on the compromised user’s phone or mobile device. This is done in an attempt to “wear out” their victims and cause them to approve the MFA request to silence their phone or device. This, in turn, allows the attacker access. If you have not explicitly attempted to log in to a system, do not accept an MFA request from your phone or device. Contact your local IT support staff or the ITS Service Center to report fraudulent MFA requests.

Job Offer or Phishing Scam?

Several phishing scam emails disguised as job offers or account information requests have circulated throughout the University community in recent weeks. These messages are designed to trick you into giving out your personal information. To protect against phishing attacks, ask yourself these questions the next time you receive a suspicious email:

  • Was I expecting the document or link? Be suspicious of unexpected emails sharing documents and links. If you are not sure, contact the sender (preferably via text message, phone or an alternative email address) and ask if they shared a document with you.
  • Do I know the person sharing it? Consider the message suspicious if you do not know the sender. Remember, phishers often use compromised accounts to send their messages. They also can forge the sending address. If you feel at all unsure, call the sender at a known number to confirm they sent the information.
  • Can I identify the attached document before opening it? Is it clear from the document title and message what the document is and why it is being shared? Phishers often send vague messages stating a document has been shared with you. They rely on your curiosity to open the document. Do not open suspicious shared documents.
  • Does the product or offer seem too good to be true? Beware of emails promising financial gain, quick fixes or easy solutions, as these are likely phishing attempts.

You can follow ITS on Instagram for phishing scam alerts.

Disconnecting Wireless Hot Spots

The use of personal WiFi hot spots has increased in recent years, with many people using their hot spots elsewhere and forgetting to turn them off when they arrive on campus. ITS recommends only using a hot spot at home or while traveling. When someone uses a hot spot on campus, their signal competes with the existing AirOrangeX wireless network. Connecting to the AirOrangeX network instead of a personal hot spot is a great way to improve the campus computing experience for everyone. Faculty and staff also can begin their in-person meetings and classes by asking everyone to check their devices before they get started, similar to setting a phone to “airplane mode” before a flight. To learn how to connect to AirOrangeX, please visit its.syr.edu/connected.

Training for Supported Technologies

ITS offers training materials for supported instructional tools (e.g., Blackboard, Zoom, Kaltura, Play Posit and TurningPoint). You can find recordings of previous training sessions on Answers. If you want to know about the technology available in specific classrooms, you can review our Classroom Resource Guide. Please consider using these tools when planning your classes, as ITS cannot provide support for other tools. Unsupported tools or platforms (e.g., social media) might also raise concerns related to FERPA and information security.

Shared Competencies Professional Development Series

The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will offer three professional development tracks to help faculty prepare for the University’s self-study and reaccreditation process in 2026-27 by incorporating the shared competencies into the curriculum. Each track will also support faculty seeking to incorporate diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility principles in their course and curriculum design. All sessions will be offered on Zoom and will consist of a kickoff signature class and two working sessions aimed at putting principles into practice. By the end of the track the faculty person will have created a deliverable: a redesigned syllabus reflecting best practices in equity-minded pedagogy, a signature assignment and feedback rubrics embedded in Blackboard. Learn more about the individual professional development tracks.

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

FEB. 16, 2022

We hope your semester is going well. In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can listen to our podcast or contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also will continue to communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of student communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This month’s topics:

  • Required Information Security Training
  • Disconnecting Wireless Hotspots
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Personal Pronouns
  • Orange Bot
  • Upcoming Events
  • PlayPosit for Video-Based Teaching and Training
  • Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
  • Rethinking Mid-Terms
  • Online Grading Resources

Required Information Security Training

All faculty and staff must complete mandatory information security training in accordance with New York State requirements. You can complete your annual training at any time. To do so:

  • Go to MySlice
  • From the Employee Home page, click the Employee Resources tile
  • Click the Security Awareness tile to access the training

To receive credit for completing the training, you will need to enter a code provided at the end of the video, as well as take a brief quiz. The expected time required to complete the training is 30-35 minutes. The deadline to complete this training is March 31.

Disconnecting Wireless Hotspots

ITS network administrators continue to detect wireless access points or “hotspots” coming from personal devices across campus. Hotspots can disrupt the normal use of University-provided wireless access. We encourage anyone using a hotspot to disconnect it and connect to the wireless AirOrangeX network instead. To learn how to connect to AirOrangeX, please visit its.syr.edu/connected.

Level Up with LinkedIn Learning

Available to all University employees, LinkedIn Learningprovides access to thousands of high-quality, on-demand courses. Popular new courses include:

  • C# Essential Training 1: Types and Control Flow
  • Navigating Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) at Work
  • Learning Photoshop Automation
  • Visual Storytelling in PowerPoint
  • Understanding Augmented and Virtual Reality: An Introduction

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns are the ways in which we refer to each other in the third person (for example, “he/him/his,” “she/her/hers,” “they/their/theirs,” etc.). All students, instructors and staff can update their personal pronouns in MySlice and Zoom. To learn more about personal pronouns, review this FAQ on Answers.

Orange Bot

Orange Bot is a virtual assistant that can help answer your questions about University information technology. Orange Bot is available on the ITS website and the College of Professional Studies website, with additional websites adding the feature soon. You can help Orange Bot provide better answers by asking it questions and then rating its responses.

Upcoming Events

PlayPosit for Video-Based Teaching and Training

Syracuse University provides PlayPosit as a platform to create dynamic video-based content. Integrated with Kaltura, it is a simple way to add interaction to videos and track viewer engagement. PlayPosit’s webinar series is an excellent way to learn more about the tool. There are two webinars scheduled in February 2022—one on using PlayPosit for live student responses and another for grouping your content with Playlists. You can register and view past webinars on PlayPosit’s website. For more ideas about how to integrate PlayPosit into your teaching and training, you can browse their use case library. The ITS Online Learning Services team is available to help you use PlayPosit in your classes.

Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence

The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) supports and develops faculty through collaboration. By offering a variety of services, the CTLE promotes effective, inclusive and innovative teaching. The CTLE offers group events, consultations, teaching observations and mid-semester analyses. You can visit the CTLE events page or fill out the Assistance Request Form to connect with an experienced faculty developer.

Rethinking Mid-Terms

Rather than plan on large exams for mid-terms, Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Director Martha Diede recommends instructors consider smaller, low-stakes assessments. These assessments give students the opportunity to demonstrate what they know and give instructors the opportunity to identify gaps in students’ knowledge and skill acquisition.

Online Grading Resources

Blackboard’s Grade Center allows you to record data, calculate grades and monitor student progress. In the Grade Center, you can provide and manage your students’ grades for assignments, tests, discussion posts and more. You also can create grade columns for other activities or requirements, such as special projects, participation or attendance.

JAN. 12, 2022

Welcome to the first “Tech Tips” email of the new year! We hope you enjoyed some time to rest and re-charge over the last few weeks in preparation for a great spring semester.

In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also will continue to communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of student communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This month’s topics:

  • Submitting Your COVID Documentation
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: Number Verification
  • Blackboard and Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Remote Access
  • Orange Bot
  • “ITS In-Depth”: Accessible Technology
  • “Behind the Monitor” Podcast
  • Connecting with Students
  • Strategies for Missed Classes and Late Work

Submitting Your COVID Documentation

We recently provided guidance on how to submit your documentation verifying your vaccination status (specifically, how to take, upload and submit a photo of your COVID vaccination card) if you have yet to do so. You can learn more by visiting the “How to Email a Picture From a Smartphone” page on Answers.

Multi-Factor Authentication: Number Verification

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is currently enabled for all faculty, staff and students accessing SUMail, Office365, MySlice, Blackboard and many other web-based applications. An upcoming change will strengthen MFA’s ability to prevent the unauthorized use of NetIDs and passwords. Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 18, users responding to a push notification from the Microsoft Authenticator app will be presented with a number verification that they will need to type into the app to complete the approval process. Those who currently use SMS (text messaging) or receive a phone call to authorize their accounts will not be affected by this change. You can learn more about this change on Answers.

Blackboard and Multi-Factor Authentication

As mentioned, Blackboard has been enhanced with Microsoft MFA. The function of MFA in Blackboard is similar to its behavior in other campus systems where it is enabled.

Remote Access

Effective Jan. 18, remote access via Syracuse University Remote Access (SURA) VPN configuration will no longer be available on personal devices. Those with University-owned and -managed PCs or Macs will not be affected by this change. You can learn more about remote access on Answers. If you have questions related to this change, please contact your academicor administrative IT support personnel.

Orange Bot

Orange Bot is a virtual assistant that can help answer your questions about the University’s information technology. Orange Bot is available on the ITS website, with additional websites adding the feature soon. You can help Orange Bot provide better answers by asking it questions and then rating its responses.

‘ITS In-Depth’: Accessible Technology

Each edition of “ITS In-Depth” takes a closer look at a hot topic in information technology. For the latest installment, we talked with Information Technology (IT) Accessibility Analyst Pam Thomas to learn about the role that technology plays in creating an inclusive Orange community.

‘Behind the Monitor’ Podcast

ITS has a podcast called “Behind the Monitor” that discusses technology’s role at Syracuse University. The latest episode features a run-down of updates for the spring semester, as well as a discussion of New Year’s tech resolutions. You can subscribe to “Behind the Monitor” on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Connecting With Students

As we get in the swing of a new semester, we know that staying in touch with students is important, both in person and online. Research shows that students learn better when they feel connected to their peers and to their instructors. Connections with staff also help to support learning. Be deliberate about building that sense of community and relationship (you can watch this video to learn more). Be sure to check your Syracuse University email and log in to Blackboard often to receive any possible communications. In particular, students might contact instructors if they are unable to access a course in Blackboard. Please make sure your courses are available in Blackboard. Also, please note that some messages sent through Blackboard wind up in recipients’ junk folders, so be sure to check your junk folder as well as your inbox.

Strategies for Missed Classes and Late Work

With students encouraged to stay out of class if they are sick, faculty might need to consider more flexible attendance policies and submission deadlines. This creates even more work for instructors. Log in to Answers and search “Strategies for Missed Classes and Late Assignments” for some tips from Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Director Martha Diede, including incorporating Blackboard and lecture capture technology.

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

NOV. 30, 2021

We hope that you enjoyed a restorative Thanksgiving break and feel ready for the home stretch of the semester. In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also will continue to communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of student communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This week’s topics:

  • Personal pronouns available on Zoom
  • Upcoming change to remote access
  • Creating accessible content
  • Orange Bot
  • Blackboard and multi-factor authentication
  • Alternatives to traditional final exams
  • Course feedback window
  • Open educational resources
  • Partnership for Inclusive Education

Personal Pronouns Available on Zoom

Personal pronouns are the ways in which we refer to each other in the third person (for example, “he/him/his,” “she/her/hers,” “they/their/theirs,” etc.). If you have selected your personal pronouns in MySlice, you now have the option to display them when using Zoom at Syracuse University. The latest blog post from ITS explains how.

Upcoming Change to Remote Access

Effective Jan. 15, 2022, remote access via Syracuse University Remote Access VPN configuration will no longer be available. You can learn more about remote access on Answers. If you have questions related to this change, please contact your department’s IT support personnel.

Creating Accessible Content

Accessibility enables full participation by all people regardless of their individual learning styles and abilities. While most tools (Adobe, Qualtrics, etc.) feature accessibility checks, the content creator ultimately is responsible for creating fully accessible content. To learn how to create inclusive online content, review the Accessible Technology Toolkit on Answers. The toolkit features workshops, resources for event planners and more.

Orange Bot Now Live on ITS Website

Orange Bot is a virtual assistant that can help answer your questions about University information technology. Orange Bot is available on the ITS website, with additional websites adding the feature soon. You can help Orange Bot provide better answers by asking it questions and then rating its responses. Try it out at its.syr.edu.

Blackboard and Multi-Factor Authentication

Beginning Monday, Dec. 20, at 8 a.m. ET, Blackboard’s security will be enhanced with Microsoft multi-factor authentication. You can learn more by reading “Multi-Factor Authentication Coming to Blackboard” on Answers.

Alternatives to Traditional Final Exams

As we approach finals week, keep in mind that instructors do not necessarily need to have a final exam if students can demonstrate they have met the course outcomes in other ways. Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Director Martha Diede has compiled some ideas for assessments to replace a final exam.

Course Feedback Window

The window for collecting student course feedback this semester is now open. The University’s course feedback platform, EvaluationKIT, allows instructors and administrators to monitor real-time response rates and to access results after grades are submitted. A good way to improve response rates is to offer class time for students to provide their feedback. If you have any questions, please email coursefeedback@syr.edu.

Open Educational Resources

If you will teach a course next semester, consider how you and your students can take advantage of open educational resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under a copyright license that permits anyone to freely use and repurpose them. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, textbooks, streaming videos and any other tools or materials used to support learning. Syracuse University Libraries has compiled a research guide to help you learn more.

Partnership for Inclusive Education

The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence invites instructors to participate in the Partnership for Inclusive Education. This is a partnership between faculty and student consultants to explore, develop and achieve pedagogical goals toward deep learning for all students. Previous projects have included assignment design, course review, diversity and inclusion development, mid-course student feedback and online teaching strategies. If you are interested in learning more, please email Laurel Willingham-McLain at lwilling@syr.edu.

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

NOV. 9, 2021

We hope your work is going well! In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of those communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This week’s topics:

  • Cybersecurity scavenger hunt
  • MySlice reminder
  • LinkedIn Learning: Microsoft Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word
  • Upcoming event: Research Computing Series
  • Strategies for missed classes and late work
  • Focus on Teaching and Learning Series
  • Blackboard and multi-factor authentication

Cybersecurity Scavenger Hunt

Although Cybersecurity Awareness Month officially ended in October, the ITS Information Security Department has extended it into November! Check out this digital scavenger hunt to help you learn more about how you can keep your information secure.

MySlice Reminder

MySlice was upgraded in September. The upgrade included enhanced security with Microsoft MFA. Additional details can be found on the MySlice Upgrade Answers page. If you are having trouble logging in to MySlice, try clearing your browser cache and cookies. Browser-specific instructions are available on the Clearing Browser History and Cache Answers page.

LinkedIn Learning: Microsoft Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word

Available to all University students, instructors and staff, LinkedIn Learning provides access to thousands of high-quality, on-demand courses. Some good options include:

  • Excel Essential Training
  • Outlook Essential Training
  • PowerPoint Essential Training
  • Word Essential Training

Upcoming Event: Research Computing Series

Do you need more computing power to move your work forward? Join the ITS Research Computing team on Tuesday, Nov. 16, to learn how to scale your research on the University’s advanced computing resources. The session will cover:

  • OrangeGrid, the High Throughput Computing cluster
  • Zest, the High Performance Computing cluster
  • Surge, the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) cluster

Additionally, the Research Computing team will review connecting on and off campus and how to reach the team when questions arise. You can learn more and register online.

Strategies for Missed Classes and Late Work

With students encouraged to stay out of class if they are sick, faculty might need to consider more flexible attendance policies and submission deadlines. This creates even more work for instructors. Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Director Martha Diede offers a few suggestions to address this challenge, including incorporating Blackboard and lecture capture technology.

Focus on Teaching and Learning Series

The “Focus on Teaching and Learning” series is a collaborative effort between the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment. This semester’s sessions included such topics as:

  • Getting the Most Out of Mid-Course Feedback
  • Learning and Relationships in (and Beyond) Our Courses
  • Experiences in Student Engagement: A Panel Discussion

You can review session recordings, readings and more.

Blackboard and Multi-Factor Authentication

Beginning Monday, Dec. 20, at 8 a.m. ET, Blackboard’s security will be enhanced with Microsoft multi-factor authentication. You can learn more about this upcoming change on Answers.

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

OCT. 26, 2021

We hope your work is going well! In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of those communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This week’s topics:

  • Antivirus software and malware protection
  • Qualtrics survey tool
  • Rave Guardian Safety mobile app
  • Upcoming event: Research Computing Series
  • PlayPosit video tool training

Antivirus Software and Malware Protection

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but it’s always a good time to be on the lookout for malware. Malware is a catch-all term for any type of malicious software, regardless of how it works, its intent or how it’s distributed. A virus, meanwhile, is a specific type of malware that self-replicates by inserting its code into other programs. Viruses spread by attaching themselves to legitimate files and programs and are distributed through infected websites, flash drives and emails. A victim activates a virus by opening the infected application or file. Once activated, a virus might delete or encrypt files, modify applications or disable system functions. Learn how to protect your device from malware on Answers.

Qualtrics Survey Tool

Qualtrics is a cloud-based research and survey tool available to all current faculty, staff and students. With over 100 question types, Qualtrics allows for many different types of research. Qualtrics users also are able to share surveys and projects while maintaining secure credentials. Learn more about Qualtrics on Answers.

Rave Guardian Safety Mobile App

Faculty and staff are encouraged to download Rave Guardian, a free app created by Rave Mobile Safety, which the University already uses to send Orange Alerts via platforms such as email, phone and text. With Rave Guardian, users can receive important campus notifications, communicate with the Department of Public Safety and gain access to helpful resources. You can download the Rave Guardian app in the Apple or Google Play stores by searching for “Rave Guardian.”

Upcoming Event: Research Computing Series

Do you need more computing power to move your work forward? Join the ITS Research Computing team on Tuesday, Nov. 16, to learn how to scale your research on the University’s advanced computing resources. The session will cover:

  • OrangeGrid, the High Throughput Computing cluster
  • Zest, the High Performance Computing cluster
  • Surge, the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) cluster

Additionally, the Research Computing team will review connecting on and off campus and how to reach the team when questions arise. You can learn more and register online.

PlayPosit Training

Available to faculty, staff and students, PlayPosit is an interactive online video tool that allows learners to explore new material at their own pace. PlayPosit hosts regular training for partner campuses like Syracuse University in a webinar format. The series includes sessions for creating content with PlayPosit for a variety of settings: asynchronous, synchronous, remote, hybrid and in-person. You can view archived sessions and upcoming meetings on PlayPosit’s website. Planned topics for live sessions include:

  • How to use PlayPosit for Supplemental Instruction
  • How to Create and Use Playlists
  • How to Embed Content from Other Web Apps Inside PlayPosit

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

OCT. 12, 2021

We hope your work is going well! In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also will continue to communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of those communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This week’s topics:

  • MySlice Tips and Reminders
  • Helping Students Manage Midterm Stress for Academic Success
  • Personal Pronouns
  • Making Things Happen at the MakerSpace
  • Upcoming Events

MySlice Tips and Reminders

As you know, MySlice has a new look after a system upgrade last month. MySlice’s security also was enhanced with Microsoft Two-Factor Authentication (also known as multi-factor authentication or MFA). If you haven’t visited MySlice since the upgrade, please clear your web browser cache before doing so. Please also navigate to myslice.syr.edu rather than using an old bookmark. Clearing your cache and navigating directly to the site will resolve most issues related to MFA.

If you need assistance with MFA-related issues, please call the ITS Help Desk at 315.443.2677 (rather than sending an email) for assistance. Zoom calls are available if you are outside of the United States.

Helping Students Manage Midterm Stress for Academic Success

Students recently received an overview of resources to manage academic and personal stress. Faculty and staff might wish to review these resources as they assist students during the midterm period.

We particularly want to highlight the information on disability accommodations for exams. As a reminder, faculty can coordinate with the Center for Disability Resources (and your student) in implementing accommodations using the Disability Faculty Portal found on MySlice.

In addition, the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellenceoffers resources for faculty seeking to enable student academic success during times of stress:

Personal Pronouns

International Pronouns Day is Wednesday, Oct. 20. Personal pronouns (“he,” “she,” “they,” etc.) specifically refer to the pronouns that people use for themselves. All students, instructors and staff can update their personal pronouns in MySlice by following these instructions. To learn more about personal pronouns, including suggestions for how to ask someone what their pronouns are, review this FAQ on Answers.

Making Things Happen at the MakerSpace

The MakerSpace is a hidden gem on campus. Located in the Kimmel Computer Lab, the MakerSpace is a collaborative space where students, faculty and staff can create fun, inventive projects using a variety of specialized machines, including 3D printers, a laser engraver, an embroidery machine and more. Learn more.

Upcoming Events

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

SEPT. 28, 2021

We hope your work is going well—and that you’re enjoying the start of fall! In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also will continue to communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of those communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This week’s topics:

  • Upgraded MySlice Now Available
  • Disconnecting Wireless Hotspots
  • Keep Zoom Up to Date
  • Phishing Awareness
  • Upcoming Events
  • Facilitating Large-Group Masked Discussion
  • ITS In-Depth: Extended Reality

Upgraded MySlice Now Available

MySlice has a new look after a system upgrade. Before logging in, please clear your web browser cache. The refreshed, tile-based MySlice features increased mobile compatibility, accessibility and personalization. You can find information about the enhanced navigation and user experience, including screenshots, on the MySlice Upgrade Answers page. Helpful tips include:

Disconnecting Wireless Hotspots

University network administrators have detected several wireless access points or “hotspots” coming from personal devices across campus. Wireless access points and hotspots are not permitted on campus because they can cause interference and disrupt the normal use of University-provided wireless access by students, faculty and staff. If you currently use a hotspot, please disconnect it. If you need help connecting your devices to AirOrangeX, you can review step-by-step instructionsor call the ITS Help Desk at 315.443.2677.

Keep Zoom Up to Date

If you are having issues with Zoom, be sure you have updated to the latest version. Detailed instructions to check for updates are available from Zoom. You can learn more on the Zoom at Syracuse University Answers page.

Also, if you are an instructor who uses Zoom in the classroom for students who are unable to attend, we have provided some tips for doing so in the Classroom Technology Guide for Hybrid Course Delivery.

Phishing Awareness

Criminals use malicious email to try to trick you into revealing your password or other sensitive information or to infect your computer with malware. These phishers sometimes try to make their emails look real by using companies’ or institutions’ logos, fonts and colors. Urgent demands also are common (for example, “Reply with your password within 24 hours or your account will be closed!”). You can learn more about identifying phishing emails on Answers.

Upcoming Events

Facilitating Large-Group Masked Discussion

Large-group class discussion can be difficult to manage because it calls for sustained student engagement, interest and participation. Additionally, in a large classroom space with people wearing masks, it can sometimes be difficult to hear what others are saying. The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and ITS Online Learning Services have partnered to offer some tips for how in-person instructors can leverage technology to achieve their goals.

ITS In-Depth: Extended Reality

Each edition of “ITS In-Depth” takes a closer look at a hot topic in information technology. With extended reality (XR) rapidly blurring the lines between science fiction and, well, reality, we talked with ITS Online Learning Services Instructional Analyst Jason Webb G’18 to learn how XR is shaping teaching, learning and research at the University.

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

SEPT. 14, 2021

We hope your semester is off to a great start! In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We also will continue to communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of those communications on Answers, as well as an archive of past “Tech Tips” emails for faculty and staff.

This week’s topics:

  • Securing Your Zoom Meetings
  • MySlice Upgrade Sept. 25-26
  • Remote Desktop Services
  • Kaltura Video Management
  • Strategies for Missed Classes and Late Work
  • Training Opportunity: Playlists in PlayPosit
  • TurningPoint Classroom Response System

Securing Your Zoom Meetings

All faculty and staff have access to Zoom videoconferencing by logging in to zoom.syr.edu. To help ensure the security of your Zoom meetings, ITS recommends taking the following steps when hosting a session:

  • Automatically generate a Meeting ID
  • Require a meeting password
  • Enable the waiting room feature
  • Disable “Join Before Host”
  • Limit screen sharing to the host
  • Lock the meeting once all expected attendees have joined

You can learn more about these and other recommendations on the Securing Zoom Meetings page on Answers.

MySlice Upgrade Sept. 25-26

MySlice is getting a new look later this month! You can find more information on the enhanced navigation and user experience, including screenshots and customization options, on the MySlice Upgrade Answers page. Please note that MySlice will be unavailable during the weekend of Sept. 25-26 to allow for the implementation of this upgrade.

Remote Desktop Services

Remote Desktop Services offer a virtual desktop environment that allows you to access a University desktop from any personal computer with a stable broadband internet connection. More information is available on Answers. If you know how to connect already, you can go directly to rds.syr.edu.

Kaltura Video Management

Whether you need to share video content for your course or a series of training videos for your staff, Kaltura is the University’s official video repository tool. This cloud-based video management system helps you store and share video content to create engaging and accessible experiences for your audiences. You can learn more on Answers.

Strategies for Missed Classes and Late Work

Even in the best of times, learners might juggle many responsibilities and miss multiple classes, request a flexible deadline or choose to submit late work. This creates even more work for instructors. Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Director Martha Diede offers a few suggestions to address this challenge, including incorporating Blackboard and lecture capture technology.

Technology Training Opportunity: Playlists in PlayPosit

On Friday, Sept. 24, from noon to 1 p.m. ET, the ITS Online Learning Services team will host a training with PlayPosit on the use of playlists. PlayPosit playlists allow you to build collections of learning “bulbs” with related content that can be organized via modules and presented in progression with supplementary materials. Basic PlayPosit knowledge is encouraged before attending this training. If you are not familiar with PlayPosit, please see Answers or review the PlayPosit Academy. Attendees can join by Zoom.

TurningPoint Classroom Response System

TurningPoint is the supported classroom response technology at Syracuse University. Classroom response technologies are designed for instructors to gather real-time feedback during instruction. They can be useful for students and instructors to assess in-class understanding of the materials. In-class polling can also increase student engagement while helping instructors monitor attendance and participation. You can learn more about TurningPoint on Answers.

Thank you for reading. Go Orange!

AUG. 31, 2021

Welcome to the fall semester! We recognize that your work requires more creativity and adaptability than ever. Our goal is to help you find the technology and resources that work best for you given your circumstances from day to day.

In addition to exploring the IT resources available to faculty and staff on Answers, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

We will continue to communicate with students throughout the semester. You can find a collection of those communications on Answers. Please also monitor the Stay Safe website for up-to-date information and guidance.

This week’s topics:

  • Phishing Awareness
  • Accessing Your Syracuse University Email
  • Rave Guardian Safety Mobile App
  • MySlice Upgrade Sept. 25-26
  • Technology in the Classroom
  • Connecting With Students

Phishing Awareness

Criminals use malicious email to try to trick you into revealing your password or other sensitive information or to infect your computer with malware. These phishers sometimes try to make their emails look real by using companies’ or institutions’ logos, fonts and colors. Urgent demands also are common (for example, “Reply with your password within 24 hours or your account will be closed!”). You can learn more about identifying phishing emails on Answers.

Accessing Your Syracuse University Email

Syracuse University uses email as the primary vehicle for official communication with students, staff and faculty. Complete details, including login links, are available on the Email homepage on Answers.

Rave Guardian Safety Mobile App

Faculty and staff are encouraged to download Rave Guardian, a free app created by Rave Mobile Safety, which the University already uses to send Orange Alerts via platforms such as email, phone and text. With Rave Guardian, users can receive important campus notifications, communicate with the Department of Public Safety and gain access to helpful resources. You can download the Rave Guardian app in the Apple or Google Play stores by searching for “Rave Guardian.”

MySlice Upgrade Sept. 25-26

MySlice is getting a new look in September! You can find more information on the enhanced navigation and user experience, including screenshots and customization options, on the MySlice Upgrade Answers page. Please note that MySlice will be unavailable during the weekend of Sept. 25-26 to allow for the implementation of this upgrade.

Technology in the Classroom

The ITS Learning Environments team updated the technology in 36 registrar classrooms and eight captive classrooms this summer. If you are teaching in person and want to know about the technology available in specific classrooms, you can review our Classroom Resource Guide. Our Classroom Technology Guide offers tips on getting your classroom ready for instruction.

Connecting With Students

As we get in the swing of a new semester, we know that staying in touch with students is important, both in person and online. Research shows that students learn better when they feel connected to their peers and to their instructors. Connections with staff also help to support learning. Be deliberate about building that sense of community and relationship (you can watch this video to learn more). Be sure to check your Syracuse University email and log in to Blackboard often to receive any possible communications. In particular, students might contact instructors if they are unable to access a course in Blackboard. Please make sure your courses are available in Blackboard. Also, please note that some messages sent through Blackboard wind up in recipients’ junk folders, so be sure to check your junk folder as well as your inbox.

Thank you—and go Orange!

AUG. 24, 2021

We are looking forward to the start of fall classes next week! This semester, we will focus on helping you integrate campus technology with technology you might have used while working remotely. Please remember these technologies (e.g., web conferencing solutions, file storage options, etc.) remain available in your “technology toolbox.” We encourage you to be creative and inclusive in your work. We also ask you to share your successes—and questions!

You can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

This week’s topics:

  • Time Management Through Technology
  • MySlice Unavailable Sept. 25-26 for Upgrade
  • Finding Resources Around Campus
  • Lunch and Learn: Pandemic Teaching and Learning Strategies
  • Online Resources for Faculty and Staff
  • Technology in the Classroom
  • Aligning Classes for Any Format
  • Teaching Support from Syracuse University Libraries
  • Blackboard Gets a New Look

Time Management Through Technology

Technology can be a great tool for managing your time. When planning your next meeting, ask yourself: Could this just be an email? If real-time interaction is necessary, does it need to be in-person or would a Teams or Zoom meeting suffice? We want to hear from you: What are some ways you’ve used technology to save time, energy or money? Send us your success story at itscomm@syr.edu.

MySlice Unavailable Sept. 25-26 for Upgrade

MySlice is getting a new look in September! You can find more information on the enhanced navigation and user experience, including screenshots and customization options, on the MySlice Upgrade Answers page. Please note that MySlice will be unavailable during the weekend of Sept. 25-26 to allow for the implementation of this upgrade.

Finding Resources Around Campus

If you haven’t already, check out our digital maps on maps.syracuse.edu, where you can sort by a range of location types (buildings, computer labs, parking, dining options, etc.) You also can find bus schedule information at subus.syr.edu. Learn more about face mask requirements on campus shuttles and Centro buses.

Lunch and Learn: Pandemic Teaching and Learning Strategies

The “Focus on Teaching and Learning” lunch and learn series is a collaborative effort between the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment that aims to build your skills and knowledge while engaging in conversation with colleagues. The next session is titled “Pandemic Teaching and Learning Strategies: What Do We Keep and Why Do We Keep It?” You can learn more and register online.

Online Resources for Faculty and Staff

ITS maintains a collection of online teaching and working resources on Answers. This collection includes web conferencing solutions, file sharing and storage options, helpful links and login locations. You also can review some tips for safe computing.

Technology in the Classroom

The ITS Learning Environments team updated the technology in 36 registrar classrooms and eight captive classrooms this summer. If you are teaching in person and want to know about the technology available in specific classrooms, you can review our Classroom Resource Guide. Our Classroom Technology Guide offers tips on getting your classroom ready for instruction. Please also refer to last week’s message from Interim Vice Chancellor and Provost John Liu about managing COVID in the classroom.

Aligning Courses for Any Format

Using the course alignment checklist on Answers, instructors can ensure that their course outcomes align with their assessments, assignments and activities. Aligned courses:

  • Support students from underrepresented backgrounds.
  • Require fewer explanations for why students must complete particular assignments—you can cite specific, pre-established outcomes.
  • Foster an atmosphere that encourages learning.
  • Can pivot easily from format to format.

Teaching Support from Syracuse University Libraries

The upcoming Syracuse University Libraries Faculty and Teaching Assistant Support Workshop will discuss several practical ways that the Libraries can support teaching during these unpredictable times. Topics include discovering and sharing digital resources, showing videos in class, supporting students with videos and tutorials about the research process. Two Zoom sessions will be offered on Tuesday, Aug. 31, from 3 to 4 p.m. ET and on Thursday, Sept. 2, from 11 a.m. to noon ET. You can learn more and register online.

Blackboard Gets a New Look

Syracuse University Blackboard has upgraded to Ultra Base Navigation. The change provides a modernized landing page that includes a new notification system, a consolidated view of course activity and easier ways to navigate to course content. You can learn more, including how to find your courses within Blackboard, on the Blackboard Navigation Update page on Answers. The Answers resource also includes schedule information for faculty support sessions offered by ITS Online Learning Services.

Thank you for reading—and go Orange!

AUG. 17, 2021

We are excited to start the fall semester in less than two weeks! Throughout the semester, Information Technology Services (ITS) will provide updates and insights about how you can make the best use of technology in your work.

In addition, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

This week’s topics:

  • MySlice Unavailable Sept. 25-26 for Upgrade
  • Inclusive and Accessible Events
  • Finding Resources Around Campus
  • Lunch and Learn: Pandemic Teaching and Learning Strategies
  • Online Resources for Faculty and Staff
  • Blackboard Gets a New Look

MySlice Unavailable Sept. 25-26 for Upgrade

MySlice will be unavailable during the weekend of Sept. 25-26 to allow for an upgrade to the system’s navigation and user experience. You can find additional information, including screenshots and customization options, on the MySlice Upgrade Answers page.

Inclusive and Accessible Events

As you plan events, following the guidelines for inclusive events can help everyone to feel welcome. For a comprehensive checklist to ensure you are adhering to all guidelines for attendees, please review this document: Inclusive Event Planning Checklist.docx. You also can review a brief planning guide for in-person events, which includes such considerations as budget, space and audio-visual needs.

Finding Resources Around Campus

If you haven’t already, check out our digital maps on maps.syracuse.edu, where you can sort by a range of location types (buildings, computer labs, parking, dining options, etc.) You also can find bus schedule information at subus.syr.edu. Learn more about face mask requirements on campus shuttles and Centro buses.

Lunch and Learn: Pandemic Teaching and Learning Strategies

The “Focus on Teaching and Learning” lunch and learn series is a collaborative effort between the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment that aims to build your skills and knowledge while engaging in conversation with colleagues. The next session is titled “Pandemic Teaching and Learning Strategies: What Do We Keep and Why Do We Keep It?” You can learn more and register online.

Online Resources for Faculty and Staff

ITS maintains a collection of online teaching and working resources on Answers. This collection includes web conferencing solutions, file sharing and storage options, helpful links and login locations. You also can review some tips for safe computing.

Blackboard Gets a New Look

Syracuse University Blackboard has upgraded to Ultra Base Navigation. The change provides a modernized landing page that includes a new notification system, a consolidated view of course activity and easier ways to navigate to course content. You can learn more, including how to find your courses within Blackboard, on the Blackboard Navigation Update page on Answers. The Answers resource also includes schedule information for faculty support sessions offered by ITS Online Learning Services.

Thank you for reading—and go Orange!

AUG. 3, 2021

Each month, Information Technology Services (ITS) provides updates and insights about how you can make the best use of technology in your work. In addition, you can contact the ITS Help Desk (help@syr.edu or 315.443.2677) for any technology-related questions. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, a representative from the Help Desk, ITS Online Learning Services, the Center for Online and Digital Learning or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will assist you.

This month’s topics:

  • Orange Alert Contact Information
  • Web Conferencing Comparison
  • Maps.syracuse.edu
  • ITS In-Depth: Ransomware
  • Fall 2021 Reentry for Instructors
  • Blackboard Navigation Update

Orange Alert Contact Information

Orange Alert is Syracuse University’s crisis notification system, designed to provide rapid notification and instruction to students, faculty and staff in the event of a crisis in progress. When activated, Orange Alert uses email, text messaging and phone calls to send a brief notice about the situation and instructions of what to do. Learn how to update your Orange Alert contact information.

Web Conferencing Comparison

Even if you’re on campus, online meetings can save time and energy compared to in-person meetings. ITS supports a variety of web conferencing tools, including Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra and Google Meet. If you need assistance in determining which web conferencing tool is right for you, check out the Web Conferencing Comparison guide on Answers.

Digital Maps Help You Navigate Campus

If you haven’t already, check out our digital maps on maps.syracuse.edu, where you can sort by a range of location types (buildings, computer labs, parking, dining options, etc.). You also can find bus schedule information at subus.syr.edu.

ITS In-Depth: Ransomware

Ransomware attacks have been in the news lately, including an attack over the Fourth of July weekend that impacted up to 1,500 organizations. In the new edition of “ITS In-Depth,” we speak with Syracuse University Chief Information Security Officer Chris Croad about what ransomware is—and how to protect against it.

Fall 2021 Reentry: Inviting All Students (Back) to Class

The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence invites instructors to a week of virtual reentry sessions that will cover ways to promote deep learning for all students. Each session features small, researched steps instructors can take and provides brief periods of time for hands-on course planning. You can learn more and register online.

Blackboard Navigation Update and Accessibility

On July 17, Syracuse University Blackboard updated to Ultra Base Navigation. The change provides users with a modernized landing page that includes a new notification system, a consolidated view of activity across their courses and easier ways to navigate to course content. You can learn more on Answers.

A few small adjustments to your Blackboard course materials might improve their accessibility and provide advantages to all of your students. Along those lines, you might consider using such tools as Blackboard Ally and reach out to the Center for Disability Resources. Of course, you can always contact help@syr.edu for support in enhancing the accessibility of your course materials.

Thank you for reading—and go Orange!