Action Required: Activate NetID and SUMail

Activating your NetID

Syracuse University systems operate on a single sign-in that is managed through an individual’s NetID.   If you have not activated your NetID by this point, please do so now.

By activating your NetID, you gain access to university electronic systems, including the SUMail e-mail system, wireless and wired network services, access to computer labs, the electronic databases of the Syracuse Libraries, MySlice, and BlackBoard.

Students can activate their NetID at the NetID Self-Serv platform.  In order to activate your NetID, you will need to use your SUID.

This number should have been sent to you from Syracuse University confirming receipt of the investigation.  If you have not received this email, please email the Department of Public Administration and International Affairs at

Activating your SUMail

As you will all have access to your SUMail as soon as you activate your NetID, we will be communicating with those email addresses moving forward.

Your SUMail is the official form of communication at Syracuse University.  Important academic and administrative information is sent to this email, and please plan to monitor it several times per day.

At the graduate level, we expect that students are able to balance the needs of their coursework and the ability to manage their inbox.  This is a key to professional success and encourage you to take the time now to develop an inbox management approach that fits your work style.

Using your SUMail

Your Syracuse University e-mail account is the official form of communication at Syracuse University. Important information related to your academic success will be sent to this e-mail account; you will need to monitor it.

Once you are matriculated into a graduate program and activate your SU Email, you will NO LONGER receive any emails to your personal email that you provided in the application process.

SUMail is managed by the university and utilizes Microsoft's Office 365 email service. The SU email policy requires that all official university e-mail communications be sent to your email address. To access your SUMail account, visit  SUmailNOTE: SUmail uses the same password for that you set up for your NetID.