Orange Tracker Service Level Agreements

Orange Tracker (OT) provides built-in Service Level Aggrements (SLAs), so teams can track how they're meeting the level of service. 

SLAs are created by project admins to measure the level of service  provided to customers by service project teams. It includes the time taken to respond and resolve  different types of requests. 

With SLAs you can be proactive, not reactive. SLA timers help you visualize how  much time you have left to meet your team's service goals, so you can keep track of what needs to  get done. Simple color coding makes it easy to visualize what can wait versus what needs to be  worked on right away. 

SLAs are displayed in queues as well as in the issue view of a request, allowing you to track the  status of an SLA. These include: 

Time left on the clock – This is how long you have left to resolve the request until the SLA is breached.  The timer will automatically turn yellow, then red when the SLA has been breached. When you hover over each SLA item, a tooltip shows time remaining or past, and the percentage towards the SLA  goal. 

Status icon – this represents the status of the request. The following icons are used: 

    • Clock – if the clock is aqua it symbolizes that the SLA is still being measured, however, if the  clock is red it symbolizes that the request is overdue and the SLA has been breached.
    • Pause – if the clock has stopped counting on the SLA, a pause icon is displayed. This may  occur for example when you are waiting for a customer to provide additional information.
    • Red cross – if you have breached the SLA, a red X is displayed. 
    • Green check – once you complete the request within the SLA, it will display a green check. 

Time to first response and time to resolution – this shows the type of SLA that is being measured  and the time for the request to be resolved. 

SLA name – You can click on the number of hours to see which calendar has been used to measure the SLA. 

SLA Additional Information

To learn more about SLA's, please see the Atlassian documentation: and Atlassian SLA Demo Video

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