Orange Tracker Internal Notifications

Orange Tracker (OT) projects have two sections dealing with notifications. Notifications are messages sent from the system when certain events happen. For example, the Agents are notified when a new ticket is created and an email is sent to each person, notifying them of the event. The email address will be <projectkey>

The OT system now divides the notifications into two sections:

  • Internal Jira Notifications are the standard Jira notifications we are used to
  • Customer Notifications are only sent to the Customer/Reporter and any Request Participants listed in the ticket

Customers and Request Participants will not receive any Internal Notifications. Many migrated Jira Notification Schemes show the Reporter being notified on certain events. The Reporter will not be notified by this as it is an Internal Notification. Internal Notifications are only for Agents and Project Administrators of the project.

For information on Customer Notifications, please see the following page: Orange Tracker Customer Notifications

Internal Jira Notifications

Internal Jira Notifications are designed only for the project team. Some Internal Notification Schemes have Reporter listed and these will not trigger a message to the Reporter. The system forces reporters and participants to use the Customer Notifications.

Only OT System Administrators have access to create new notification schemes, edit existing ones, or move your project to a different scheme. Please work with the OT System Administrators for requests.

Standard Notification Schemes

We have created a few standard notification schemes that should work for the majority of the projects within the system.

SU Standard - Level 1 Reporter : Level 1 Watchers : Consultants on Create Issue

This scheme is a bare minimum set of notifications. This scheme limits notifications to the Watcher role.

  • Watchers receive an email on Issue Creation, Issue Resolved, Issue Updated, Issue Commented, Issue Reopened, Feedback Request, Work Scheduled, and On Hold.
  • Watchers do not receive an email on Issue Closed. This gives the project Consultants the flexibility to close the ticket without notifying the Reporter. The Consultant should Resolve the ticket and interact with the Reporter. Then, once all work is completed, Close the ticket and only the Assignee shall be notified.
  • Consultants can choose to interact with the Reporter by adding an unrestricted comment at the bottom, or use the Request Feedback button near the top. There are triggers for workflow when using the Request Feedback button and places the ticket in "Waiting for Feedback" status until the Reporter responds. Using the comments at the bottom bypasses these triggers, but the consultants can still set the ticket in this status if needed.
  • Consultants receive an email when an issue has been assigned. This notifies the team that the issue is being addressed.

SU Standard - Level 2 Reporter : Level 2 Watchers : Consultants on Create Issue

This scheme takes the bare minimum set of notifications that go to the Watchers from the Level 1 scheme and adds more notifications to the roles.

  • Watchers receive an email on Issue Creation, Issue Updated, Issue Assigned, Issue Resolved, Issue Commented, Issue Comment Edited, Issues Comment Deleted, Issue Reopened, Issue Moved, Feedback Request, Work Scheduled, and On Hold.
  • Watchers do not receive an email on Issue Closed. This gives the project Consultants the flexibility to close the ticket without notifying the Reporter. The Consultant should Resolve the ticket and interact with the Reporter. Then, once all work is completed, Close the ticket and only the Assignee shall be notified.
  • Consultants can choose to interact with the Reporter by adding an unrestricted comment at the bottom, or use the Request Feedback button near the top. There are triggers for workflow when using the Request Feedback button and places the ticket in "Waiting for Feedback" status until the Reporter responds. Using the comments at the bottom bypasses these triggers, but the consultants can still set the ticket in this status if needed.
  • Consultants receive an email when an issue has been assigned. This notifies the team that the issue is being addressed.

 SU Standard - Level 1 Reporter : Level 2 Watchers : Consultants on Create Issue

This scheme takes the bare minimum set of notifications that go to the Watchers receive Level 2 notifications. This allows the Watchers to be treated like the Assignee and receive the same amount of notifications.

  • Watchers receive an email on Issue Creation, Issue Updated, Issue Assigned, Issue Resolved, Issue Commented, Issue Comment Edited, Issues Comment Deleted, Issue Reopened, Issue Moved, Feedback Request, Work Scheduled, and On Hold.
  • Watchers do not receive an email on Issue Closed. This gives the project Consultants the flexibility to close the ticket without notifying the Reporter. The Consultant should Resolve the ticket and interact with the Reporter. Then, once all work is completed, Close the ticket and only the Assignee shall be notified.
  • Consultants can choose to interact with the Reporter by adding an unrestricted comment at the bottom, or use the Request Feedback button near the top. There are triggers for workflow when using the Request Feedback button and places the ticket in "Waiting for Feedback" status until the Reporter responds. Using the comments at the bottom bypasses these triggers, but the consultants can still set the ticket in this status if needed.
  • Consultants receive an email when an issue has been assigned. This notifies the team that the issue is being addressed.

Standard Scheme with Reporter Notifications Reduced plus Notifications to Consultants on Create Issue

This scheme has been an existing standard that many projects use. This scheme treats the Reporter and Watchers differently where the Watchers receive the same notifications as the Assignee.

  • Reporter receives an email on Issue Resolved and Feedback Request only.
  • Consultants are notify that an new issue/ticket has been created.
  • Watchers receive the same notifications as the Assignee, which is about all notifications.
  • Adding a comment at the bottom of the issue ticket will not send a email to the Reporter.
  • Consultants communicate through the Feedback Request button if they need to ask a question to the Reporter.

Standard Scheme with Reporter Notifications Reduced plus Notifications to Project Managers on Create Issue

This scheme has been an existing standard as well, and the major difference is Project Managers receive an email that as issue/ticket has been created, not the Consultants role. This scheme still treats the Reporter and Watchers differently where the Watchers receive the same notifications as the Assignee.

  • Reporter receives an email on Issue Creation, Issue Resolved, Issue Reopened, and Feedback Request only.
  • Project Managers are notify that an new issue/ticket has been created. This allows the project managers to assign the issue to the consultant that best suits the issue.
  • Watchers receive the same notifications as the Assignee, which is about all notifications.
  • Adding a comment at the bottom of the issue ticket will not send a email to the Reporter.
  • Consultants communicate through the Feedback Request button if they need to ask a question to the Reporter.

Details of Notification Schemes

Standard Notification Scheme

Standard Notification SchemeRoles that get notified
Current Assignee All Watchers 
EventsIssue Created 
Issue Updated
Issue Assigned  
Issue Resolved  
Issue Closed  
Issue Commented  
Issue Comment Edited  
Issue Comment Deleted
Issue Reopened  
Issue Deleted  
Issue Moved  
Work Logged On Issue  
Work Started On Issue  
Work Stopped On Issue  
Issue Worklog Updated  
Issue Worklog Deleted  
Generic Event  

Soft Close

Issue Marked As Spam
Feedback Request
CM Status Reminder

Feedback Received
Work Scheduled

On Hold

Standard Scheme plus Notification to All Consultants on All Events

Standard Notification Scheme

plus Notification to Consultants

on All Events

Roles that get notified

Project Role


Current Assignee All Watchers 
EventsIssue Created 
Issue Updated
Issue Assigned  
Issue Resolved  
Issue Closed  
Issue Commented  
Issue Comment Edited  
Issue Comment Deleted
Issue Reopened  
Issue Deleted  
Issue Moved  
Work Logged On Issue  
Work Started On Issue  
Work Stopped On Issue  
Issue Worklog Updated  
Issue Worklog Deleted  
Generic Event  

Soft Close

Issue Marked As Spam
Feedback Request
CM Status Reminder

Feedback Received
Work Scheduled

On Hold

Standard Scheme with Reporter Notifications Reduced

Standard Scheme with Reporter

Notifications Reduced

Roles that get notified
Current Assignee All Watchers 
EventsIssue Created 
Issue Updated
Issue Assigned  
Issue Resolved  
Issue Closed  
Issue Commented  
Issue Comment Edited  
Issue Comment Deleted
Issue Reopened  
Issue Deleted  
Issue Moved  
Work Logged On Issue  
Work Started On Issue  
Work Stopped On Issue  
Issue Worklog Updated  
Issue Worklog Deleted  
Generic Event  
Soft Close

Issue Marked As Spam
Feedback Request
CM Status Reminder

Feedback Received
Work Scheduled
On Hold

Standard Scheme plus Notification to Consultants on Create Issue

Standard Scheme plus Notifications

to Consultants on Create Issue

Roles that get notified

Project Role


Current Assignee All Watchers 
EventsIssue Created 
Issue Updated
Issue Assigned  
Issue Resolved  
Issue Closed  
Issue Commented  
Issue Comment Edited  
Issue Comment Deleted
Issue Reopened  
Issue Deleted  
Issue Moved  
Work Logged On Issue  
Work Started On Issue  
Work Stopped On Issue  
Issue Worklog Updated  
Issue Worklog Deleted  
Generic Event  

Soft Close

Issue Marked As Spam
Feedback Request
CM Status Reminder

Feedback Received
Work Scheduled

On Hold

Standard Scheme with Reporter Notifications Reduced plus Notification to Consultants on Create Issue

Standard Scheme with Reporter

Notifications Reduced plus Notification

to Consultants on Create Issue

Roles that get notified

Project Role


Current Assignee All Watchers 
EventsIssue Created 
Issue Updated
Issue Assigned  
Issue Resolved  
Issue Closed  
Issue Commented  
Issue Comment Edited  
Issue Comment Deleted
Issue Reopened  
Issue Deleted  
Issue Moved  
Work Logged On Issue  
Work Started On Issue  
Work Stopped On Issue  
Issue Worklog Updated  
Issue Worklog Deleted  
Generic Event  

Soft Close

Issue Marked As Spam
Feedback Request
CM Status Reminder

Feedback Received
Work Scheduled
On Hold

Standard Scheme plus Notification to Project Managers on Create Issue

Standard Scheme plus

Notifications to Project Managers

on Create Issue

Roles that get notified

Project Role

(Project Managers)

Current Assignee All Watchers 
EventsIssue Created 
Issue Updated
Issue Assigned  
Issue Resolved  
Issue Closed  
Issue Commented  
Issue Comment Edited  
Issue Comment Deleted
Issue Reopened  
Issue Deleted  
Issue Moved  
Work Logged On Issue  
Work Started On Issue  
Work Stopped On Issue  
Issue Worklog Updated  
Issue Worklog Deleted  
Generic Event  

Soft Close

Issue Marked As Spam
Feedback Request
CM Status Reminder

Feedback Received
Work Scheduled

On Hold

Standard Scheme with Reporter Notifications Reduced plus Notification to Project Managers on Create Issue

Standard Scheme with Reporter

Notifications Reduced plus

Notification to Project Managers

on Create Issue

Roles that get notified

Project Role

(Project Managers)

Current Assignee All Watchers 
EventsIssue Created 
Issue Updated
Issue Assigned  
Issue Resolved  
Issue Closed  
Issue Commented  
Issue Comment Edited  
Issue Comment Deleted
Issue Reopened  
Issue Deleted  
Issue Moved  
Work Logged On Issue  
Work Started On Issue  
Work Stopped On Issue  
Issue Worklog Updated  
Issue Worklog Deleted  
Generic Event  
Soft Close

Issue Marked As Spam
Feedback Request
CM Status Reminder

Feedback Received
Work Scheduled
On Hold

Standard Scheme with Reporter Feedback and Resolve plus Notification to Consultants on Create Issue

Standard Scheme with Reporter

Notifications Reduced plus Notification

to Consultants on Create Issue

Roles that get notified

Project Role


Current Assignee All Watchers 
EventsIssue Created 
Issue Updated
Issue Assigned  
Issue Resolved  
Issue Closed  
Issue Commented  
Issue Comment Edited  
Issue Comment Deleted
Issue Reopened  
Issue Deleted  
Issue Moved  
Work Logged On Issue  
Work Started On Issue  
Work Stopped On Issue  
Issue Worklog Updated  
Issue Worklog Deleted  
Generic Event  

Soft Close

Issue Marked As Spam
Feedback Request
CM Status Reminder

Feedback Received
Work Scheduled
On Hold

SU Standard - Level 1 Reporter : Level 1 Watchers : Consultants on Create Issue

SU Standard - Level 1 Reporter : Level 1 Watchers : Consultants on Create Issue

Roles that get notified

Project Role






Issue Created

An issue has entered into the system

Issue Updated

An issue has had its details changed. This includes the deletion of an issue comment.


Issue Assigned

An issue has been assigned to a new user.

Issue Resolved
An issue has been resolved (usually after being worked on and fixed).

Issue Closed

An issue has been closed. (Note that an issue may be closed without being resolved).

Issue Commented

An issue has had a comment added to it.

Issue Comment Edited

An issue's comment has been modified.

Issue Comment Deleted

An issue has been deleted.

Issue Reopened

An issue has been re-opened.

Issue Deleted  

An issue has been deleted.

Issue Moved

An issue has been moved into or out of this project.

Work Logged On Issue

An issue has had hours logged against it (i.e. a worklog has been added).

Work Started On Issue

The Assignee has started working on an issue.

Work Stopped On Issue

The Assignee has stopped working on an issue.

Issue Worklog Updated

An entry in an issue's worklog has been modified.

Issue Worklog Deleted

An entry in an issue's worklog has been deleted.

Generic Event

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.


The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Soft Close

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Issue Marked As Spam

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Feedback Request

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

CM Status Reminder

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Feedback Received

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Work Scheduled

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

On Hold

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

SU Standard - Level 2 Reporter : Level 2 Watchers : Consultants on Create Issue

SU Standard - Level 2 Reporter : Level 2 Watchers : Consultants on Create Issue

Roles that get notified

Project Role






Issue Created

An issue has entered into the system

Issue Updated

An issue has had its details changed. This includes the deletion of an issue comment.

Issue Assigned

An issue has been assigned to a new user.

Issue Resolved
An issue has been resolved (usually after being worked on and fixed).

Issue Closed

An issue has been closed. (Note that an issue may be closed without being resolved).

Issue Commented

An issue has had a comment added to it.

Issue Comment Edited

An issue's comment has been modified.

Issue Comment Deleted

An issue has been deleted.

Issue Reopened

An issue has been re-opened.

Issue Deleted  

An issue has been deleted.

Issue Moved

An issue has been moved into or out of this project.


Work Logged On Issue

An issue has had hours logged against it (i.e. a worklog has been added).

Work Started On Issue

The Assignee has started working on an issue.

Work Stopped On Issue

The Assignee has stopped working on an issue.

Issue Worklog Updated

An entry in an issue's worklog has been modified.

Issue Worklog Deleted

An entry in an issue's worklog has been deleted.

Generic Event

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.


The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Soft Close

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Issue Marked As Spam

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Feedback Request

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

CM Status Reminder

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Feedback Received

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Work Scheduled

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

On Hold

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

SU Standard - Level 1 Reporter : Level 2 Watchers : Consultants on Create Issue

SU Standard - Level 1 Reporter : Level 2 Watchers : Consultants on Create Issue

Roles that get notified

Project Role






Issue Created

An issue has entered into the system

Issue Updated

An issue has had its details changed. This includes the deletion of an issue comment.

Issue Assigned

An issue has been assigned to a new user.

Issue Resolved
An issue has been resolved (usually after being worked on and fixed).

Issue Closed

An issue has been closed. (Note that an issue may be closed without being resolved).

Issue Commented

An issue has had a comment added to it.

Issue Comment Edited

An issue's comment has been modified.

Issue Comment Deleted

An issue has been deleted.

Issue Reopened

An issue has been re-opened.

Issue Deleted  

An issue has been deleted.

Issue Moved

An issue has been moved into or out of this project.


Work Logged On Issue

An issue has had hours logged against it (i.e. a worklog has been added).

Work Started On Issue

The Assignee has started working on an issue.

Work Stopped On Issue

The Assignee has stopped working on an issue.

Issue Worklog Updated

An entry in an issue's worklog has been modified.

Issue Worklog Deleted

An entry in an issue's worklog has been deleted.

Generic Event

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.


The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Soft Close

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Issue Marked As Spam

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Feedback Request

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

CM Status Reminder

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Feedback Received

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Work Scheduled

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

On Hold

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

SU Standard - Level 1 Reporter : Level 1 Watchers : PM on Create Issue

SU Standard - Level 1 Reporter : Level 1 Watchers : Project Managers on Create Issue

Roles that get notified

Project Role

(Project Manager)





Issue Created

An issue has entered into the system

Issue Updated

An issue has had its details changed. This includes the deletion of an issue comment.


Issue Assigned

An issue has been assigned to a new user.

Issue Resolved
An issue has been resolved (usually after being worked on and fixed).

Issue Closed

An issue has been closed. (Note that an issue may be closed without being resolved).

Issue Commented

An issue has had a comment added to it.

Issue Comment Edited

An issue's comment has been modified.

Issue Comment Deleted

An issue has been deleted.

Issue Reopened

An issue has been re-opened.

Issue Deleted  

An issue has been deleted.

Issue Moved

An issue has been moved into or out of this project.

Work Logged On Issue

An issue has had hours logged against it (i.e. a worklog has been added).

Work Started On Issue

The Assignee has started working on an issue.

Work Stopped On Issue

The Assignee has stopped working on an issue.

Issue Worklog Updated

An entry in an issue's worklog has been modified.

Issue Worklog Deleted

An entry in an issue's worklog has been deleted.

Generic Event

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.


The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Soft Close

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Issue Marked As Spam

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Feedback Request

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

CM Status Reminder

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Feedback Received

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Work Scheduled

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

On Hold

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'ivy-ai' is unknown.