Graduate Research Assistantship in Community Geography

The Syracuse University Geography Department invites prospective PhD and MA Geography students to apply for a graduate assistantship under the auspices of the Syracuse Community Geography (SCG) Program. The SCG graduate assistant supports the mission of the Syracuse Community Geography Program by assisting with community-based requests for spatial analyses of community concerns.

About Syracuse Community Geography

Syracuse Community Geography is a community driven collaboration that uses a geographic perspective and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map and analyze a wide variety of social justice issues. Community Geography can help communities to identify and address challenges in new ways by:

  • raising awareness about community problems and resources;
  • informing planning processes;
  • supporting community organizing;
  • advocating community concerns.

All projects utilize a participatory approach. University and community members collaborate to address community-identified needs and priorities. 


Funding is available for up to 3 years. The Community Geography assistantship requires a 20 hour per week time commitment. Benefits include 9-month stipend, course fee waiver, and health insurance. The Assistantship may be renewed for a second year upon demonstration of satisfactory performance during the first year and progress toward degree completion.


Successful applicants must be admitted to the Geography Graduate Program by the Graduate Admission Committee, and be highly ranked for funding.  Consideration for the Community Geography Assistantship requires that the candidate possess GIS skills and an interest in using GIS to investigate community concerns. Students with training in geography, public health, demography, and sociology are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to students with experience and interest in community geography, participatory GIS and participatory research, and community organizing.

Several faculty members in the Geography Department have expertise in issues that relate to community geography, such as social and environmental justice, urban space, and geospatial technologies. Interested applicants are encouraged to review the Department’s faculty profiles.

Application Process

Apply through the normal application process as indicated on the How to Apply page. The deadline and documentation required are the same as for consideration of our other funding packages. On page 4 of the application form, please indicate that you would like to be considered for “Other” financial support and enter “Community Geography Assistantship” in the space provided. Note that you may check all those that apply in addition to the Community Geography Assistantship.

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