Taking Video and Photo: Tips for shooting from home


  • Shoot horizontal (landscape orientation)
    • Make sure no objects block the camera
  • Background
    • Be aware of what's in it
  • Zoom
    • Zoom with your feet, not phone. Zooming with the camera causes quality loss.


  • Take video or photo with a smartphone

DO NOT use a computer camera unless that's your only option. 


  • Use a tripod or rest your phone on something flat
  • Avoid moving around
  • Avoid fast moments


  • Avoid background noises if possible
  • Stay inside (avoid wind noise)
  • Don't touch the camera, as the mic will pick up those sounds
  • Use a mic if you can, like iPhone headphones or AirPods


  • Avoid harsh light or dark shadows
  • Keep consistent lighting if possible

Simple how-to take photos demo