Media Submission Guidelines for VPA Website

(email with any questions)

For Galleries or Exhibitions:


  • JPEG or PNG files

  • Keep under 1MB (2MB max)

  • Usually 72dpi resolution and 1,000x1,000 pixels will meet that size

  • Make the file name: Student Name- Title of Work

  • Headshots are best 400X400 72dpi

Videos that you host:

  • YouTube or Kaltura videos are best, but we can do Vimeo

  • See instructions for Kaltura videos
  • We need the embed code or link to the video (click “Share” then “Embed”)

  • If there is audio (especially anyone talking) it needs to be Closed Captioned for accessibility

  • Kaltura will automatically do this. And YouTube can do it for you (How to add automatic YouTube captions)

Videos that we host:

  • If your class' videos are being added to VPA's YouTube channel:

    • Add video to the google drive folder

    • Then we will add to YouTube and embed on gallery pages


  • Soundcloud is best

  • We need the embed code (click “Share” then “Embed”)

  • We also need a link to a typed transcript (it can be a shared google doc link)

Other Media:

  • We can also embed files from google drive, for example PDFs, Slides, Sheets

  • The file’s share settings must be set to: “Anyone with link can view”

  • We need the embed code (for most file types click “File” then “Publish to web”)

  • For PDFs, open it in a new window, then click the three dots in upper-right corner, and choose “embed item”