Advising and Academic Forms

Advising and Academic Forms

Submit the appropriate form before your advising appointment. 

All forms requiring advisor signature or approval for processing must be received before 4 p.m by our office on the deadline for the specific form. Please consult the Academic Calendar for the appropriate deadlines.

Academic Forms and Procedures 


Students may not add classes after the Add Deadline.

For extenuating circumstances, see your academic advisor to determine if you may be eligible to submit a Request to Late Add a Course. Students must qualify for college approval first, and the request will then be reviewed by the registrar's office. We cannot guarantee requests will be approved. Please make sure to include documentation or be prepared to discuss the extenuating circumstances.

Application for Readmission

  1. Email your academic advisor and request the Readmit Application.
  2. Complete the Readmit Application prior to the application deadline(s):
    1. Fall: July 15
    2. Spring: Dec. 1
    3. Summer: April 1 (includes Maymester, summer sessions one and two, and combined session)
  3. Resolve any holds that you have on your account!

Note: International students are encouraged to apply at least 60 days prior to the deadlines provided above to allow enough time for processing any visa paperwork within home country.

Change of Major (VPA to VPA)

  1. Speak to your academic advisor about the implications of changing your major. Please keep in mind that changing your major could extend your time here at VPA/Syracuse University.
  2. Speak to the program coordinator or school/department chair of the new program. Be ready to prepare application materials (portfolio, questionnaire, audition, ect.).
  3. Paperwork will follow conversations with your advisor and the program coordinator.

Declaration of a Second Major

When looking to add a second major, come prepared to meet with your academic advisor by reviewing the requirements on the Course Catalog. If you are unsure of what major you wish to add, refer to the academic offerings. All majors across campus are listed with links to direct you to the requirements.

  1. Speak to your academic advisor about the implications of adding a second major. Not all majors on campus can be combined with your VPA degree. Please refer to the academic rules (17.0 Majors) posted on the Course Catalog for more information.
    1. The College of Arts and Sciences is the most common college VPA students work with.
  2. Speak to the program coordinator or school/department chair of the second major. Contact information and requirements can be found on the Course Catalog.
    1. Make sure to discuss the deadline for your application when meeting with the coordinator. Each school/college has different timelines.
  3. Paperwork will follow conversations with the program coordinator and your academic advisor.

Please be aware that there is a difference between adding a second major and adding a second degree. We recommend adding a second major as this type of addition generally does not extend your time here at the university. If you decide to declare a second degree, be prepared to extend your graduation timeline by two or more years.

When adding a second major, your diploma will not reflect the major but the degree type. However, the transcript will show both majors and the degree type awarded. Please see an example below:

A screenshot of how adding a second major may look on your transcript.

Declaration of Major Form 

Declaration of Minor

When looking to add a minor, come prepared to meet with your academic advisor by reviewing the requirements on the Course Catalog. If you are unsure of what minor you wish to add, refer to the academic offerings. All minors across campus are listed with links to direct you to the requirements.

  1. Speak to your academic advisor about the implications of adding a minor. Not all minors can be combined with your VPA degree. Please refer to the academic rules (18.0 Minors) posted on the Course Catalog for more information.
  2. Speak to the program coordinator or school/department chair of the second major. Contact information and major requirements can be found on the Course Catalog.
    1. Make sure to discuss the deadline for your application when meeting with the coordinator. Each school/college has different timelines.
    2. The Martin J. Whitman School of Management and Newhouse School adhere to a strict Nov. 1 (for spring entrance) and April 1 (for fall entrance) timeline.
  3. Paperwork will follow conversations with the program coordinator and your academic advisor.
  4. Fees for minors can be found here.

Declaration of Minor Form

Grading Option - Pass/Fail

  1. Log into MySlice > eForms
  2. Find the P/F grading option and start your submission. No pdf or paper forms will be processed.
  3. Once the eForm is submitted, your advisor will review and approve, or get back to you if they have any questions.
  4. Keep in mind that courses required for a major or minor will not be approved. Studio electives cannot be taken P/F.

Internship Proposal Agreement

  1. A faculty sponsor is required, and a part-time or adjunct faculty will not count. You must identify a faculty sponsor first.
  2. Digitally fill out one copy and speak with your internship site supervisor. Then meet with your faculty sponsor.
  3. Send to your academic advisor for review. We will take care of getting the school/department chair and sending for processing.

Note: Faculty are not compensated for internships. Their approval is dependent on space in their own schedule. Please be understanding and flexible. We recommend having back up faculty sponsors.

If you need assistance finding an internship, we strongly suggest setting up a time to meet with our career advisors in the office. Please sign up to meet through Handshake:

  • Log in to Handshake
  • Click “Career Centers” on the left-hand side of the page
  • Click “Schedule A New Appointment”
  • Select your college/career center (College of Visual and Performing Arts)
  • Select your appointment type
  • Select a time and date that works with your schedule

Internship Proposal/Agreement Form

Leave of Absence/University Withdraw

To initiate a request for a leave of absence or withdrawal from the university, contact your academic advisor directly or by emailing VPAOSA@syr.edu.

Music Major and Non-Music Major Lesson Forms

  1. Lesson Form for Music Majors
  2. Lesson Form for Non-Music Majors

Petition to Faculty

  1. Speak to your academic advisor about how your petition needs to be completed (there are many ways to complete this form).
  2. Digitally fill out one copy of the form and send it to your academic advisor for review. We will work with you on the next steps.

A Petition to Faculty form is used to request the following:

  • Course Substitution
  • Level Exception (undergraduate taking graduate level course or graduate taking undergraduate level course)
  • Credit Overload

Petition to Faculty Form

Proposal for Independent Study/Experience Credit

  1. Digitally fill out one copy and complete with your faculty sponsor. A full-time faculty member is required; a part-time or adjunct faculty will not count. Make sure your faculty sponsor signs!
  2. Send to your academic advisor for review.

Note: Faculty are not compensated for independent study or experience credit. Their approval is dependent on space in their own schedule. Please be understanding and flexible. We recommend having back up faculty sponsors.

Proposal for Independent Study/Experience Credit Form

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