Jamf Connect
Jamf Connect is a macOS authentication tool that gets you connected to AD and Microsoft Entra resources, grants Kerberos tickets and syncs your NetID password with your local macOS account.
This tool is a replacement for NoMad. As of December 9th, Jamf Connect is installed on newly enrolled devices.
Transition to Jamf Connect from Nomad
You will be presented with a management window that prompts you to install Jamf Connect. You can defer it for up to 7 days. To defer, click on the drop-down box and choose Start now or the desired deferment. Click Submit.
If you chose Start now:
The installation will begin.
Within 5 minutes, your device restart. Please save work to prepare.
If Defer:
Depending on the defer time chosen, you will be presented again with Management Action window to Start now or Defer again as long as it is within the 7 day time frame.
If the deferral is pushed out 7 days, the device will restart on the 7th day. The timing is a random timer and cannot be managed. You will be notified of a pending restart and the restart will happen immediately after.
It is recommended that choose to Start now and save work or choose a deferral before the 7 day deadline to be sure your device restarts at a time you expect.
After restart, login. You may be prompted twice to login
After logging in, you will be presented with a Jamf Connect login window. Please login with your full email address and password.
NoMad should be removed and Jamf Connect
should appear in your toolbar.
Click on the icon to see the options available to you.
a. NetID Password Change
b. File Servers
i. Check that you can connect to the G Drive
c. Syracuse University - Self Service
i. Check that Self Service launches when choosing this from the menu
NetID Password Change
Choosing this will bring you to the NetID Self-Serv page to change your NetID password.
Users can navigate to change their password.
a. Once your password has been changed, click Done.
b. Click OK to sign in to Jamf Connect again.
c. Enter new password when prompted. New password will sync with local account.