Teaching and Tech Discussion Series

Teaching and Tech is a College of Law discussion series which presents technologies available to you now through the university and offers a perspective on the tech that is just around the corner.

These sessions are informative for you and also for us — they are your opportunity to let us know what current tech works for you, what does not, and what you'd like to explore further.

We're looking forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming sessions!

Audience Response Systems at SU

The simple "clickers" of yesterday have come a long way. 

Learn how the University's response system, PointSolutions (formerly Turning Technologies), can be used in your physical or virtual classroom and integrated with Blackboard for engagement, assessment, and tracking attendance.

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

Dineen Hall Updates: Your Classroom of the (Very Near) Future

The classroom tech in Dineen Hall is due for a refresh.  See what is in store, share with us what you value most, and let us know what you'd like to change.  Is there a fresh new technology you'd like to see implemented?  Let's build a better classroom experience, for you and your students, together.

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023