Zoom Meeting Co-Host

There are two ways to enable the co-host feature on all meetings that you create. You can either enable it from the web or the Desktop client and steps for both are outlined below.

Enabling From the Web

  1. Navigate to https://zoom.us/web/sso/login?en=signin and login to your Syracuse University Zoom account
    1. Instructions for logging in to your SU Zoom account can be found here: Zoom Sign-In through Syracuse University

  2. Select the Settings tab on the left-hand side of the screen

3. Then select the In Meeting (Basic) tab

4. Scroll down and locate the Co-Host option. Enable the option by clicking the button on the right-hand side. 

Enabling From the Desktop Client

  1. In the Zoom desktop app select the Settings Wheel

2. From there select the Profile tab on the left-hand side

3. Once under the Profile tab select View Advanced Features

4. After View Advanced Features is selected a tab should open in your default browser. The remaining steps are the same as enabling co-hosts from the web

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