Children Displays

When to use a Children Display

Quality documentation is specific, concise, and easy to navigate. It is highly recommended that complex documentation be organized into a series of pages, with each page representing distinct processes, work-flows, stages, or optional steps. An example would be if documenting a tutorial and there was a separate process for a Mac user and a Windows user. Within the documentation it is recommended that a Children Display is inserted linking to separate pages; one each for the Mac user and the Windows user.

How to create a Children Display

  1.  Inserting a Children Display can be done in editing mode. On the toolbar, select the plus sign "Insert more content' button shown below.

    Depicts the 'Insert more content' button on the editing toolbar.

  2. Then in the drop down menu, select the 'Other macros' option.

    Depicts the 'Other macros button', which is under the 'Insert more content' button on the editing toolbar.

  3. Children Display can be easily found under the Navigation section.

    Depicts the Children Display button, found under the Navigation section.

  4.  It is recommended to always select the 'Show Descendants' option. If the intention is to display a page hierarchy from another parent then specify which  page tree to display. Otherwise the default is to display all subpages to the current page.

    Depicts the required attribute when creating a Childern Display--select the Show Descendats option.

Design Guidelines

  • It is recommended to always 'Show Descendants' within a Children Display. This allows users to navigate the document thoroughly.
  • When inserting a Children Display, always give the content a section heading; using an appropriate Heading.
  • It is recommended that a Children Display, with the Parent Page of the document at the root of the display, be given a section heading and inserted at the bottom of ever child page. (Example below.)

More about Page Structures

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