Table of Contents

When to use a Table of Contents

A Table of Contents is an automatically generated list of links, linking to content on the same page. Pages with multiple sections should include a Table of Contents, and the Table of Contents should immediately follow the Title of the page. In order for a Table of Contents to automatically format correctly the document must appropriately leverage Headings

How to Insert a Table of Contents

  1. Inserting a Table of Contents can be done in editing mode. On the toolbar, select the plus sign "Insert more content' button shown below.

    Insert more content button, found on the editing toolbar.

  2.  Then in the drop down menu, select the 'Table of Contents' option.

    Insert 'Table of Contents' macro, found under Insert more content on the editing toolbar.

  3. It is recommended to keep the default settings for the Table of Contents.

    Depicts the Table of Contents Properties Page, which we accept defaults.

Design Guidelines

  • Tables of Contents should immediately follow the title of the page.
  • To have a Table of Contents populate automatically format all section names as a Heading.
  • Keep the default 'list' output type.

More about Page Structures