
A Document allows instructors to combine a variety of material for students to view together, such as text, multimedia, and attachments. There are many options for content design with a variety of block types.

Table of Contents

Creating a Document

In the Course Content area, select the plus sign wherever you want to add a document. In the menu, select Create to open the Create Item panel and select Document.


Plus Sign_ Create Content



Create Document.png

You can also expand or create a folder or learning module and add a document.

Document Design

Design Documents by selecting from one of the following block types

Document Block Type

Block Descriptions

Document Block Type

Block Descriptions

Content block

Add content via the content editor

Knowledge check

Knowledge checks test student comprehension of a document by asking a multiple choice or multiple answer question, More info on Knowledge Checks

File upload block

Browse for files on the local machine to upload to the Document

Cloud upload block

Login to a cloud service and select a file to add into the Document

Convert a file block

Browse for files on your local machine. Once selected, the system converts the file into the Document format. Supported file types include PDF, PowerPoint (ppt, pptx, pps), and Word (doc, docx, odt). Converted content should be reviewed for accuracy.

Document Menu Bar

The menu bar remains visible while you scroll through the document, allowing you to view, add, or edit content. When in view mode, the menu bar features an Edit option. Upon selecting Edit, the menu bar reveals the following options:

  • Edit 

  • Add Blocks 

  • Undo/Redo 

  • Cancel 

  • Save 

Resizing and Moving Blocks

Design attractive layouts by resizing and dragging/dropping blocks into columns and rows:

  • Each row includes a menu with options to move or delete the block

  • Each block includes a menu with options to edit, move, or resize, or delete the block

Adding Images

Select Add Content and select the Image button to upload images, or add Stock Images from UnSplash that will be autopopulated by your text, or use the AI-Design Feature and insert an AI-generated image by entering a description and selecting generate.





File Options

  • Choose an Image and and select Next

  • Enter

    • Display Name

    • Alternative Text or Mark Image as Decorative

    • and choose File Option: View and Download, View Only, or Download Only

  • Save



Accessibility Checker (Powered by Ally)

The Ultra Accessibility Checker scans content in the rich content editor for documents to identify accessibility issues. It offers explanations about these issues and offers quick fixes to address them, making your content accessible. Select the Score Gauge indicator that displays to the right of content item within your Document to access the results.



Document Visibility

Show or hide the document. You can also set availability conditions based on date, time, and performance on other items in the course gradebook. On the Course Content page, students can see when the document is set to be available.

Document Settings

Allow class conversations: What if your students have questions? You can allow conversations within a document, and anyone can contribute

Add an optional description: The description appears with the document title on the Course Content page and can be helpful to your students before they select the content item.

The "Goals & standards" feature is a program/curriculum-level planning tool and is not in active use by any college or department at SU.

Example / Idea of Completed Document



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com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'ivy-ai' is unknown.