Global Diversity Course List

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Effective Spring 2021

Organized by applicability to the following:

  • Communication requirement (or free elective)

  • Humanity requirement (also LA or free elective)

  • Natural Science requirement (also LA or free elective)

  • Social Science requirement (also LA or free elective)

  • Free elective only

Students must complete at least 1 global diversity course or participate in an academic study abroad program

Communication Courses

College of Visual and Performing Arts

CRS 430 Intercultural Communication

Humanity Courses

African American Studies

AAS 207 Survey of African Music
AAS 241 African Religions, An Introduction


ANT 185 Global Encounters: World Views and Values Cross-Culturally
ANT 202/LIN 202 Languages of the World
ANT 273/NAT 244/REL 244 Indigenous Religions

English Language & Textual Studies

ETS 315 Ethnic Literatures and Cultures

History of Music

HOM 285 Introduction to World Music
HOM 383 Worlds of Dance
HOM 384/SAS 385 Music and Dance of India

Latino-Latin American Studies

LAS 463/SPA 463 Contemporary Latin American Theatre
LAS 465/SPA 465 Literature and Popular Culture


LIN 202/ANT 202 Languages of the World
LIN472/ANT 472/WGS 472 Language, Culture and Society

Literature in Translation

LIT/MES 336 Arabic Cultures

Middle Eastern Studies

MES/REL/SAS 165 Discovering Islam
MES/LIT 336 Arabic Cultures

Native American Studies

NAT 244/REL 244/ANT 273 Indigenous Religions


PHI 363/PSC 363 Ethics and International Relations
PHI 379 American Slavery and the Holocaust

Queer Sexuality

QSX 112 Sexualities, Genders, Bodies


REL 101 Religions of the World
REL 102 Religion Today in a Globalizing World
REL 135/JSP 135 Judaism
REL 165/SAS 165 Islam
REL 185/SAS 185 Hinduism
REL 186/SAS 186 Buddhism
REL 244/ANT 273/NAT 244 Indigenous Religions
REL 281/AAS 241 African Religions: An Introduction
REL 283/SAS 283 India’s Religious Worlds
REL 342 Israeli Palestinian Conflict
REL 367/SAS 367 Islamic Arts and Aesthetics
REL 384/SAS 384/WGS 384 Goddesses, Women and Power in Hinduism
REL 385 Religion in Chinese Society
REL 387 Confucianism and Buddhism in Everyday Asian Life
REL 465/SAS 465/WGS 465 Gender, Politics and Islamic Societies
REL 471/ANT 471 Religion and Society in Brazil
REL/SJSP/PHI/PSC 379 American Slavery and the Holocaust
REL 487 Global Hinduism

South American Studies

SAS 165/REL 165 Islam
SAS 185/REL 185 Hinduism
SAS 186/REL 186 Buddhism
SAS 283/REL 283 India’s Religious Worlds
SAS 384/REL 384/WGS 384 Goddesses, Women and Power in Hinduism
SAS 385/HOM 384 Music and Dance of India
SAS 465/REL 465/WGS 465 Gender, Politics and Islamic Societies

Spanish Language & Culture

SPA 463/LAS Contemporary Latin American Theatre
SPA 465/LAS Literature and Popular Culture

Women & Gender Studies

WGS 384/REL 384/SAS 384 Goddesses, Women and Power in Hinduism
WGS 465/REL 465/SAS 465 Gender, Politics and Islamic Societies

Natural Science Courses

Earth Science

EAR 111 Climate Change Past and Present
EAR 345 Global Change: Geologic Record

Social Science Courses

African American Studies

AAS 202 Caribbean Society Since Independence
AAS 309 Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Diaspora
AAS 325 Pan Africanism
AAS 341 Politics of Africa
AAS 346/PSC 346 Comparative Third World Politics
AAS 364/PSC 364 African International Relations
AAS 365 International Political Economy of the Third World
AAS 445/SOC 445/WGS 445 The Caribbean: Sex Workers, Transnational Capital and Tourism


ANT 111 Introduction to Anthropology
ANT 121 Peoples and Cultures of the World
ANT 201/WGS 201 Transnational Feminist Studies
ANT 318 African Cultures
ANT 322/LAS 318 South American Cultures
ANT 323 Peoples & Cultures of North America
ANT 324/SAS 324/WGS 324 Modern South Asian Cultures
ANT 357 Health, Healing and Culture
ANT 365 Sexual Attraction in Cross Cultural Perspective
ANT 367/GEO 367/WGS 367 Gender in a Globalizing World
ANT 372 Issues in Intercultural Conflict and Communications
ANT 382/PHP 382/MES 382 Health in the MiddleEast
ANT 428 Transformation of Eastern Europe
ANT 455 Culture and AIDS
ANT 462/PHP 462/WGS 462 Culture and Reproductive Health and Medicine
ANT 463/PHP 463 Global Health
ANT 466 Culture and Sexual Behavior
ANT 479 Anthropology of Global Transformation

Asian/Asian American Studies

AAA 101 Introduction to Asian American Studies


ECN 365 The World Economy


GEO 105 World Geography
GEO 203 Society and the Politics of Nature
GEO 215 Global Environmental Change
GEO 272 World Cultures
GEO 273 World Political Economy
GEO 333 Southeast Asia
GEO 361 Global Economic Geography
GEO 367/ANT 367/WGS 367 Gender in a Globalizing World


HST 319 Middle East in the 20thCentury
HST 321 Modern China
HST 323/LAS 313 Modern Latin America
HST 324/LAS 324 Recent Latin American History
HST 329/SAS 329 Making of Modern India
HST 367 Plague to AIDS
HST 368/PSC 368/MES 368 Islam and the West
HST 372 Race in Latin America
HST 395 Modern Japan
HST 397 Modern Korea

Latino-Latin American Studies

LAS 313/HST 323 Modern Latin America
LAS 318 South American Cultures
LAS 324/HST 324 Recent Latin American History
LAS 333/PSC 333 Politics of Latin America
LAS 358 Latin American International Relations
LAS 371/WGS 371 Gender in Latin American History
LAS 372/HST 372/NAT 372 Race in Latin America


MAX 132 Global Community

Middle Eastern Studies

MES 319 The Middle East in the 20thCentury
MES 344/PSC 344 Politics of the Middle East
MES 349/PSC 345 Politics of Iran
MES 465 Gender Politics in Islam
MES 367/PSC 367 Oil, Water and War
MES 368/HST 368/PSC 368 Islam and the West
MES 382/ANT 382/PHP 382 Health in the Middle East

Native American Studies

NAT 323/ANT 323 Peoples and Cultures of North America
NAT 372/HST 372/LAS 372 Race in Latin America

Political Science

PSC 124 International Relations
PSC 333/LAS 333 Politics of Latin America
PSC 335 Politics of East Asia
PSC 338 Comparative Political Parties
PSC 339 Transitions to Democracy
PSC 341/AAS 341 Politics of Africa
PSC 344/MES 344 Politics of the Middle East
PSC 345/MES 349 Islam and Politics in Asia
PSC 346/AAS 346 Comparative Third World Politics
PSC 347 Politics of Russia
PSC 342 International Law
PSC 350 Problems in International Relations
PSC 352 International Law
PSC 353 International Organization
PSC 354 Human Rights and Global Affairs
PSC 355 International Political Economy
PSC 356 Political Conflict
PSC 358/LAS 358 Inter-American Relations
PSC 363/PHI 363 Ethics and International Relations
PSC 364/AAS 364 African International Relations
PSC 365/AAS 365 International Political Economy of the Third World
PSC 367/MES 367 Oil, Water and the War
PSC 368/HST 368/MES 368 Islam and the West
PSC 369 Global Migration
PSC 412/IRP 412 Global Governance: The United Nations System

Public Affairs and Citizenship

PAF 351 Global Social Problems

Queer Sexuality

QSX 111 Queer Histories, Communities, and Politics
QSX 447 Sexualities and Genders in World Teen Culture


SOC 309/AAS 309/WGS 309 Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Diaspora
SOC 409 Sociology of the Globalization of Music
SOC 421 Population Issues
SOC 434 Globalization and Social Change
SOC 445/AAS 445/WGS 445 The Caribbean: Sex Workers, Transnational Capital and Tourism
SOC 447 Social Change and Conflict in Modern China

South Asian Studies

SAS 324/ANT 324/WGS 324 Modern South Asian Cultures
SAS 329/HST 329 Making of Modern India

Women and Gender Studies

WGS 201/ANT 201 Transnational Feminist Studies
WGS 309/AAS 309/SOC 309 Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Diaspora
WGS 324/ANT 324/SAS 324 Modern South Asian Cultures
WGS 367/ANT 367/GEO 367 Gender in a Globalizing World
WGS 439 Women, Gender and Violence in a Transnational Context
WGS 445/AAS 445/SOC 445 The Caribbean: Sex Workers, Transnational Capital and Tourism
WGS 447/QSX 447 Sexualities and Genders in World Teen Culture
WGS 455/ANT 455 Culture and AIDS
WGS 462/ANT 462/PHP 462 Culture and Reproductive Health and Medicine

Free Electives only

Falk College

CFS 367 Child and Family in Cross Cultural Perspectives
PHP 408 Addictions in Cultural Context
SPM 381 International Sports Relations

Note: PHP/ANT 363 Global Health, PHP/ANT/WGS 462 Culture and Reproductive Health and Medicine, and PHP/ANT/MES 382 Health in the Middle East meet a social science, LA elective or free elective requirement

School of Information and Technology

GET 234 Effective Collaboration in a Globally Distributed Environment
GET 235 Leveraging Emerging Technologies
GET 471 Internship in Global Enterprise Technology
GET 481 IT-Enabled Innovation and Change within a Global Enterprise