PHP 667: Graduate Practicum in Public Health Student Handbook
Table of Contents:
- 1 Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1.1 Overview
- 2 Chapter 2: Responsibilities
- 3 Chapter 3: Timelines and Procedures
- 3.1 APE Milestone Steps
- 3.2 Prior to APE Milestone (1st Semester of Study)
- 3.3 Step 1: Attend APE Information Session
- 3.4 Step 2: Complete APE Application and Submit Resume via Tevera
- 3.5 Step 3: Meet with APE Coordinator
- 3.6 Step 4: Placement Search and Approval
- 3.7 Step 5: APE Proposal
- 3.8 Step 6: APE Proposal Committee Meeting
- 3.9 Step 7: APE Approval
- 3.10 Step 8: During APE (PHP 667)
- 3.11 APE Timeline
- 4 Chapter 4: Field Placements
- 4.1 Placements
- 4.2 Contracts
- 4.3 Employment based
- 5 Appendix
Chapter 1: Introduction
The APE, or Applied Practice Experience (PHP 667), is a required 150 hour, 3-credit practicum course in the Master of Public Health (MPH) program at Syracuse University. The purpose of this experience is for students to engage in public health practice and show competency in public health knowledge and skills.
The major components of this course include:
Completion of 150 field hours with a public health or related agency.
Submission of a portfolio, which includes at least two (2) deliverables showcasing competency in at least five (5) MPH competencies, of which at least three (3) must be foundational competencies.
Four (4) online, asynchronous seminars
Weekly journals
Product/deliverable drafts for feedback.
Meetings with PHP 667 instructor and APE committee.
APE Eligibility is contingent on:
Eighteen (18) credits of applicable MPH coursework completed.
Completion of the APE milestone prior to enrollment in PHP 667.
PHP 667 Instructor/APE Coordinator Contact:
Susan Coots
Chapter 2: Responsibilities
Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for:
Completing the Applied Practice Preparation Milestone.
Completion of PHP 667 assignments.
Completing at least 200 hours of direct field experience; hours of which should be spent working towards attaining proficiency in core public health competencies.
Engaging with the public health workforce and stakeholders according to professional and ethical guidelines.
Actively engaging with site supervisor and PHP 667 instructor to discuss any issues or concerns with practicum placement.
Actively seeking feedback from APE committee to receive guidance on APE deliverables through-out the semester.
PHP 667 Instructor Responsibilities
The PHP 667 instructor is responsible for:
Discussing readiness to complete the APE.
Advising students on practicum placements and necessary tasks that must be completed prior to placement.
Advising and mentoring students prior to, during, and after the placement.
Serves as chair to the APE Committee.
Consulting with site supervisor, as needed.
Assessing required student work.
Applied Practice Experience Committee
The Applied Practice Experience Committee is responsible for:
Reviewing the applied practice proposal submitted for the milestone and meeting with the student to suggest revisions or alternate practice activities and products if needed.
Reviewing drafts of deliverables as outlines in the APE proposal and providing guidance and revision suggestions prior to portfolio submission
Reviewing PHP 667 portfolio, meeting with the student to discuss revisions if needed, and completing the evaluation rubric.
Field Site Supervisor Responsibilities
The field site supervisor is responsible for:
Working with the student and PHP 667 instructor to establish a placement plan; to include tasks/responsibilities for student during placement.
Providing mentorship and guidance as student engages in public health practice; providing appropriate public health activities and tasks to complete during experience on day-to-day basis.
Completing mid and final evaluations on the student performance during the field placement.
Meeting with the student regularly during the field placement and providing adequate public health opportunities for the student to engage in.
Consulting with the PHP 667 instructor, as needed.
Chapter 3: Timelines and Procedures
APE Milestone Steps
The APE is a pre-planned experience. Students must complete the APE Milestone preparation activities prior to enrollment in PHP 667 (APE).
Prior to APE Milestone (1st Semester of Study)
All students enroll in PHP 675, a 0-credit course which allows access to pre-planning tasks.
Step 1: Attend APE Information Session
An information session is held every September. The information session provides an overview of the APE Milestone, as well as the APE guidelines and expectations.
Additional information about the APE Milestone, as well as the APE guidelines and expectations can be found on the "APE Milestone" Blackboard organization of which all MPH students have access to.
Step 2: Complete APE Application and Submit Resume via Tevera
The APE application and upload for students resume can be found on "Tevera," Falk's website for planning and oversite of internships/practicums. Students can access "Tevera" by visiting the PHP 675 Pre-planning Course Blackboard and clicking the "Tevera" link of the main page.
Step 3: Meet with APE Coordinator
Schedule a meeting with the APE Coordinator to discuss placement opportunities, planning, expectations, etc.
Step 4: Placement Search and Approval
Work the the APE Coordinator and APE Committee to review placement opportunities.
Important notes regarding placements
Placements must be able to provide public health practice opportunities. Research is not appropriate for the APE.
Syracuse University Legal policy dictates that students must have a scope of work (letter of agreement) or placement contract with any agency a student is placed for an internship or practicum.
Step 5: APE Proposal
Students must submit a proposal detailing the placement, activities, deliverables, and competencies to be met. This proposal is submitted to the APE Committee for review. Proposal requirements and template located on the APE Milestone Blackboard Organization.
Step 6: APE Proposal Committee Meeting
All proposals are reviewed by the APE Committee. The committee provides feedback and suggested revisions to the proposal, as well reviews for appropriateness in meeting APE requirements. Each student will meet with the committee to review their proposal and receive feedback. The committee must approve the proposal for the student to move forward.
Step 7: APE Approval
Students cannot enroll in PHP 667 until the steps above are complete.
Students cannot begin their placement until the official first date of the semester enrolled in PHP 667 AND they have received approval from the APE Committee AND a contract/letter of agreement/offer letter is secured from the placement agency.
Step 8: During APE (PHP 667)
Placement begins on or after day 1 of the semester, but not before.
Complete 150 hours of field work and create products which prove proficiency in public health competencies, as outlined in the APE proposal.
*Note: We recognize that the applied practice experience is fluid, and that agency needs evolve and therefore the competencies to be demonstrated as initially listed in the APE proposal may change during the course of the experience. When this occurs, the student discusses the changes and the related work product to be produced with the APE Committee before proceeding.
Complete assignments per the PHP 667 syllabus.
Maintain contact with the PHP 667 instructor. Semi-monthly check-in meetings required.
Meet with the Applied Practice Experience Committee as needed.
APE Timeline
| Summer APE | Fall APE | Spring APE |
APE Information Session | September, Year 1 | September, Year 1 | September, Year 1 |
Submit PHP 667 application materials Meet with APE coordinator to discuss placement ideas, opportunities, etc. Note: Students interested in going abroad for their APE must submit their application at least 1 month prior to the dates listed on the right. | Application due: January 15th | Application due: April 15th | Application due: Sep 15th |
Secure placement | Proposal due: April 1st | Proposal due: July 1st | Proposal due: |
APE Proposal review, edit, and approval process | Approval needed by: | Approval needed by: August 1st | Approval needed by: January 1st |
Enroll in PHP 667, begin placement upon official start date of summer semester | May | August | January |
Chapter 4: Field Placements
The placement process is a collaborative process between the PHP 667 Instructor, the student, and potential placement agencies.
Placement agencies must provide sufficient public health practice opportunities and supervisors that can appropriately oversee graduate level public health practice activities. Students may work with a variety of non-profit or for-profit agencies but should avoid academic institutions and research-based organizations.
Students discuss placement interests and receive final placement approval from the PHP 667 instructor.
The university must have a valid contract with any agency a student is placed. The contract process can take up to 3-4