Ultra Courses – Course Content Instructions

Instruction pages provide general-purpose information and walk-throughs on how to use specific Blackboard Ultra features, functions, or settings. 

Use Instruction pages if you need a step-by-step guide to accomplishing a specific task in Blackboard Ultra, if you want a technical description of a particular Blackboard Ultra tool, or if you are trying to troubleshoot a feature that is not working the way that you expected. 

Course Content Instructions
  • Ultra Course - Assignments

    The Assignment tool allows students to submit work to their instructor to grade, provide feedback, and include in the grade center.

  • Ultra Course – Batch Edit

    Batch edit is a tool that can be used to change visibility, release conditions, and due dates. This tool can also be used to batch delete content. Batch editing saves instructors valuable time when maintaining and updating their courses. 

  • Ultra Course - Content Visibility and Release Conditions

    Blackboard Ultra allows instructors to control the visibility of course content by making items visible or hidden to students,  or by setting content release conditions based on date time, user/group ID, or grade performance. 

  • Ultra Course - Copying Content

    This page reviews the process for copying content in ultra courses with special emphasis on concerns when copying original content into ultra.

  • Ultra Course - Course Links

    Course Links can be used to create multiple access points to course content without excessive scrolling and/or hunting within folders or modules. 

  • Ultra Course - Create Content

    You can create a folder or learning module.  Once created, you can expand the folder or learning module and then add content.  Visit our Course Structures Answers page for guidance on how you can use modules and folders to organize your course content.  Additionally, you can visit the Course Structure Gallery Answers page to see examples of courses offered at Syracuse University that demonstrate approaches other instructors are using to organize their Blackboard Ultra courses.

  • Ultra Course - Discussions

    Discussions allow students to make public posts and read and reply to each others' contributions. Discussions can be included alongside other items in the Course Content area, or organized separately in the Discussions area. 

  • Ultra Course - Documents

    The "Document" item provides Instructors the ability to create multimedia content and resources for their students. 

  • Ultra Course - Forms

    Forms can be used to gather information from students using several types of questions including multiple choice and Likert (opinion) scale. Forms are ungraded by default, and questions added to a form have no defined right answer. 

  • Ultra Course - Journals

    Journals allow students to submit multiple written responses or files in a single location, such as for a weekly activity log. Journals are private between student and instructor, and can be graded or ungraded. 

  • Ultra Course - Modules and Folders

    Blackboard Ultra Course View (UCV) has two primary options for organizing your course content: Folders and Modules. This document introduces both and discusses some of their key differences.

    • Ultra Course - AI Module Generator

      This page presents how the Blackboard Ultra AI Design Assistant tool can help instructors by generating modules. The modules generated with the Ultra AI Design Assistant contain a module topic, module description, and related module image. The tool does not provide the content of the module. 

  • Ultra Course - Question Banks

    Question Banks (formerly called Question Pools in original course view) allow instructors to store, reuse, and randomize test questions across multiple assessments. 

  • Ultra Course - Tests

    The Test tool allows instructors to create, assign, and grade assessments with multiple questions such as a quiz or exam in Blackboard.

  • Ultra Course - Text Editor

    The text editor appears anywhere you can add text, such as documents, assignments, tests, discussion boards and journals. 

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