Ultra Courses – Student Resources Index

This is the main Index page for student questions and information about Blackboard Ultra courses.


Instruction pages provide general-purpose information and walkthroughs on how to use specific Blackboard Ultra features, functions, or settings. 

Search Instruction pages if you have questions about a specific feature in Blackboard Ultra, need a step-by-step guide to perform a common instructional task, want a full technical description of all settings options for an Ultra feature, or if you are trying to troubleshoot a feature that is not working the way that you expected. 


Idea pages offer general reference guides, examples, or discussions of different solutions to instructional technology challenges, listing and summarizing available information on broad topics related to teaching with Blackboard Ultra and other online learning tools, with links to other relevant Answers pages. 

Search Ideas pages if you are trying to narrow down a general question to identify the most relevant technology resources, if you want an overview of the available tools and features related to an instructional topic, or if you are looking for examples or ideas of how to set up an Ultra course in different ways. 

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