Ultra Course - Gradebook

Gradebook in the Ultra Course View

The gradebook can be used to manage and record student grades throughout the semester.  Grade columns are automatically added when you create an assignment, exam, journal or discussion.  You can manually add columns for items, class activities or projects done offline, or to grade things like class participation.

Access the Gradebook

In the Ultra Course View, you access the Gradebook from the top navigation menu.

Select a View - List or Grid

You can display your gradebook in list view or grid view. You can switch between views anytime to display your gradebook in the manner most appropriate to your current task. The list view is the default, but each course will retain your last used view.

List view can display gradable items sorted by name, due date, post status, or gradings status, which provides a count of ungraded submissions. 

Grid view shows displays a row for each student and columns for each gradable item. An item's total points and grading status are displayed at the top. A label, " New Submission," is displayed in cells where students have submitted work.  Manage a submission or assign a grade by clicking anywhere in a cell.  After assigning a value, click anywhere outside the grade area to save it.

Students can only view grades after they've been posted. They can be posted individually from a grid view cell, or for an item from the grid view column header or the list view item menu button.

List View

Grid View

Filter options

In list view, click the column headers to sort by Item, Due Date, Grading Status and Post.

Grid view can be searched and filtered by student, column, or category. For a quick search, enter characters in the search box at the top. Clicking a result will filter the view to a selection. Clear the search by clicking the "X" at the end of the search bar and restore the full grid view.

The Filter button allows you to search and limit by multiple criteria simultaneously and allows you to display groups. Click "Filter" to open a panel to select criteria and apply them. Clear filters by clicking where they appear above the grid view.

If you'll be using a particular filter frequently, you can bookmark the filter in your browser and access it later.

Manage Gradable Items

Add Manual Item or Grade Calculation

Hover your mouse between two items until you see the purple plus sign.  Click on the purple plus to add a manual column or add a grade calculation.

  • Add Item: Add a row for coursework, such as a participation grade.  Your title is limited to 255 characters.  Choose the grade unit, such as points or letter, make it available to students and assign it a category.
  • Add Calculation: Add a row for a calculation, such as an average assignments grade.

Download Gradebook

Upload Gradebook

Search by Submission Receipt

Gradebook Settings

  • Change the default grading schema
  • View gradebook categories
  • Create and manage rubrics
  • Prevent the assignment of automatic zeroes when an assignment due date passes
  • Set grades to post automatically

Rearrange Gradebook Items

Rearrange gradebook items by hovering your mouse to the left of the three dot menu of the item you want to move.  When you see the the two paired arrows, you can left click to drag and drop the item. You can also use your keyboard to tab to the control to select and move the item with your arrow keys.

Note: You can only rearrange items in list view but changes will also be visible in the grid view.

View Gradable Submissions

The submissions panel provides a summary of the grading status including who has submitted and what items you've previously graded. From here you can search for a particular student's submission or you can filter by Student Status or Grading Status.

Clicking a student in the submission panel will open the submission. If you have submissions yet to grade, you can use the arrows at the top of the page to navigate between them.

You can add or edit exceptions and exemptions from the submission panel by clicking the menu button at the end of a student's row.

Note: The submissions panel is only available in the Gradebook in list view, but you can also access submissions by browsing to the item's location in the content area of the course. 

View All Students

View by Individual Student

See a list of all submissions and their status for a single student by clicking their name in either list view or grid view. From the student page you can view their activity in the course, send them a message, or create accommodations.

Clicking an item from this view will open panel to enter a grade and feedback.

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